Friday, March 4, 2011

Pencil Skirts Outfits

Words Eco did not say

Five less obvious factors of Arab riots "

On the history books of tomorrow probably the burning suicide

of Mohamed Bouaziz, who protested against the seizure of Tunisia in his wagon peddler of fruit, will be referred to as the triggering event of the Arab Revolt. Other causes, more generally, are well known: the corruption of governments, unemployment, the role of social networks. Thomas Friedman, foreign affairs expert for the New York Times and three-time Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Middle East and terrorism, trying to make a list less obvious factors of the insurgency:

1. The Obama factor

The rest of the world saw the election of Obama as far more revolutionary of the Americans themselves. Seeing a young African-American ancestry Muslims make a speech like that of Cairo must have put before the eyes of Arab youth a powerful model for change.

2. Google Earth

In Bahrain, the activists encourage people to watch their country from using the Google service. Tens of thousands of people living in overcrowded and poor areas have had the opportunity to see the immense possessions of the family Al-Khalifa, who governs the country.

3. Israel

early 2009, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has resigned because of corruption that saw him involved. Former President Moshe Katsav was recently convicted on two counts of rape that were raised by their employees. Al-Jazeera has closely followed the events in Israel, and showed public opinion in Arab countries that a few miles from them was a country where corruption of the ruling class could be prosecuted and convicted.

4. The Beijing Olympics

China is now the second largest economy in the world. The 2008 Games were an opportunity to make it clear to everyone. The Arab peoples have had before our eyes the rise of a country in the fifties was the poorest of Egypt.

5. The factor Fayyad

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said after his election: judge me by results, not only by my hostility toward the West and Israel. China, although it has deprived its citizens many rights, has given them in exchange for economic welfare. The Arabs had neither the ability to judge the actions of their governments, nor the growth and jobs.

Add up all of this and what do you expect? A powerful convergence of forces that drives a large change request. You will have the start of something big. "


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