Thursday, March 17, 2011

Broiled Strip Loin Steak

Speaks Nobel Physics: "Needless to insist on technology that only creates problems and needs too much time to give results." The road ahead? "That the CSP. Spain, Germany and the U.S. have understood. And we ... "

Carlo Rubbia

ROME - Like Scylla and Charybdis, both the nuclear and fossil fuels likely to send the ship on the rocks of our development. To solve the energy problem, according to Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, we must revolutionize the route. "In what way? Cutting the Gordian knot and starting to look in a different direction. Because on the one hand, with fossil fuels, we have environmental problems that threaten to make us great tricks. And secondly, if we look to nuclear power, we realize that we are facing the same problems unsolved for a quarter century ago. The road is quite promising as solar, which is growing at a rate of 40% annually in the world and proves that you can overcome the technical obstacles in front of the captain. Obviously I do not speak of Italy. The countries where some of the progress others are: Spain, Chile, Mexico, China, India, Germany. United States. " The vein of bitterness in the voice that speaks when Carlo Rubbia, Italy is not random. Studies of physics at CERN in Geneva and consulting assignments in the energy sector in Spain, Germany, at the United Nations and European Community have moved away from our country. But these days the Nobel Prize in Rome, where he had un'affollatissima conference on the matter and dark energy in the show "Stars and Particles", staged at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni by INFN, INAF and ASI.
A performance in a month has already attracted 34 thousand visitors. Alongside that dark energy dominates the universe, there is the energy that is increasingly lacking in our planet. The Italian government has decided to take again the road of nuclear power.

What do you think?
"We know where to build the plants? How to dispose of the waste? We are aware that to achieve a central it takes at least ten years? You realize that four or eight plants are like a swallow in the spring and do not solve the problem, such as France goes ahead with more than fifty plants? And the French themselves are reviewing their programs on the EPR plant technology, so that we prefer to refurbish old reactors rather than building new ones? If there is no answer to these questions, it becomes hard to even discuss the nuclear Italian ".

You are the father of solar power systems thermodynamics. Priolo A, near Syracuse, is the first power plant under construction . This is not good news?
"Yes, but let's not forget that that technology, developed when I was driving Enea,

in Priolo will be able to produce 4 megawatts of power, while Spain

already under construction for 14 thousand megawatt plants and proved to be to start a big solar power plant in 18 months. All this while we spend the time to suggest that nuclear reactors will need a decade of work. Of advances in solar is moving them even the American administration, along with the nations of Latin America, Asia, Israel and many Arab countries. The only question now is not whether solar energy will grow, but if you win the race will be Chinese or American. " Even for solar

problems remain. Long as I get a cloud ...
"Of course, the Germans have already begun to invest in major capital project Desertec. The difficulty is that the turbine is required to move a lot of water. Even the nuclear power plants in Europe during the summer have problems. And in the desert states to find water enough is really a problem. That's because in Spain we are developing new solar systems that function as the jet engines of an aircraft: air heating. The jet machines are now reliable and easy to build. This will become even solar power plants of the future, if there is political will to do it. "


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