Friday, March 11, 2011

Older Golden Retrievers Cyst

Taoism and socialization

often today, who is part of the new age movement, speaks of socialization as a bad thing, taking the example of Western society and its specific dystonias.

In practice fall into the error of thinking that our society is the best possible, when it is simply the result of a series of events, wars, technology, capitalization, competition, drastic environmental changes, etc.. as opposed to the pursuit of democracy, systems more or less republican constitutional or otherwise, the search for equity between men and utopia of liberation, and so on.

If we however consider that our Western society, and westernized, it's just one of the companies as possible, we suddenly realize that the problems in the field of research and spiritual well-being does not mean they are necessarily constrained by socialization.

But what is socialization?
is meant by the set of social interactions that a person has with others of their species, in practice the socialization for the human race is nothing but the set of relationships that every human being has with other human beings. So
friendships, romantic relationships, colleagues, acquaintances, family, etc..

According to some sociological theories exist a maximum of 6 Steps to connect any human being on earth, meaning steps as the relationship between two people, I make an example:
many steps there are between a person like us and the American President Obama?

Let's consider that you know a person, the understanding between you and this person is a step, according to this theory, enough for 6 passages have shown to President Obama.

Now let's see it differently:
Every relationship with another person is a thread of spider's web, the entire web is our society, we are just nodes in this web.

What if instead of being static nodes Instead we had real spiders moving from one thread to another? Our
number of acquaintances, friendships, romantic relationships, etc.. increase exponentially, thus giving us the opportunity to become primary actors in our society, but it would take to transform from nodes to spiders?
In short, confidence in the near

Only through faith in the next you can move quickly from one relationship to another, remaining in touch with the people we came to know in the meantime.
The more people know, the more our ability to have a say in society increases, and this is even more valid in democratic systems and Republicans like ours.
Also more people know the more we are able to obtain useful information for our survival, such as potential jobs, opportunities, and all information that could greatly simplify our lives ....
If the material things we make life easier, so we would have more energy and time to devote to spiritual matters, welfare, and migliormaneto staff.

This Taoist philosophy had already been processed, and the sample in this area was Confucius. According to Confucius

a society in "harmony with the universe" is based on trust "of the peasant against his vassal, the vassal in respect of its peasant "(we timed around 500 BC ...)

But that's just the thought of Confucius explained on Wikipedia:
His personal philosophy was based on ethics and political correctness on social relationships, justice, respect for authority and hierarchical family, honesty and sincerity.

Confucius gives further support to Taoism, Taoist philosophy with bringing "down to earth."
After exploring the way mystical and alchemical Taoism, with Confucius, analyzes the society they live in (corrupt and decadent) in the most logical and ruthless as possible, thereby creating a new piece of that huge puzzle we now know as Taoist philosophy.

of Confucius, like Socrates, we are not sure of his exact words, because his most famous were citatori Xun Zi and Mencius , who were opposed to each other different ideas.

is a fact that Confucius concluded the following: A company
"good" is based on the behavior of individuals and in particular:
  • ethics
  • The correctness of social relations on respect for others
  • honesty of the individual

In this way the social order becomes natural, not imposed, entering resonate with the spirit of each person who made that company.

In contrast, a company that teaches the "cunning", the order must be imposed by force, the judicial system will become clogged, the political system will focus on economic capacities of individuals, which to hoard goods, will disonensti and profiteers in the social relations, creating a mechanism that will bite the tail, eventually leading to self-destruction of individuals, social, and then, at least in their spiritual side. (Do not remember any company we know?)

Only a few aphorisms of Confucius just to taste the character:

Who wants to procure the good of others has already secured his own.

In a country well governed poverty is something we should be ashamed of.

The superior man understands what is right, the inferior man what sells.

I do not regret being unknown to men, but I regret not to know.

not worry about the fact that people do not know you, worried that perhaps does not deserve to be known.

When prosperity comes, do not use it all.

If you meet someone believes they know everything and be able to do everything you can not go wrong, he is an idiot! The

Heaven has no relatives are also all men.

not imitate men isolated wise only by themselves.

If one does not consider that it is far, suffer from what is near.

Exercise: Take

aphorisms of Confucius, one to one of the above, compare it with your life everyday ....
You are consistent with these maxims, or is there something different and if you do?
Write it down on paper ....
Excellent! You have just written your faults against yourself and society.

Now a little game to see if you are enlightened, ordinary people or antisocial:

Now considered if you have confidence in those around you or not ...
  • already if you say no: GAME OVER, you're antisocial!
  • depends if you say: WARNING! You're running on a road that could lead to game-over
  • are honest and if you say you: Congratulations! or you are big liars or you are a Buddha on earth, or come from a company other than the Western or Westernized!

The Game Over is simply the first step to becoming "smart in the neighborhood" or, as Confucius would say: "stupid!"

Now consider the fact that what you do for others, before or after you come back .... so if you do not trust the next to Regardless, the other can never trust you, so that you will be isolated before or after ... just ... Think about it!

So if you still doubt that we can trust the other considered that psychology tells us that each person is for automotive pain (escape) or pleasure (attraction):
  • You do not want to be alone (pain) ? Trust of others!
  • Want to know more people (like)? Trust of others!

Then of course there are exceptions, people who have largely proven to be unreliable, to act as "smart in the neighborhood" and therefore not worthy of their trust as a result are "idiots ".... but not many ... rather they are a minority ....


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