Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Morton Quick Salt Nashville

to the Supreme Court is the only religious symbol of the crucifix permitted in tribunali.RIPRONGO MY STICKERS IN THIS TIME OF JUDGEMENT! Atomic Alarm

Atomic Alarm
evacuated Giannino

first Italian victim of the Japanese nuclear disaster: five days there has been no news of Oscar Giannino, editor of Panorama, Messenger, Gazzettino, Morning, Radio 24. Precisely since Saturday, when the front page of the manufacturer's Roman Caltagirone appeared a comment by its outright: 'Nuclear sure, it is the litmus test'. Indignation against those who dared to 'spread and amplify the alert nuclear news', the colorful expert declared:' Now, if the state acts first thing you can say, is that it is the terrible intensity of the phenomenon which hit Japan gives us a new confirmation of the fact that safety of nuclear installations, the progress made in recent decades have been impressive, such as to hold in reality, without endangering environments and populations', etc..

Asahi Shimbun, 12 marzo short 'the procedures of automatic shutdown of the reactors were suddenly turned on' and 'plants have taken'. Ergo 'groped to demonstrate that nuclear power can not afford this technology is proof of gross ignorance'. Unfortunately that crass ignorance of the premier technological Naoto Kan does not read the Messenger: in fact gave notice to residents within 30 km from Fukushima to evacuate or travel to barricade themselves inside. Meanwhile, Giannino had missed its mark: the unconfirmed report all fluorescent pink swimsuit with the reactor 2, while making the aerosol and diving in the cooling tank. The Messenger promptly replace it with Alberto CLO ('From Nuclear can not be ignored') and Ennio Di Nolfi (woe to 'draw hasty conclusions and improvised. It would be a futile exercise'). These giants of thought should be sent at once to Japan as motivators of people fleeing. One lives in a station, the explode feels three times a night, you see mushroom clouds come out nice and would be tempted to turarsi nose and cut and run.
Asahi Shimbun, 13 marzo
But here's the door to Professor Di Nolfi, who came specially from Italy to warn him: 'Stop! Nothing hasty or improvised conclusions, it would be futile exercise. Take a deep breath and relax with the messenger '. Where can I report other memorable titles: 'The emotions influence the choices of the West', 'One step that hampers the nuclear renaissance'. Yes, because compared to the Florence of Lorenzo the Magnificent was Neanderthal. Moreover, the experts reassure the Messenger, the central Italian next venture will have 'a redundant system security', with well 'four cooling systems' (as Oscar Giannino sucking and blowing air fresh mint),' the risk that the cloud Japanese arrivals in Italy is very remote, given the greater distance '(but should be?) and everything is still in Japan under control, although the Japanese government does not know: 'No escape from the core, only minor radioactive leaks' to come 'induced by the technical facility to release the excess steam'. Two Bump, no more. Meanwhile, Fireman della Sera, which has among its shareholders manufacturers Ligresti and Toti, gives us a bold calculation Massimo Nava: 'It is science that zero risk does not exist. But in France no serious incident occurred in 1450 years (figure obtained by multiplying 58 reactors operating for 25 years each average) '. Asahi Shimbun, 14 marzo
Asahi Shimbun, 15 marzo Multiplying then greek Pi, we can assume that hath been no serious nuclear accident occurred in 4553 years, from 2542 BC, when the Phoenicians settled in the Mediterranean. They are satisfying. The rest of the time, the manufacturer Bonifaci - 'we can not close all the French stations' that are very close to us, so we might as well farcene someone in the house. It's pure logic: because I have a neighbor that could arsonist set fire to the house, the fire before me.
Japan Times, 12 marzo So I do not care. "
Japan Times, 13 marzo


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