Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Women Veginal Hairviedo

The Work of Art in the Age of chainsaws These were not Islamic

These were not Islamic


Beaten, tortured , with his car, segregated , sprinkled with alcohol and burned , raped ,


disfigured with acid,


took a hammer, attacked with scissors


hacked to lock , killed with a hatchet, and now also handcuffed to a bench and branded like animals


were women who lived in our country and have had to endure the violence of their husbands, their boyfriends, their companions, all strictly Italian. About complaint gender violence only when they are carried out by foreigners, especially if those foreigners are Muslims, I turned the stomach twice: first, because exploits the harassment suffered by women for the sole purpose of demonstrating the supposed 'inferiority' of other cultures than our own, and secondly, because it ignores guilty, and sometimes even come to deny the myriad feminicide that happens every day by our countrymen. why do not you think, when shouted from the rooftops that the burqa is an unacceptable violence against Muslim women, why say one thing-sometimes-right, but say from a position of absolute bad faith.

Otherwise, once in a while, you deign to spend a few words also on all others.



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