Thursday, March 17, 2011

When Did Gerber Come Out With Blueberry Buckle

On 17 March 1861, exactly 150 years ago, was born
the Kingdom of Italy. Today the wind blows strongly secessionist there to ask questions about today's feast. We spoke with the writer Giovanni Fasanella.

or not to celebrate 150 years of united Italy, March 17?
Rather than celebrate, it is necessary, healthy and patriotic convene a consultation of physicians at the bedside of a patient in agony, Italy. This was the best opportunity to do so. But politics is distracted. Institutions, if you eslcude the Presidency of the Republic, which does what it can, are absent. The official history and culture seem awkward, if not embarrassed. Print and TV, with rare exceptions, do the rest, burying the fundamental event of our history in a sea of \u200b\u200buseless rhetoric. Once again we are celebrating, rather than tell. The only comforting is the impressive number of books written by authors not "authorized", not professional advisers that impressive tempting to fill the gaps left by official historiography.
that Italy does not enjoy good health, he was seen with the naked eye. But what has this to do with the Renaissance?
got to do, and how! A political force like the League has taken root in the North focusing on breaking the country's territorial and xenophobic sentiments and antimeridionali. In the South, by reaction, is developing a growing phenomenon and speculate the opposite. The South Tyrolean shutzen declare proudly Austrian. And the president of the province of Salerno has beautiful thought to propose a new region that is called "Prince of Salerno." It 's a case, if the Italians do not even agree on the need to celebrate their sesquicentennial birthday? No, it is not: are exploding all the unresolved contradictions of our history unit.
And which disease would suffer, then, Italy?
post traumatic stress syndrome. That the repressed returns to the surface. For a century and a half no one has really told how it is that Italians have become a united country. Nobody ever said that the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, rooted as it belonged only to an intellectual elite, aristocratic and bourgeois. That was imposed from above through a war of conquest, the massacre of innocent civilians-women, children and old-, the systematic use of corruption, fraud in the plebiscite for annexation, the use of organized crime in Sicily and Naples. And again, and above all, a united Italy was the result of a geopolitical project of a foreign power, England, who needed his "colony" in the Mediterranean in view of the excavation of the Suez Canal, which would open a new and faster for trade with its possessions in the East. This is why the British created and funded the "myth" of Garibaldi through the masonry, diplomacy, intelligence apparatus and their propaganda and information. Nobody ever told us that most diseases facing Italy today have their roots in its DNA, in the way that department was created.
So, paradoxically, it would draw the conclusion that it was better not to, Italy?
not what I said. I said maybe Italy could be born in a different way and grow better. However we had a right to know to absorb the trauma of our history. I believe in the myth unit. But I hate the rhetoric that has a cast and now threatens to kill him. The wounds of our history, of all ages, have been covered in a bad way. never really closed, indeed you are infected and Italy today is likely to die of septicemia. We need to reopen those wounds, clean them well, disinfect them, cure them and heal if we get to celebrate our 200 years.


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