Thursday, March 3, 2011

Create A Paragraph From These Words

The measure of things in Taoism

The first consideration that we must continue to address this issue is the very symbol of the Tao mentioned in the previous post .

To sum represents the symbol of the Tao:

  • moderate stance as all positions are only nuances between the two extremes
  • Moderate adversity as two positions seem irreconcilable at times are closer than you can imagine
  • include other locations as we could see the commonalities with our beliefs
  • abandon any intransigent position as this position often collapses on itself confronted with other . In practice
  • strip of tinsel mental limitations are often only imaginary.
So what in Taoism is considered a "far" when in extreme positions, while "close" when and modest life in balance between two extremes, dynamic equilibrium in reality as already seen in the post on January 12 .

said Now let's address the concept of measurement, much studied by science, philosophy and analyzed in the end we find him in all that surrounds us. Today

a measure of something indicates a value indicated by an instrument subject to, though small error of assessment, according to a grading scale.
Basically if you take a ruler with millimeters marked and take a measurement, such as the outcome will be: 12.5 cm + / - 1 mm
That is all possible values \u200b\u200bfrom 12.4 to 12.5 in the scale of cm.

This concept of error, which seems so modern science, actually it was quite known in almost all civilizations in history.

fact, for example, one of the discussions with breath that gave more pro-West in the ancient Platonists was that if you gave a meter to several people and they were told to measure an object, the data they reported varied depending on the person, not because of inability and this time was attributed to the sensitivity of the sense organs .....

Today we know that the best gauge of the world itself, because of its regulatory process, an implicit error, regardless of how far man.

Just know that the concept of measurement and how this set of values \u200b\u200bin a neighborhood likely was and still is today, still a topic of discussion both scientific and philosophical. The ancient

Chinese, of course, could not be outdone by the other cultures, but they tried to consider as a means of measuring the man, and as an object by measuring the spirit and all the non-material ....

The problem with which you had to compare was the scale of measurement .... what use?
If you use the justice which must be? The divine or the human?
If you use the beauty that must be? The outer or the intellectual?
If you use the intelligence that must be? The absolute (God) or the human?
By dint of questioning will soon arrive at the concept of harmony with the universe ... that this seems so esoteric but in the end is very practical ...

We continue following the old basic concepts, so-called principles (already set out in the past)
  • cyclicity principle: Everything is cyclical
  • Principle of change: Everything is changing
  • Principle of change: The first substance does not change, only changes the shape
  • balance principle: Everything is in constant balance
everything they try to force these standards or who attempt to violate them enter into disharmony and then "leaves"
Anything that encourages the natural unfolding of these principles "approaches"

said then we have that harmony with the Basic Principles set to be somber at the locations is the zero point, everything that moves away from this creates a segment and it is estimated ... To simplify

with a scheme:

The problem was precisely at this point, because then the sensitivity of the measuring instrument .... If anything, the problem was finding a way to write and describe these measures ....

Eventually it was found in a somewhat 'strange but very simple: the trigrams and hexagrams.

Long story short (there are whole books on Taoist canons in these signs) These show the distance that each element has its original matrix or the Tao .... said more simply, by the harmony and tranquility that we all seek.

At this point needs to understand this exercise with an example.
Imagine doing the following exercise:
How do you feel? What are those thoughts that you do not sleep at night?
Imagine that your concerns are focused on a too fiery of your soul that is providing some more trouble than usual ... then the excess is your fire and your weakness is its antithesis water ...
Fire and Water will be two trigrams on the scale of harmony, one over the other will report your your lack .... then two measures true!

And at this point we feel a whole financial year (this time without losing the meaning of trigrams and hexagrams):
  • Take a moment and concentrate,
  • on what you are lacking in your nature to feel better in the world?
  • What your character goes beyond sober and you would need to feel better in the world?
  • Write it on a sheet divided into two by putting the surplus on a column and the other shortcomings.
  • Repeat the exercise until the sheet is not full ...
  • Now hide the weaknesses. On
  • ask your surplus, one by one, such as moderation or vent in a way that affects less on your character, for example, if a surplus is your nervousness, you have to do to relax and exercise, plan your week so you can do plenty of exercise.
  • Without the surpluses we pass the shortcomings by turning the page and hiding surpluses. On
  • ask your weaknesses one by one, as strengthening so that it affects more about your character, for example, if a shortage is your security in yourself, and an activity that makes you safer is to paint, the planned your week so that you can paint and very quiet.
  • Now open the paper and verified to be able to integrate all activities, giving them a priority and importance ... so ..... ACT NOW!

ok, this is all soon!


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