Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dog Skin Tags On Lips

I'm not afraid of nuclear power, but Man of the Italians

I'm not afraid of nuclear power, but the Italians : "Apart from the considerations on their usefulness, the idea that in Italy nuclear power plants are installed terrifies me, and not so much, or not only because of the risk that one day or the other as a disaster happens in Japan, moreover, there are potentially hazardous facilities within walking distance from our borders, and if it happened something to those consequences are equally serious about our safety.

one I rushed straight to the dismay is another consideration: none, absolutely nothing, authorizes me to trust that those in the center, once built, will be managed according to criteria other than those with which our country is run less than all the rest.

Try mind local cliques, friends of friends, and Camorra mafia infiltration, radioactive waste buried in the fields where cows chew, maintenance contracts awarded without any transparency, favors, controfavori, recommendations, blood volume and good company singing.

We've got to admire the wonderful outcomes of this uplifting way to proceed in more than one occasion: floods that swept away houses built where there should have been thanks to concessions issued by dint of bribes, earthquakes that have pulverized entire buildings brought up with sand, public buildings collapsed at any moment because who would control their practicability had not done or was done by closing one eye, maybe lubricated by a quantity of liquid enough to bring peace in the conscience.

I could go on, of course, meticulously listing the vivamaria of tragedies due to malfeasance, corruption and degeneration of the institutions that have punctuated the recent history of our country, but I think the concept is clear, as it should be clear that when you play with the merger of the atom the risk you run is to multiply those tragedies per cent, per thousand, ten thousand.

's why that terrifies me the idea to install nuclear power plants in Italy, not so much, or not only, because I fear an unpredictable catastrophe, but because I have a fear of fucking prevedibilissimi Italian methods.




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