Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fake Fever With Ear Thormoneter


LSD Man, "The Wall Street

Journal tells the adventurous story of Owsley Stanley, the legendary producer and distributor of LSD in California of the sixties, who died in recent days.

Stanley is known to have distributed, often for free, thousands - some say millions - of doses of LSD during the concerts. He was convinced to give a great contribution to society by introducing a new form of consciousness.

He was arrested several times and finally convicted of drug possession in 1969. "I have been condemned for something that I should get an award," said the San Francisco Chronicle in 2007 "I was just doing a service to the community." Stanley was the rebellious son of a distinguished family of Kentucky, of which his grandfather had also been a governor. kicked out of Charlotte Hall Military Academy to have "poisoned the entire campus" with a mix of alcohol and drugs, briefly attended the University of Virginia after he left engineering. Shortly after he enlisted in aviation and began work on Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., where he focused primarily electronics. In the mid-sixties, was married twice and had two children.

He moved to Berkeley and went to live with a chemistry student who helped him to synthesize LSD in a makeshift laboratory in their home. Meanwhile, thanks to the experience in the field electronics gained in Pasadena, he began working as a sound technician for many bands including the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and the Allman Brothers. The concerts gave him the opportunity to start distributing LSD to an increasing number of people. Soon it became so popular that people began to associate his name with acid most powerful movement in those years. Tom Wolfe spoke of him in the book "The Acid Test to Rinfresko Elettriko" and said it was just the Stanley providing drugs for ' Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Watts, 1966. The legend also said that Jimi Hendrix wrote the song "Purple Haze" after drinking one of his mixtures.

came out of prison after two years and decided to move to Australia, where he devoted himself to the creation of jewelry and ceramics in recent years had begun to sell online. Recently he said to believe that psychedelics have the power to "renew our connection with the planet in which we live and with its forms of life." He preached a purely carnivorous diet, claiming that carbohydrates and vegetables were fatal. Attributed to a recent heart attack broccoli his mother made him eat as a child. He died at age 76 in a car accident in Queensland, Australia. ~ r / ilpost / ~ 3/xwlzj5jznd4 /


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