Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's The Regular Size Equivalent Of A Husky 7


The work of art in ' chainsaws was: "The debate
sull'impazzimento the art world has now become part of the same madness and it is possible that someone will soon make sure to turn it into a work of art. The find of communication, impromptu inventions, the figures inflated by a system with logic elusive prevail for some time on an idea of \u200b\u200bart as we used to think, and this is probably art, and must therefore retain the moral high ground and be restricted to observe and try to understand the developments, which often generate fascinating stories and debates the many contradictions and dilemmas.

One of the biggest leaps of this invention run in recent years has been the construction of the artist known as Banksy, has become perhaps the most celebrity the art world thanks to his being personally unknown. Then it happens that makes even the street art, drawings and works on the walls all over the world, immediate and recognizable enough to have become familiar even to the mainstream press and the public less than an art expert. Now is the center of a new controversy, typical of the contradictions mentioned above.
Since January last year after the debut film Banksy
Exit Through the Gift Shop at the Sundance Festival, appeared
graffiti artist around American cities, as occurred the first projections. Sometimes the image appears on the official website
of Banksy, and this was the only evidence that the graffiti were indeed his, since it has a host of imitators and does not authenticate his pieces. How
tells the Wall Street Journal
few days later, the director of the gallery Carl Goines has convinced his father and his colleagues Jacob Martinez and Eric Froh reach the dilapidated wall with a Bobcat mini-tractor, a pickup, a blowtorch and a saw powered by mason gas, with a blade from $ 400 brand new. For two days they worked in the sunshine to cut about six square meters of wall with graffiti, then they removed the wall el'hanno brought to their art gallery. After being exposed to the public free of charge for ten days in late May the work was hidden in the store: the gallery had received emails and anonymous phone calls threatening to destroy or deface the graffiti.

The "theft" of the piece of wall with a picture of Banksy has given rise to a legal dispute between the gallery and the owners of the former Packard factory from 1987, Bioresource Inc., which sued last July the 555 Gallery at the court of Wayne County. The Bioresource seeking to recover the work, estimating the value of up to one hundred thousand dollars. According to the company's legal, graffiti belongs to the owners of the wall, because Banksy has entered their property without permission and then abandoned his creation there. An office of Bioresource pointed out that the foreman contacted in the area had no authority to represent the owners, but the gallery defends himself by saying he did not commit any crime carrying off the wall because it did not remove any scrap metal, the only thing that could have value in the rubble of a building. The gallery has announced its intention to move forward and which will exhibit the work in another abandoned building, a former police warehouse, to replicate the environment where it has taken.
to mess things even more, when he learned of the lawsuit the office of Mayor Dave Bing began to investigate the back taxes that the company has since 2006 for the property area, where he also seized vehicles from demolition. The administration the city has a score to settle with the Bioresource, which has supported a long legal battle for ownership of the very complex, the lost city of Detroit in 2007. The next trial hearing is set Bioresource-555 Gallery March 28.
addition to the owners of the establishment, also part of the art world has shown concern towards the move of 555: according to a local art critic, Banksy's painting has meaning only in context of street art is a serious mistake and move . In an article
    on Saturday, Christopher Hawthorne, who works as an architect for the Los Angeles Times
  • , also stolen from the case of graffiti of Banksy for questions about the role that a work of art has the context in which it was conceived and produced, and the ability to move from its original setting, the factory in Detroit.
  • The factory belonged to the abandoned Packard, maker of luxury cars, he did design the facility of the famous Detroit architect Albert Kahn
  • German origin. The work of the complex of 325,000 square meters was completed in 1903. Its construction criteria were innovative for their use of reinforced concrete instead of wood, and aroused the curiosity of Henry Ford, founder of the car, a few years later made its own projects, the establishment of Highland Kahn Park near Detroit, where Ford will build the famous T. Overwhelmed with the whole crisis by Detroit car industry after the Second World War, the factory closed in 1956, two years before the mark disappears Packard. Since then it has been used and has been slowly into disrepair. Today, only one of the buildings houses a small chemical company, and the rest of the complex is only used occasionally as a movie set: a few scenes of Terminator 3 are shot here. In recent years, the former factory conditions are worsened, because the city of Detroit, after losing the lawsuit for the property, withdrew its guards from the entrances. It followed by repeated thefts of steel structures that have caused several collapses. The windows are almost all broken pieces of concrete fall on neighboring streets, and the area is full of holes in the ground uncovered piles of garbage, clogged drains and pieces of the ceiling collapsed from which protruding iron bars.

  • Detroit's decline began in the fifties and since then many buildings have remained empty, slowly going to ruin hotels, cinemas, schools, courts, swimming pools, libraries, shopping malls and the spectral Michigan Central Station. The spectacle of this decline has attracted filmmakers and photographers, and the ruins of Detroit appear at the beginning of a

  • Chrysler commercials aired during the last Super Bowl. The people of Detroit are not at all happy that art inspired by the ruins of their city as "the ruin porn" as it is called.
  • And indeed there is in Detroit and there was something else: to be limited to music, the beginnings of punk with the MC5 and the Stooges, the '70s with Alice Cooper and the legendary Motown label (that of Stewie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, among others), hip-hop Eminem. When art is born from the ruins in Detroit, seeks to transform them into something new. In the '80s and '90s, the same site of the rave party held Packard all night long: the former factory is one of the birthplaces of the international techno and dance scene. Even today, young people explore the abandoned complex, covering the walls with graffiti, they barbecue on the rooftops.



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