Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Is Life With Throat Cancer

The symbol of the Eternal Tao

The symbol of Tao is a topic often neglected, sometimes relegated to a mere symbol, and sometimes misunderstood.

We try to unravel a bit 'the meaning of this symbol.

The first thing to consider is the fact that there are two colors: white and black

Among them are two opposite but complementary colors, with pure white and pure black, mixed together you can get all the shades of gray thinkable.

This indicates that taking the two extremes of any perspective, and moderate among them, if you can not identify all possible positions, at least the main ones.

Note also that the white part has a black dot and the black has a white spot, this indicates that the pure white does not exist as pure black, meaning that the absolute extremes can not exist in reality, that there will be an extreme position or perspective of what we already seems extreme ...
In practice the limit in any one perspective is only an illusion.

Another consideration is the fact that the separation between the white part and the part Black is not clear but is similar to S, ie that details are mixed with each other and are not as extreme as it might seem ...
In practice when comparing two positions opposite to each other there are always limits that are in contact with each other or even have a good channel for finding things in common.

Another feature of this symbol is that it is inside a circle.
Without getting too metaphysical in the East and alchemy, just say the Chinese, as well as the ancient Greeks knew that the earth was a ball that spins around the sun, and that our solar system is heliocentric.
The fact that everything can be represented as a circle did think that the universal symbol can be a circle, or something like that.

In practice, our symbol is a circle because the entire universe could simply be represented by the circle.

Now pull the money: The symbol of Tao
calls for:
  • moderate stance as all positions are only nuances between the two extremes
  • Moderate adversity as two positions seem irreconcilable at times are more similar than you can imagine
  • include other locations as we could see the commonalities with our beliefs
  • abandon any intransigent position as this position often collapses on itself confronted with another reality. In practice
  • strip of tinsel mental limitations are often only imaginary.

Let a practical example:
What you absolutely certain? For example that there is a big conspiracy, or that there are angels, or aliens ....

Well, take this belief and try to write on a piece of paper in half because we believe in this column at the top or write my Yang, or truth or what you want to put in contrast to the second column, where you have to any statement, find the exact support to the theory otherwise.
On top of this column write Yin, falsehoods, or any others which will allow you to find the most appropriate phrases.

Ok, this is done with the eraser, or any other instrument invertitele delete the headers and now the truth is the opposite of your beliefs, then imagine having to fight with your I spent trying to support the new perspective .

There you manage it? You have been convincing enough?
Good, now bend and hide the part that you just argued that at the beginning and considered to be distorted, erased the header of the column and now, on every claim that you wrote convinced that at the beginning it was the truth, give it a rating from 1 to 10 according to still totally feel the real (10) or completely false (1) .....
What happened? There are a lot of 5:06? Then we could hear! If not, try again!


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