Thursday, March 17, 2011

Purple Skin Inner Thigh

Centounesima episode: Granata, Cagnotto, Corona, Telese

Centounesima episode: Granata, Cagnotto, Corona, Telese "


Fabio Granata would like to know that Urso and Ronchi Fli of the forgetful, a bit sorry for Tania Cagnotto 'Durnwalder that does not want to celebrate the feast of the Unification of Italy, Mauro Corona Saviano said the book does not read it because it is written together with Fazio, Luca Telese says lose 10 pounds if Ferrara will go on RAI 1.


two radio rai
from Monday to Friday from 13.40

Dog Skin Tags On Lips

I'm not afraid of nuclear power, but Man of the Italians

I'm not afraid of nuclear power, but the Italians : "Apart from the considerations on their usefulness, the idea that in Italy nuclear power plants are installed terrifies me, and not so much, or not only because of the risk that one day or the other as a disaster happens in Japan, moreover, there are potentially hazardous facilities within walking distance from our borders, and if it happened something to those consequences are equally serious about our safety.

one I rushed straight to the dismay is another consideration: none, absolutely nothing, authorizes me to trust that those in the center, once built, will be managed according to criteria other than those with which our country is run less than all the rest.

Try mind local cliques, friends of friends, and Camorra mafia infiltration, radioactive waste buried in the fields where cows chew, maintenance contracts awarded without any transparency, favors, controfavori, recommendations, blood volume and good company singing.

We've got to admire the wonderful outcomes of this uplifting way to proceed in more than one occasion: floods that swept away houses built where there should have been thanks to concessions issued by dint of bribes, earthquakes that have pulverized entire buildings brought up with sand, public buildings collapsed at any moment because who would control their practicability had not done or was done by closing one eye, maybe lubricated by a quantity of liquid enough to bring peace in the conscience.

I could go on, of course, meticulously listing the vivamaria of tragedies due to malfeasance, corruption and degeneration of the institutions that have punctuated the recent history of our country, but I think the concept is clear, as it should be clear that when you play with the merger of the atom the risk you run is to multiply those tragedies per cent, per thousand, ten thousand.

's why that terrifies me the idea to install nuclear power plants in Italy, not so much, or not only, because I fear an unpredictable catastrophe, but because I have a fear of fucking prevedibilissimi Italian methods.



Fake Fever With Ear Thormoneter


LSD Man, "The Wall Street

Journal tells the adventurous story of Owsley Stanley, the legendary producer and distributor of LSD in California of the sixties, who died in recent days.

Stanley is known to have distributed, often for free, thousands - some say millions - of doses of LSD during the concerts. He was convinced to give a great contribution to society by introducing a new form of consciousness.

He was arrested several times and finally convicted of drug possession in 1969. "I have been condemned for something that I should get an award," said the San Francisco Chronicle in 2007 "I was just doing a service to the community." Stanley was the rebellious son of a distinguished family of Kentucky, of which his grandfather had also been a governor. kicked out of Charlotte Hall Military Academy to have "poisoned the entire campus" with a mix of alcohol and drugs, briefly attended the University of Virginia after he left engineering. Shortly after he enlisted in aviation and began work on Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., where he focused primarily electronics. In the mid-sixties, was married twice and had two children.

He moved to Berkeley and went to live with a chemistry student who helped him to synthesize LSD in a makeshift laboratory in their home. Meanwhile, thanks to the experience in the field electronics gained in Pasadena, he began working as a sound technician for many bands including the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin and the Allman Brothers. The concerts gave him the opportunity to start distributing LSD to an increasing number of people. Soon it became so popular that people began to associate his name with acid most powerful movement in those years. Tom Wolfe spoke of him in the book "The Acid Test to Rinfresko Elettriko" and said it was just the Stanley providing drugs for ' Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Watts, 1966. The legend also said that Jimi Hendrix wrote the song "Purple Haze" after drinking one of his mixtures.

came out of prison after two years and decided to move to Australia, where he devoted himself to the creation of jewelry and ceramics in recent years had begun to sell online. Recently he said to believe that psychedelics have the power to "renew our connection with the planet in which we live and with its forms of life." He preached a purely carnivorous diet, claiming that carbohydrates and vegetables were fatal. Attributed to a recent heart attack broccoli his mother made him eat as a child. He died at age 76 in a car accident in Queensland, Australia. ~ r / ilpost / ~ 3/xwlzj5jznd4 /

Can Stomach Flu Delay Menstrual Cycle

A story of ordinary

A story of ordinary dismissals " Verlicchi_licenziamenti.jpg
'Today I moved into an industrial zone in the middle of the road workers Verlicchi with banners and signs. I asked what would happen. 200 workers oversee the 'company to avoid the empty property with the truck from the factory every machine. Saturday night, without warning and after three months that employees were not paid, 12 people have moved in and removed all equipment, ready now to be transported elsewhere. From December 2010 the employees do not receive salary, 200 families are on the street. So far they had received assurances. He had been told by the property that there would be no problem and that would be paid all back wages. After three months, however, the workers are on strike and have rebelled: "O you pay us, or stop producing . A few days later, the response of the owners, total dismantling of the factory and all at home. Are unclear information about the sale of the company, apparently sold off for a few euro to a company in Pontedera Pontedera JBF Srl, a company without share capital (excluding the 10,000 euro for the creation, of course) that takes care of: ' Pursuit of 'amateur sport, training and preparation of teams in the sport and teaching basketball, and activities 'mobility generally '. It seems a shame that local politics has waited until now to intervene. This morning, the mayor of Zola Predosa, Stefano Fiorini, was present in front of the company. He said the workers to obey the law, not to climb over the gates and wait patiently for an answer. " We are trying to figure out if the company has done everything legally or if there is something wrong, but you stay calm, respect the law and not do anything reckless ." We have interviewed some of the workers who are living hours of despair and believe that if there is a law that guarantees such operations means that the law does not work and must be changed. Relocation wicked, no political plans and the dead are starving our families. A hug to all workers Verlicchi and the promise that we will be neighbors in every way possible. They will never give, neither will we. ' Mayor Massimo Bugani Spokesman candidate Movement 5 Stars Bologna

Comments (6) Tell a friend It seems the scientific term is more appropriate. Maybe it's the most violent earthquake in the history of Japan. At least since the archipelago. The quake shifted the Earth's axis of 10 cm. You've seen love, is not my fault not the center cup. According to the astronomer of the Vatican, the shift of the Earth's rotation will not result in changes. The Sun will continue to turn them around. The quake was more powerful than the Eagle so that some local entrepreneurs have died laughing. giant wave struck the Disneyland Resort. But the government talks about a new attraction. The tsunami swept away a house for the elderly. Nursing home in Japan, the student's home to us the nature always chooses people with less future. Ambassador: "Italians leave Japan, there is no risk of contamination"
. Some have already ceased to gesticulate.

Berluscoma 2010 found the last survivors. One has surrendered to the Americans.

extended to 20 km around the evacuation order in Fukushima. Let me know when it comes to 15,000.

To shut down the reactor will sacrifice 50 heroes. In Italy would be a great blow to the Mafia.

Japanese power plants are about to explode. I have time to buy a 3D TV?

China's concerns: "If Japan were destroyed by the explosion of a nuclear power, we built all these bombs at all"


"The U.S. warned Japan "

. Twice.

(The Japanese government was aware of the risks. But the prevailing line of St. Thomas)

No radiation on the coast of China. Shit, this powerful firewall.

Long reassure the Japanese government on nuclear power plants. Italy was the condition for aid.

The World Bank is ready to assist the Japanese. Just provide a copy of the last paycheck.

"In Italy the plan for nuclear power goes," said a minister at random.

Our government continues to present argument in defense of nuclear, for example, did not kill Yara.

"No choices dictated by emotion" said one who cried for half an hour when he pretended to leave the PDL.

The Prestigiacomo:

"The Italian Central will be the new generation"
. Already earthquake.

(After the disaster of Fukushima, Italy still wants nuclear power. It is doing a little thought and to the tsunami)


"Japan is not Haiti ". Those that have all money.

In Germany, Merkel announced the plant closure. The usual German emotional.

According to experts, Rome is the most radioactive of Tokyo. Of course, it is full of curies.

The Pope is close to the victims of the tsunami. But it continues to support the customer.

Yoko Ono wrote a letter. Who knows not able to separate the atoms.

Found scattered four trains. They were still on time.


authors: batduccio, Darlene alibigie, sisivabbe, cityman, dormouse, Puccio light, ottocazzi, venividiwc, milingopapa, haroldsmith, stark, serene gandhi, edelman, marcellomattioli, mestmuttèe, frandiben, Tacon, benzene, Negus, miguel Moses mau.dech to . Stavro Gambini, bojafauss. "

Car Slaes Manager Cover Letter

redundancies until the bar goes

When Did Gerber Come Out With Blueberry Buckle

On 17 March 1861, exactly 150 years ago, was born
the Kingdom of Italy. Today the wind blows strongly secessionist there to ask questions about today's feast. We spoke with the writer Giovanni Fasanella.

or not to celebrate 150 years of united Italy, March 17?
Rather than celebrate, it is necessary, healthy and patriotic convene a consultation of physicians at the bedside of a patient in agony, Italy. This was the best opportunity to do so. But politics is distracted. Institutions, if you eslcude the Presidency of the Republic, which does what it can, are absent. The official history and culture seem awkward, if not embarrassed. Print and TV, with rare exceptions, do the rest, burying the fundamental event of our history in a sea of \u200b\u200buseless rhetoric. Once again we are celebrating, rather than tell. The only comforting is the impressive number of books written by authors not "authorized", not professional advisers that impressive tempting to fill the gaps left by official historiography.
that Italy does not enjoy good health, he was seen with the naked eye. But what has this to do with the Renaissance?
got to do, and how! A political force like the League has taken root in the North focusing on breaking the country's territorial and xenophobic sentiments and antimeridionali. In the South, by reaction, is developing a growing phenomenon and speculate the opposite. The South Tyrolean shutzen declare proudly Austrian. And the president of the province of Salerno has beautiful thought to propose a new region that is called "Prince of Salerno." It 's a case, if the Italians do not even agree on the need to celebrate their sesquicentennial birthday? No, it is not: are exploding all the unresolved contradictions of our history unit.
And which disease would suffer, then, Italy?
post traumatic stress syndrome. That the repressed returns to the surface. For a century and a half no one has really told how it is that Italians have become a united country. Nobody ever said that the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, rooted as it belonged only to an intellectual elite, aristocratic and bourgeois. That was imposed from above through a war of conquest, the massacre of innocent civilians-women, children and old-, the systematic use of corruption, fraud in the plebiscite for annexation, the use of organized crime in Sicily and Naples. And again, and above all, a united Italy was the result of a geopolitical project of a foreign power, England, who needed his "colony" in the Mediterranean in view of the excavation of the Suez Canal, which would open a new and faster for trade with its possessions in the East. This is why the British created and funded the "myth" of Garibaldi through the masonry, diplomacy, intelligence apparatus and their propaganda and information. Nobody ever told us that most diseases facing Italy today have their roots in its DNA, in the way that department was created.
So, paradoxically, it would draw the conclusion that it was better not to, Italy?
not what I said. I said maybe Italy could be born in a different way and grow better. However we had a right to know to absorb the trauma of our history. I believe in the myth unit. But I hate the rhetoric that has a cast and now threatens to kill him. The wounds of our history, of all ages, have been covered in a bad way. never really closed, indeed you are infected and Italy today is likely to die of septicemia. We need to reopen those wounds, clean them well, disinfect them, cure them and heal if we get to celebrate our 200 years.

Beadboard For Bathroom Walls

UNITA 'OF ITALY? Interview with Giovanni Fasanella - March 17, 2011

Giovanni Fasanella
================== ===================== ============================ ========= another post from the always

Head: "Declare on our part would be wise to pause for reflection"

March 17, 2011 nuclear, while reaffirming its support for this form of energy.

"A statement from us a similar period of reflection would be wise. It is a responsibility that it is up to governments around the world. Europe has begun, and perhaps by and with the European institutions can be outlined the role of nuclear energy and space in the future European energy policy "

Broiled Strip Loin Steak

Speaks Nobel Physics: "Needless to insist on technology that only creates problems and needs too much time to give results." The road ahead? "That the CSP. Spain, Germany and the U.S. have understood. And we ... "

Carlo Rubbia

ROME - Like Scylla and Charybdis, both the nuclear and fossil fuels likely to send the ship on the rocks of our development. To solve the energy problem, according to Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, we must revolutionize the route. "In what way? Cutting the Gordian knot and starting to look in a different direction. Because on the one hand, with fossil fuels, we have environmental problems that threaten to make us great tricks. And secondly, if we look to nuclear power, we realize that we are facing the same problems unsolved for a quarter century ago. The road is quite promising as solar, which is growing at a rate of 40% annually in the world and proves that you can overcome the technical obstacles in front of the captain. Obviously I do not speak of Italy. The countries where some of the progress others are: Spain, Chile, Mexico, China, India, Germany. United States. " The vein of bitterness in the voice that speaks when Carlo Rubbia, Italy is not random. Studies of physics at CERN in Geneva and consulting assignments in the energy sector in Spain, Germany, at the United Nations and European Community have moved away from our country. But these days the Nobel Prize in Rome, where he had un'affollatissima conference on the matter and dark energy in the show "Stars and Particles", staged at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni by INFN, INAF and ASI.
A performance in a month has already attracted 34 thousand visitors. Alongside that dark energy dominates the universe, there is the energy that is increasingly lacking in our planet. The Italian government has decided to take again the road of nuclear power.

What do you think?
"We know where to build the plants? How to dispose of the waste? We are aware that to achieve a central it takes at least ten years? You realize that four or eight plants are like a swallow in the spring and do not solve the problem, such as France goes ahead with more than fifty plants? And the French themselves are reviewing their programs on the EPR plant technology, so that we prefer to refurbish old reactors rather than building new ones? If there is no answer to these questions, it becomes hard to even discuss the nuclear Italian ".

You are the father of solar power systems thermodynamics. Priolo A, near Syracuse, is the first power plant under construction . This is not good news?
"Yes, but let's not forget that that technology, developed when I was driving Enea,

in Priolo will be able to produce 4 megawatts of power, while Spain

already under construction for 14 thousand megawatt plants and proved to be to start a big solar power plant in 18 months. All this while we spend the time to suggest that nuclear reactors will need a decade of work. Of advances in solar is moving them even the American administration, along with the nations of Latin America, Asia, Israel and many Arab countries. The only question now is not whether solar energy will grow, but if you win the race will be Chinese or American. " Even for solar

problems remain. Long as I get a cloud ...
"Of course, the Germans have already begun to invest in major capital project Desertec. The difficulty is that the turbine is required to move a lot of water. Even the nuclear power plants in Europe during the summer have problems. And in the desert states to find water enough is really a problem. That's because in Spain we are developing new solar systems that function as the jet engines of an aircraft: air heating. The jet machines are now reliable and easy to build. This will become even solar power plants of the future, if there is political will to do it. "

Doctor Inspects Privates

Rubbia, "The future is nuclear error in the sun" - the republic, it

To say that the Savoy family who made the country, or to say no, the House of Bourbon is a paradise lost.

can whip in the face of all our many differences, find all the reasons we want separation and resentment in our national history (as in that of any other nation, however) does not bring about.

We can blame lack of patriotism from those who do not feel represented celebration, we can get out of the regional councils when he plays me laugh, we can display the flag of the window.

We can do many things, and all have their reasons and their causes.

But I personally in a sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt and uncertainty are arcisicura only one thing: that history is not coming back.
historical injustices and sins and traumas and wounds and also triumphs can not be undone, we can only draw.
And the only way to process the past and tell, raccontarselo all, without fear of the truth. \u0026lt;/ p>

Only a complete story leads to a shared identity.

Only a process of recovery of the truth of the past can imagine the future to build.

Enough, and always tell the only piece of national history that makes us more comfortable, which corresponds most closely to our limited segment of identity.

I can not imagine a more patriotic - pass me the term - the development of collective uncomfortable truths.

Del Risorgimento, but also the first world war, fascism, the second World War, the years of lead ...
Of the causes of our muddy this short. Muddy because this essential work is still so incomplete.

the birthday party of my country wants it this way: a hearth around which the Italians sit in a circle and each person, listening by others, tells his little piece of history - History.

Uhm, I guess so.
But passatemelo: the first cut the birthday cake has the right to express any desire, however unlikely and risky.
Happy birthday, my Italy.

Waxing Strip Substitute

Happy Birthday Di Francesca Melandri

All together: "
about Italy is the slogan I would use the PD were
See also:

Weeklypedia (which speaks of the Sydney Opera House, Gilda, Pietro Ichino, Detroit, Motown, the Democratic Party)
- A rock on the rock
- A stone above

- Send the product
You have to decide, Rosy

the territory

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's The Regular Size Equivalent Of A Husky 7


The work of art in ' chainsaws was: "The debate
sull'impazzimento the art world has now become part of the same madness and it is possible that someone will soon make sure to turn it into a work of art. The find of communication, impromptu inventions, the figures inflated by a system with logic elusive prevail for some time on an idea of \u200b\u200bart as we used to think, and this is probably art, and must therefore retain the moral high ground and be restricted to observe and try to understand the developments, which often generate fascinating stories and debates the many contradictions and dilemmas.

One of the biggest leaps of this invention run in recent years has been the construction of the artist known as Banksy, has become perhaps the most celebrity the art world thanks to his being personally unknown. Then it happens that makes even the street art, drawings and works on the walls all over the world, immediate and recognizable enough to have become familiar even to the mainstream press and the public less than an art expert. Now is the center of a new controversy, typical of the contradictions mentioned above.
Since January last year after the debut film Banksy
Exit Through the Gift Shop at the Sundance Festival, appeared
graffiti artist around American cities, as occurred the first projections. Sometimes the image appears on the official website
of Banksy, and this was the only evidence that the graffiti were indeed his, since it has a host of imitators and does not authenticate his pieces. How
tells the Wall Street Journal
few days later, the director of the gallery Carl Goines has convinced his father and his colleagues Jacob Martinez and Eric Froh reach the dilapidated wall with a Bobcat mini-tractor, a pickup, a blowtorch and a saw powered by mason gas, with a blade from $ 400 brand new. For two days they worked in the sunshine to cut about six square meters of wall with graffiti, then they removed the wall el'hanno brought to their art gallery. After being exposed to the public free of charge for ten days in late May the work was hidden in the store: the gallery had received emails and anonymous phone calls threatening to destroy or deface the graffiti.

The "theft" of the piece of wall with a picture of Banksy has given rise to a legal dispute between the gallery and the owners of the former Packard factory from 1987, Bioresource Inc., which sued last July the 555 Gallery at the court of Wayne County. The Bioresource seeking to recover the work, estimating the value of up to one hundred thousand dollars. According to the company's legal, graffiti belongs to the owners of the wall, because Banksy has entered their property without permission and then abandoned his creation there. An office of Bioresource pointed out that the foreman contacted in the area had no authority to represent the owners, but the gallery defends himself by saying he did not commit any crime carrying off the wall because it did not remove any scrap metal, the only thing that could have value in the rubble of a building. The gallery has announced its intention to move forward and which will exhibit the work in another abandoned building, a former police warehouse, to replicate the environment where it has taken.
to mess things even more, when he learned of the lawsuit the office of Mayor Dave Bing began to investigate the back taxes that the company has since 2006 for the property area, where he also seized vehicles from demolition. The administration the city has a score to settle with the Bioresource, which has supported a long legal battle for ownership of the very complex, the lost city of Detroit in 2007. The next trial hearing is set Bioresource-555 Gallery March 28.
addition to the owners of the establishment, also part of the art world has shown concern towards the move of 555: according to a local art critic, Banksy's painting has meaning only in context of street art is a serious mistake and move . In an article
    on Saturday, Christopher Hawthorne, who works as an architect for the Los Angeles Times
  • , also stolen from the case of graffiti of Banksy for questions about the role that a work of art has the context in which it was conceived and produced, and the ability to move from its original setting, the factory in Detroit.
  • The factory belonged to the abandoned Packard, maker of luxury cars, he did design the facility of the famous Detroit architect Albert Kahn
  • German origin. The work of the complex of 325,000 square meters was completed in 1903. Its construction criteria were innovative for their use of reinforced concrete instead of wood, and aroused the curiosity of Henry Ford, founder of the car, a few years later made its own projects, the establishment of Highland Kahn Park near Detroit, where Ford will build the famous T. Overwhelmed with the whole crisis by Detroit car industry after the Second World War, the factory closed in 1956, two years before the mark disappears Packard. Since then it has been used and has been slowly into disrepair. Today, only one of the buildings houses a small chemical company, and the rest of the complex is only used occasionally as a movie set: a few scenes of Terminator 3 are shot here. In recent years, the former factory conditions are worsened, because the city of Detroit, after losing the lawsuit for the property, withdrew its guards from the entrances. It followed by repeated thefts of steel structures that have caused several collapses. The windows are almost all broken pieces of concrete fall on neighboring streets, and the area is full of holes in the ground uncovered piles of garbage, clogged drains and pieces of the ceiling collapsed from which protruding iron bars.

  • Detroit's decline began in the fifties and since then many buildings have remained empty, slowly going to ruin hotels, cinemas, schools, courts, swimming pools, libraries, shopping malls and the spectral Michigan Central Station. The spectacle of this decline has attracted filmmakers and photographers, and the ruins of Detroit appear at the beginning of a

  • Chrysler commercials aired during the last Super Bowl. The people of Detroit are not at all happy that art inspired by the ruins of their city as "the ruin porn" as it is called.
  • And indeed there is in Detroit and there was something else: to be limited to music, the beginnings of punk with the MC5 and the Stooges, the '70s with Alice Cooper and the legendary Motown label (that of Stewie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, among others), hip-hop Eminem. When art is born from the ruins in Detroit, seeks to transform them into something new. In the '80s and '90s, the same site of the rave party held Packard all night long: the former factory is one of the birthplaces of the international techno and dance scene. Even today, young people explore the abandoned complex, covering the walls with graffiti, they barbecue on the rooftops.


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Good Short Volleyball Quotes

I meant that to me has saved my network
The other day I was in Bologna, I had to go home, I had to do the train ticket, I have noticed that I was ten euro in the wallet. I had the cash, in the meantime. But then the ticket machines I do not accept debit cards, said transaction denied, strange, since at Fabriano, where I was in the morning, I had quietly accepted. I tried to go to the ATM to withdraw Cash, not even gave me the cash. I tried with a credit card, asked me a pin that I do not know if I ever had. Then the idea came to me to send a message on twitter, I'm here to say guys Bologna Central thirty-five I need to make the euro and eighty ticket back home, if someone brings them to me tomorrow I'm like a bank, but I thought it was better before going to see if the ticket office, the real one, where there are humans, I could pay by credit card, and after a fifteen minute queue I managed to pass, and I was able to pay. I meant that to me has saved my network, but no. e2% 80% 99ha-saved-the-ret / banksy detroit
banksy detroit
banksy detroit
banksy detroit
" banksy detroit

Women Veginal Hairviedo

The Work of Art in the Age of chainsaws These were not Islamic

These were not Islamic


Beaten, tortured , with his car, segregated , sprinkled with alcohol and burned , raped ,


disfigured with acid,


took a hammer, attacked with scissors


hacked to lock , killed with a hatchet, and now also handcuffed to a bench and branded like animals


were women who lived in our country and have had to endure the violence of their husbands, their boyfriends, their companions, all strictly Italian. About complaint gender violence only when they are carried out by foreigners, especially if those foreigners are Muslims, I turned the stomach twice: first, because exploits the harassment suffered by women for the sole purpose of demonstrating the supposed 'inferiority' of other cultures than our own, and secondly, because it ignores guilty, and sometimes even come to deny the myriad feminicide that happens every day by our countrymen. why do not you think, when shouted from the rooftops that the burqa is an unacceptable violence against Muslim women, why say one thing-sometimes-right, but say from a position of absolute bad faith.

Otherwise, once in a while, you deign to spend a few words also on all others.


Install Window Dark.pdf

The network has saved my house upside down

The pastimes of the Supreme Court:" The Wall Street Journal yesterday told of the passion of the judges of the Supreme Court American Association for the reconstruction of historical controversy in legal terms, an idea that has been followed and examples from other countries and also in Italy, but in this case involves the most important guardians of justice in the United States. The nine judges were recently dedicated to Henry V, Socrates and Napoleon. At Bovard Auditorium in Los Angeles, on 31 January, one thousand two hundred people (with ticket prices ranging from thirty to one hundred U.S. dollars) were all busy to attend the "trial of Hamlet." The charity event was the work of Anthony Kennedy, who is judge of the Supreme Court for twenty-three years, appointed by Ronald Reagan. When he got the idea for the first time in the early 90, the judge wanted to write a play, but then decided to put on a real process. Hamlet is charged with the murder of Polonius, and the case revolves around the assessment of mental health, with a lot of psychiatric to convince the court (including the deputy district that is pursuing Lindsay Lohan for shoplifting) and jurors (including the 'Oscar-winning actress Helen Hunt). process in January did not go well for the prince, played by actor television Graham Hamilton was found guilty by a large majority, with ten votes to two. Hamlet was defended by Blair Berk, very famous for being the lawyer Mel Gibson in the process to abuse his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. Mel Gibson, who was in the audience, knows very well is the courtroom, both the character of Hamlet, who has played in the film by Franco Zeffirelli in 1990. The judges of the Supreme Court greatly appreciate the mock trials for charity, giving them the opportunity to read Shakespeare instead of hundreds of pages of tedious paperwork. And so is to get carried away: Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 78 years and the Supreme Court of seventeen, he wore a uniform from Major General to preside over the court martial of Colonel Custer. Judge Samuel Alito, appointed by George W. Bush, Socrates was tried for corrupting the youth of Athens. Antonin Scalia, the State Supreme Court in office for the longest time, held a trial in French to Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon, on trial for conspiring to destroy the French-speaking culture in America. Someone is not happy about this hobby of judges. Former Senator Arlen Specter has fought long to get the Supreme Court hearings are broadcast in public but as this is prohibited, the mock trials are recorded since 1987. "I think it would be more important to show to the public in the court process against Bush Gore" growls Specter "Hamlet should leave schools superiors ". " ~ r / ilpost / ~ 3/vvd_Gtitn2I /

Can You Put Corn Oil In Brownies?

I wanted to say that I

House upside down: "A banksy detroit Bispingen, Germany, is being inaugurated a house built entirely upside down. Renamed" The Mad House "by local authorities, will be a new tourist attraction in the German town in Lower Saxony. The tours will begin on March 26. All the furniture inside are the opposite. A similar home is already in the zoo Gettorf, near Kiel. ~ r / ilpost / ~ 3/Igokycy1D0I / "

Excess Iron Is Excreted Where

The pastimes of the Supreme Court

To establish a newspaper to go home :" The novelty is that Giuseppe Fioroni, the minority leader of the internal Former PPI within the PD, has decided to equip its current of a new journal entitled (sic) 'The future of Italy'. But not all. In the editorial that opens the first issue, signed by the same former Minister of Education, reads as follows: the forthcoming elections the Democratic Party must present fielding a new generation: a network of men and women new , who led the country before and during Berlusconi. In a nutshell
Giuseppe Fioroni, a former Democrat elected Mayor of Viterbo in 1989 and then permanently present in the House of Representatives since 1996, he founded a newspaper to proclaim urbi et orbi that she must go home.

It was not the first to dictate a press release?


What Are The Pressure Points To Make Someone

To establish a newspaper to go home

New Pictures from Japan:" We also asked

A broken piano lies amongst the rubble i
" This picture taken on March 14, 2011 sho
the difference with a" normal "earthquake / tsunami that is there when it's over is over, you find yourself with everything destroyed and everything to start, of course, dependent on others and dala their dubious generosity, of course, but it's over, you can start looking forward, the only way out of the disasters of life. here, with nuclear power and a future lurking doubt and suspicion, which you do not know what to expect, it becomes very difficult to "look ahead". do not even know whether it is over or the worst is yet to come ... Residents cross a bridge covered with de
I'm lucky not to have a Japanese friend, who say nothing with nothing to say ... A boat lies in a street after being wash co
A boat lies on a bridge washed inshore b