Thursday, December 16, 2010

Marshamellow Gun Walmart

Archetype: a subject of meditation

archetype The word was used in many fields, and is often abused by that branch of new age that is sensitive but not perceptible entities such as angels, ghosts, etc.. everything that is subject to our perception, but that is not detectable by our senses.

In fact, the word archetype has a precise meaning to get there but we try to put together the different perspectives and see if it may have something to do with meditation or a practice.

Let's etymology of the word archetype
- Arche means Original
- Type can mean image, model, brand, model, etc..

said that we see in the field of philosophy: a philosophy
In arhcetipo is a form first, primitive, original thought, and its form of its content, in practice, as first thought (or indivisible) it is a template if it is not derivable in whole or in part by other thoughts ... pure theoretical ... but it might be useful ...

In the field of communication sciences:
In literature and general media (newspapers, TV, internet, etc.). An archetype is a For example, type of character, such as the hero, the antihero, the bad, and so on.

In sociology
An archetype is a behavior that is classified in one or more categories, such as the rebel, the student model, the genius, the stupid, the diplomat, the shy, etc..

Let us see more precisely in psychology and psychoanalysis:
Carl G. Jung and the group of psychoanalysts who followed him, enters into the human psyche and having to define the innate ideas called them archetypes. The most interesting
connotation of an archetype of Jung and his group, is the fact of their connotation emotional.
In practice, a pattern is an idea with emotional connotations, probably in part derived from emotional events that also acquire symbolic connotation, except that it has a conscious part and an unconscious.

said let's sum up: What is an archetype?
An archetype is an idea that has tangible form in the mind (symbolic) with significant emotional content, which is connected to a certain type of behavior, and may be recognized by a group of people and is characterized by a name (nominalization)
An archetype
  • Name
  • Emotions can be represented according to the five senses (Visual, Auditory, olfactory, gustatory, kinaesthetic)
  • component has a conscious and unconscious behavior associated
  • A socio-anthropological recognition (recognized by a more or less limited number of persons)

Well ... centrate at this point what the archetypes with meditation?
We have seen that the subjects of meditation can also be cognitive ( maps post), meditation also allows you to go deeper, even bringing out emotions or feelings that were previously unconscious ( post breath) as well as meditate on sensitive can be used to expand its capacity ( view post )

In practice, the meditation is based on the archetypal aspects of helping us to understand and improve, thus improving our ability to interpret, as well as if the others.

We now come to years (as usual, I invite you first to read the instructions written on the side of the post):

Exercise 1: Meditations on archetypal childhood
Many archetypes are created in childhood, by parents, comics, TV, and the people around us at that time.
Imagine for example the cartoon you liked best, what was the character that you like?
What do you like him / her? Why?
What was his behavior?
What's he / she into you?
What emotions still feel towards this character? What exists today
affinity between your behavior and your own?
Why do you need that character? What has taught you? Need more? He still has something to teach? and you what?
difficult question: what 'is the reference behavior, which was ideal and emotional? and now?

Exercise 2: Meditation on the own destiny
The fate what if not an archetype?
How do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years? in 20 or 30 years? What
Sarano things constant and variable you and your character?
How will you feel at the time of your life? Why? What event?
difficult question: what are the recurrent archetypal symbols and so emotional in your life and who will be attending in the future? And what determines these symbols in your relationship with the environment?
Remember that the relationship with the environment determines the response of the environment itself ....

Exercise 3: doodles in freedom ....
When we bored and we have a piece of paper and a pen in front of seemingly meaningless doodles do often but it is our non-conscious is clear that ...
We try to do this exercise:
Take a sheet of paper and a pen, close your eyes, breathe deeply and begin to do little drawings that are supporting the pen, but we must strive not only to leave that the pen makes marks on paper.
When we are fed up with the pen marks support.
Now look what we did ....
What we elicit emotions? What ideas or thoughts come to mind? What is the feeling that you raise?
Write your answers on a sheet, the next day do the same analysis and compared the answers of the day before, what are the differences, what similarities?

Well with the archetypes end up here even though there would be written 200 books on the subject ... but I would not get bored.
I hope you enjoyed this post as the previous ones.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Mini Cooper Year.

interesting maps of the mind: meditation with pen and paper! The

Another post to debunk the myth of meditation practice as a "mystical" Meditation
it can also be implemented using pen and paper.
The first thing that we could induce the opposite is the association that taught us about writing and the concept of the prose and the Greek and Roman texts. In the East

type ideographic writing has always had a close relationship with meditation.
An ideogram fact represents a concept or idea, the sense of the idea is changed or transformed by other signs additional or subsequent characters, in this way writing becomes a map, the interpretation of which transforms it into meaning.

In Japan it is even in the extreme as the type of graphic is the same concept, this has created the concept of Japanese calligraphy also called shodo .

An effective way to meditate using pen and paper (without knowledge of Japanese or Chinese) is to meditate drawing diagrams.
psychology, computer science and other recent, they found a way to use writing to facilitate the conceptualization and then meditation: the creation of graphs .

There are also graphs specifically designed for immediate clarification and understanding concepts and expressions of personal and mental. Mental

Graphs: Flow-chart
  • mental maps Concept maps
The flow chart

The flow chart or flow charts are diagrams that help to represent algorithms. For
algorithms means sequences of actions and choices available to resolve problems.
As already explained in previous post , the ability to solve a problem is comparable if not equivalent to the capacity to manage stress is also significant. But
deepen the plot in question.

There are 5 basic blocks graphs:
  • Start: Start the process

  • End: End of the

  • Elaborate : Crash processing

  • I / O : Blocking of acquisition or explanation of information also known as Input / Output

  • If : Crash test yes / no, true / false

An example would be:

that simply describes the situation when the morning alarm sounds and you have to figure out if getting out of bed or not ....

year with the flow chart

An exercise where you can join the meditation and the flow chart could be among many the following:
  1. Take a nice piece of paper and a pen that writes well
  2. Relax and started to think about a time you found a solution to a problem
  3. Start writing on the paper block Write Start
  4. one after the other steps that have led to the solution of the problem using the blocks Process, I / O, IF
  5. When you feel that the entire settlement system has been described affix the block End

Now you have your first flow-chart, watch it, change anything? Describes exactly what you have done to resolve the situation?
If not, highlight in red the part that does not suit you, try to grab another piece of paper and start re-thinking, and relaxing, focusing carefully on the part that you think should be better represented.

this exercise could be represented in this manner with the flow-chart:

Mind maps
The mental maps are representations of knowledge designed by Tony Buzan since the '60s and '70s

Mind maps, if done right are self-explanatory
(download the map with save as, and analyze well)

year with mind maps:

  1. Focus on a topic related to themselves
  2. Describe it using a mental map in the map
  3. find the weak points and strong ones
  4. How to remedy the weaknesses and exploit those strong?
  5. Write it as part of the map

It is easier to improve it, or not?

Concept maps

in concept maps:

  • The map is developed from an initial concept, not rooted in it
  • The logic of connectionist realization is
  • The relationships between nodes are directed and must be explained by such verbs and connectives.
  • The relationship between two concepts is a proposition.
  • L 'with the map has a structure of meaning that is given to concepts, relations, propositions.
  • If the reports are not explained the map has no meaning.

year with concept maps
  1. Take the mind map you've previously built
  2. Try to consider all nodes as concepts
  3. find possible relationships between these concepts
  4. Eliminate those concepts that seem redundant and / or unnecessary
  5. Try to extend the concept map trying to explain specifically how to remedy the weaknesses and exploit those strong
you just thought in great depth on how to improve! It was
so hard? "I do not think ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Family Guy Online Ipod

display: the technique of children and genes

After the previous post on the breath I take this time to consider another useful tool that is the "view". This post
I have divided into parts trying to create a sufficiently complete details of this technique to begin to understand it.

A little 'history:
This ability seems to have been to past greats such as Leonardo, Michelangelo, and more recently Einstein and Von Neumann .
West until a few years ago was an innate capacity of a few, who either were burned at the stake (eg Giordano Bruno ) or became famous inventors or artists, but today is almost a mandatory feature for all those they have to do with any creation, by building a wall, designing the space shuttle.

In Eastern world, especially in China and Japan but also in the countries of South Asia, is a skill that was taught the martial arts, engineering, medicine, meditation, and even the war (eg Sun Tzu). In

South American World there were drugs and substances that induced altered states of consciousness, which combined with the visualization capabilities of the shamans, causing " shifts reality "..... that in a scientific manner " hallucinations " .... that in a shamanic " passage to other worlds or other levels of consciousness "....
Many of these substances are present today in psychotropic drugs and some illegal drugs ...

A bit 'of science:

psychiatry The studies to date with the display means of inspection brain To understand which brain areas are activated in the store, the inventiveness and creation.
doing so discovered that some people who suffer from some type of autism, by displaying exactly what surrounds them, they manage to have an extremely high IQ, such people are called "savant" or "wise fools" .

The psychology of the '60s and '70s first studied the effects of psychotropic substances used by South American shamans, then in the 80s and 90s you studied the display without using these substances reaching the same conclusions of Eastern philosophy: to achieve greater creativity is "sufficient" exercise, exercise, exercise
He begins to teach the astronauts to display within the sport and ultimately the politicians, and then disseminate technical "easy" for us poor mortals.

Let's start from the premise that the display is the ability to rebuild and / or build an image in my mind visually and / or a series of images (movies).
In practice this skill is how to exploit the brain like a television or a computer with a CAD system .
It is based on the ability of the brain to store visual data (images) and then reconstruct them in mind, then changing the characteristics (eg color, shape, etc.).
Like any ability, it is more or less innate, much used by children to imagine and dream, but then, if not coached, is forgotten.

Some drugs can alter this capacity, also states of depression, anxiety, chronic levels or not, may induce a state of incapacity in the view.
As I have gathered so far we do not recommend the practice to those under medication with psychotropic drugs (Psycholeptics, Psicoanalettici, Psicodislettici), or those suffering from epilepsy.
Today I met some medical specialists in epilepsy care, which had to take care of limiting the prescription of drugs, which have taught specific visualization techniques to their patients, obtaining interesting results, academia expect the corresponding checks and credits. What is

The display is very useful in creativity and in predicting the consequences of planned actions. By viewing
we have a system simulation using anything a computer up to date: our minds!
By view, you can understand and meditate on the concepts of action and reaction, he is reclassified within that complex system called the environment.
The display allows us to finally become aware of our body and its movement, improving our athletic performance and / or sports.
The display allows us to anticipate situations and be able to make choices prior to fornt repetitive problems lowering our stress levels .

exercises to train in view, you have to do a few years, maybe every day.

Exercise 1:
Look around, find a specific object (usually starts with a small and simple object), observe it, study it, then close your eyes and try to reconstruct the image of the object, there are details that you miss? Well!
Open your eyes and studied the object reconstructed yet, look for details that were lacking, study, then close your eyes and try to complete the image of the object.
If you are still not satisfied, repeat the process of study, analysis and mental reconstruction.
Eventually you will have your object in mind.
Exercise 2:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then you start thinking of places to observe different, then moving, and try to make it move in a fun, friendly or in any other way.
Exercise 3:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then start thinking about changing the color, size, number of sides, or other feature, we succeeded? if you are ok, if not, no problem, quite a breath and calmly try again
Exercise 4:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then started to think about changing some features (color, shape) and observe it in different positions while moving through space

Final Comments: Did you succeed in
these exercises? What took you? There is easy?
Now a little 'time to try more complex objects, then tested with sets of objects, and then you will have regained the ability to imagine entire worlds, more or less complex objects, etc.. As well as you did as children.
Just as you exercise with the display image being displayed can be done with sounds, music, smells, tastes, physical sensations (touch, heat, etc.).. It is said that Beethoven
because of his deafness he could compose music in his mind .... This process is called "Auditory Display."
Because the senses are 5, 5 are the types of display:
Sense -> Display Type
View -> Display visual
hearing -> hearing
Touch Display ->
Olftatto tactile display -> display olfactory
Gusto -> For those who view gustatory
at the same time can make all the views and 5 for the same object is also called total display .
This view is a skill that can be very close to the many greats of the past as well as having almost unlimited creative abilities.

This is all for now,
Good exercise!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pool Acid Stump Remover

Breath of life .....

We have seen in previous posts that the bad stress, distress call, it can produce serious physical ailments.
The first effect produces physiological distress is on the breath and breathing:
apnea, hyperventilation, breathing contract, etc.. produces the long run on the lungs, trachea and other organs of respiration, as well as oxygenation of the blood, no little problems that then turn into physiological disorders.

How to breathe properly even when we are under the influence of distress?

The question of how to breathe in a timely manner even in stressful situations, is a question that since its inception has been placed also Taoism.

Taoism is among other things, a philosophy that has set itself the goal of studying techniques to prolong life as much as possible, soon will address the topic on Taoism and I will post a number, but we now return to the breath ...

lungs, to simplify, we must think of them as a pump to the bicycle when the piston rises, the air is inhaled, goes down when the air is exhaled.

Now imagine that, in his haste, the piston can not do any running, the air inhaled and the exhaled can not be the entire capacity of the pump, we also realize that our pump called the "lungs" is calibrated in order to oxygenate the blood properly.

seems clear that this situation entails at least the lack of oxygenation of the blood, resulting in the fact that at least accelerated aging as well as the slowing of cell renewal.

In short, if you breathe too fast compared to our current needs, we risk growing old before, in addition to a hyperventilation, acceleration of possible necrosis, falls sick, and various other symptoms.

are involved in breathing than the lungs, other organs such as the diaphragm, trachea, nose, larynx and mouth ....

Now that we are taken by thousands even frenzy we have forgotten how to breathe, but some breathing practices from around the world from the world of Taoist meditation could help.

Before the exercises is imperative that you read the "WARNING" on the side.

The first exercise is called "observation of the breath":
Simply let us pause a moment and try to feel better as we breathe, we try to understand how the lungs fill, the diaphragm helps us to breathe, we take awareness of the operation our breath and let us ask ourselves the question of: what we breathe?
deep breath inhaling in order to absorb enough air to oxygenate our lungs?
exhale completely so as to expel the bad air?
What is the position of our body in order to increase naturally and without forcing the amount of air we put into our lungs, and right to expel the bad air?
tried to pull back his shoulders as change of breath?
How do we feel? By chance
feel different sensations and if so what?
meditate a moment on what we tried and try to feel the best you can ......
What do you think? Does it work? How do you feel? Give me your comments, will also be useful to me!

Now we start with a second year, this time with a little 'cautious, if you suffer from nose bleeds is better that you do not force too .... but do not worry, nothing exceptional, if you can blow your nose, you can also do this exercise (before you read everything and then you do):
three times Push the air out of his nose like when you blow your nose, these three little taps air from the nose should be short and quick, and you should feel the air coming out of the nose, because this exercise ask yourself the question, now I can feel your nose? I realized that the nose is important to breathe? Now inhale and exhale through the nose from the mouth .... and when you realize you inhale from the mouth remake this year ..... and return to breathe properly.
Physicians who take care of breath (lung specialists) say that is the correct way of breathing: breathe in through your nose and exhale from the mouth, the nose because this is a natural filter, while the mouth, there being filter is better exhale.

Now one last year, but before the explanation:
Another problem concerning the breath is the fact that our lungs when we are under stress, unable to fully expand because of stiffening of the diaphragm (the muscle that helps breathing).
This last exercise uses the functional capacity both lungs of the diaphragm, so if you have disease or breathing problems avoid this exercise: Part
initial First exhale bringing the diaphragm to push air out as possible, you may hear the belly to then you started the year well!
Step 1: Now that all the bad air is no longer breathe through your nose slowly and deeply and try to bring the air to the bottom of your lungs will feel your belly swell, then the lungs and continue until you hear your sated.
Step 2: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 3: Then inhale again until Our lungs do not always tell just slowly
Step 4: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 5: exhale through your mouth, bringing the diaphragm to push air out as much as possible more slowly
Step 6: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 7: and then exhale again as long as our lungs do not always tell just slowly
Step 8: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 9: Repeat for the other two since "Step 1 "

The old Taoists held three pennies in his hand, and threw a coin at each breathing in a cup, keeping count of the breaths

finished the year as you feel? What emotions, feelings did you feel?
The first few times you may feel as if the lungs expand to infinity, the smoker's cough will be .... but do not worry if you have been realized and have followed the instructions on the side of the post always present no problem!

And now? How's your breath?

The images are from Wikipedia, beautiful is not it? Then us support!

Well, let me know how it went with these exercises if they try, ok?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Monster Energy Wedding Rings

eustress: When stress is more than helpful

In the previous post I have dwelt much on what is stress especially the bad stress or distress.
In this post I would like to further stress instead of "good" or the eustress.

Eustress occurs when we are faced with a problem and we can before or after you find and choose the most relevant to the environment that surrounds us.

If we see diagram on the left and find the look a bit 'of things:

  • For every problem we encounter in life is more important to find a solution
  • Finding solutions is more a resource only when we have a method to choose the solution that seems the most appropriate

What's even more interesting is the relationship between time to find a solution and stress:

Then from the above, the way to live trying to get into when dealing with a life eustress , can be summarized as follows:
  1. The ability to find multiple solutions to a problem
  2. The ability to choose the most appropriate solution
  3. The ability to do these things as quickly as possible
Now: there are techniques to capture these capabilities in the shortest possible time?

In this area deals with the discipline called Problem Solving.
Problem Solving is a discipline born from Psychology, Management, Production methods, economics, engineering, artificial intelligence, etc..

trying to take the 3 points above the second Problem Solving:
  1. The solution always exists and if there is not (currently) a problem
  2. For Problem Solving the CAPC in choosing the most appropriate solution to a problem, is emerging as a problem, and then returns to step 1 of the previous list
  3. The speed of finding solutions depends on how many have had to find similar solutions for similar problems
  1. The problems are not problems without solutions (now resolved)
  2. The solution is always similar to previously found solutions
  3. The amount of time to find a solution to any problem is statistically inversely proportional to the amount of problems so far resolved
  4. In practice
: to avoid falling into distress and address problems with the eustress need to "practice" to solve problems

said, and set aside (perhaps resume Problem Solving in a future post) , let us see the relationship between stress and time spent at eustress

Then another need is to:
  • O eustress stay in as little as possible (to be good problem solvers)
  • O bring the right-most point of change that can increase their resistance to stress (practicing with discipline)
  • addition to having time to relax to "recharge batteries"
For each of these points there is a different kind of meditation:
  • For the first there is a type of meditation called "View" (simulate in mind the problem with possible solutions, with the possible outcomes, etc.).
  • For the second there is a kind of meditation called "internal record" ("I make it", "can do", etc.).
  • last point is part of meditation "static" (Zen meditation of this movie?)

Up To date we have seen society, stress and its two faces, and what problems the modern man must face every day.

From next post I can finally dedicate myself to explain very practical methods of meditation that can help us at all times of difficulty.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Swollen Ankles From Drinking

my taxes, where do they go? The job search

I enjoyed doing the math ... ..

With a tax of 44% a family with an income of € 80,000 leaves of direct taxes to the state € 32,000 per year.

I made a simple sum of the waste reported expressively: € 3,412,000 which, divided by 32,000, giving the equivalent of 106 years of fees a family of middle income / high.

shows only some of the charges "crazy", or better than "Falling Down", reported expressively. The others can read the article.

547 000 € for a project entitled 'Archaeology and Synesthesia', edited by the Institute for the dissemination of Natural Sciences,
724 000 University of Tor Vergata 'for the development of sustainable technologies "
For a multimedia project to the House of Polybius would have been spent € 955 000.
Over 600 000 € for the exhibition 'Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius' promoted by organizing Communicate Alessandro Nicosia.

I am glad to pay taxes!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Star Tattoos For The Hip Me

stress such as cholesterol ... what is good and the bad .... Our company

In the previous post I talked about stress .... but cos' is stress?
In this post I groped to do some 'the picture.

Let's start with a metaphor: the stress is like a spring ....

Imagine a spring in position.
Well, now that spring has two properties that the expansion and compression, which can compress or extend ....

Imagine compressing it, but if you compress it too much it is compressed and deformed not return to the starting position ...

But imagine extending it, if you extend it too much of it will stretch and rest will be extended, losing its elasticity ....

external forces to which is subject to our spring / stress (in or extensions to compression) are called "stressors .

What few know is that the level of stress can be measured physically
  • blood pressure
  • heartbeat
  • Muscle tension
  • skin conductance (a measure of skin conductivity)
  • thoracic breathing Diaphragmatic breathing
  • cortisol levels
  • prolactin levels
  • addition to this there may be psychological tests

The funzionameneto of our spring-normal stress is defined as eustress (Good stress) and when it is too much compression or expansion is defined as distress (bad stress).

The most used representation for the stress is a Cartesian graph x-axis where you put your stress level and the ordinate the ability to adapt to the environment (the stressors)

If we walk into a state of distress in the defense mechanisms come into psychosomatic function (action coping) thereby creating a situation that would move quickly to increase levels of stress.

This would be useful at the moment in case of distress in the left side of the chart, but absolutely deleterious in the case of distress at the right of the graph .

The stress system may also be divided into the following phases:
  • alarm reaction: the body and / or the mind perceives a stressor
  • phase resistance : Automatically try to resist change
  • If you leave the bounds of 'eustress:
    • (distress:) You enter a phase of rapid energy depletion and maladjustment, can not come out otherwise

    • (eustress:) Adaptation
  • Back psycho-physical balance

Stress is often seen as something that is purely in the mental field, but studies Accredited now show that stress creates physical effects on the body physically

All these activities can cause or aggravate the long run the following ailments (and not all):
  • Hormonal problems:
    • Serotonin: physiological clock
    • Melatonin: Sleep
    • Dopamine: Rule sensitivity to pain / pleasure
    • Noradrenaline: energy, regulates glucose and insulin
    • Cortisol: Dealing with carbohydrates and resistance of hair
  • Cardiac: Tachycardia
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • center of the chest pain
    • Hypertension
    • Myocardial
  • Lung: Bronchial asthma
  • Hyperventilation Gastrointestinal: Irritable Bowel
    • : diarrhea, constipation, pain
    • Dyspepsia: a sense of fullness after a meal, acidity, belching, pain
    • Ulcer gastric / duodenal ulcer: increased gastric acid secretion in the appearance and / or duodenum
    • Crohn's disease
  • Endocrine Glands Endocrine
    • devices:
      • adrenal glands: they consume vitamin C quickly
      • pancreas : regulation of insulin
      • Thyroid: hypo or hyperthyroidism
    • There are some studies that suggest the onset of diabetes in case of prolonged distress
  • Uro-Genital:
    • Premature ejaculation Impotence
    • Loss of desire
    • generally low spraying blood circulation of the parties genital
  • Derma:
    • Hyperhidrosis: excessive sweating
    • Trichotillomania: The person tearing his hair
    • Itching
  • Mind:
    • headache
    • irritability difficulty concentrating
    • panic attacks
    • crying
    • depression anxiety attacks
    • sleep disorders
    • difficulty in expressing themselves
    • feeling of boredom in relation to any situation
    • change in voice
    • hyperactivity
    • confusion
  • General:
    • Lowering
    • immune diseases have
    • Easy
  • More .....

So you can keep stress levels under control, and have ways to get out of distress, at least on a psychological level, it becomes important if not vital.

studies on distress and different means of escape are now in continuous progress, but since the 70s have created entire lists.

report here on a non-exhaustive methods previously accredited at the level of science:
  • Avoid foods and substances such
    • Refined Carbohydrates
    • Coffee, Tea
    • Cigarettes
  • Avoid modifiers such as hormonal status:
    • drugs drugs drugs
    • alcohol tobacco
  • naturopathic remedies
    • Royal Jelly Ginseng
    • Radiola
    • Viatmina C: although in this case we must pay attention to the liver in overdose
  • Making sport
    • but not excessively otherwise produces excess cortisol with an increase in physical stress
  • Sex & pampering
    • separate genus:
      • For males, sex is a safety valve that reduces nervous tension, while in terms of pampering act with extreme indifference
      • For females but lost interest in sex, increasing a search of pampering that balance dysfunction Hormonal
  • Meditation
    • Relieving suffering mental
    • Hormone production to compensate
  • More .....

What's even more interesting is that there are factors of relieving the stress arising from external factors such as: interpersonal relationships
  • The Family The company
  • work
  • Friendships
  • etc..

These factors work both in the sense of relief that a deterioration in the level of stress, with obvious consequences ...

Another thing to note is that the smooth functioning of external factors such as family, work and friendships, work well if our stress is under control, bad if we are right in distress, with all that entails (quarrels , misunderstandings, etc.).

This explains because as they said the following details: "it always rains in the wet" !

A little 'bibliography on the Internet: E2 % 80% 99adattamento-to-stress / (medicine)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Airopeeknx Atheros Ar5005g Drivers

If I meditate on our society today do not know whether to laugh or cry .....

Since we are born we learn to compete with standard models and more or less high, always put us in competition with our fellow man, we impose rules more or less logical, tell us what we should or should not do .....

The nice thing is that the source of these orders, directions, warnings, alarms and emergencies is actually a set of entities and / or entities more or less commercial, advertising, or economic ..... What's even

more tragicomic is that we all know that tell bales:
  • bales Parents tell their children to be prepared for (the mother who is the dad)
  • Teachers (all levels) tell students not to bale diminish their wisdom disguised
  • The newspapers tell bales to sell copies
  • bales to tell politicians to get elected
  • friends tell bales to be accepted, feel superior, or god knows what other reason
  • We tell ourselves bales not to be afraid ...... ourselves ......

short, in this society are the most common lies!
Not only that but more bales tell, we are more socially valued .....
And what causes this?

Imagine a hamster with the electronic brain that runs on a crazy wheel continuing to process information without feeling ......
The effects will be of interest:
  • Physically the hamster before or after a stroke is Mentally
  • leaving crazy

But this is only the end, to get to this stage before there is a long and inexorable attrition:

  • Physically : the hamster will increase its pressure (hypertension), when you eat ingozzerà with digestive problems, assimilation of macronutrients, and will no longer have the time to select the food, even parts of ingesting contaminated food or malicious, will hold their breath up to a certain point until it starts to have been lineage of hyperventilation, and if not for lack of breath will have a permanent respiratory deficiency, vitamin deficiency, dehydration and impaired drainage of lactic acid, muscle aches, etc.. etc.. etc.. ........ you remember any?
  • Mentally : the hamster will start with light state of neurosis, to then become the first in pathologically anxious, then, after the state of depression, paranoid states begin with, up to united states of mental confusion in a lack of memory or even memory loss or functional coordination, the senses of sight or in general ...... you remember someone?

Only after these intermediate states can rest in peace ..... Dead ......

you feel hamsters or humans?

If you still feel hamsters, imagine that our strange hamster these crazy mixed races, state of almost complete immobility, while in ingurgita absurd amount of food, drinking what is and will remain so for quite some time and then the riperendere His wild ride ....

In these times its weight will increase toiling heart, arteries, and heavy in your stomach slows digestion with potential onset of diabetes and heart problems .......

Do not you feel more hamsters?
Then try to imagine that more and our crazy hamster, lives amid a cloud of micro-dusts, exhaust fumes and pollution in general, causing problems in the lungs, trachea, and esophagus ......
Still not enough?

Imagine that in the cage, there is still always in the background the sound of gunshots and aggressive noises 24 hours a day, with images of death, famine, pestilence and wars, and 12-16 hours a day there is a deafening noise. ...
Our hamster (poor) will a nervous wreck, hypersensitive to stimuli, apathetic, unable to hear their stimuli, attenuated because dell'ipersollecitazione, unable to bring him a few little hope of survival ......

So our hamster is now just one of us human beings Westernized ... with our physical and mental diseases .......

But if you had to sum it up?

  • For our hamster : Hurry ........ compulsive due to induction outside ......
  • For us ........ Hurry compulsive because we tell the bales and / or tell us ...... What generates

the hurry within us, in general?
Physicians / psychologists call it psychosomatic stress and / or distress ..... (But the "stress" it will take up later in another post)

Rush ...... or?
have a motivation to accelerate its activities in a more manageable than is normal .....

And what would those reasons?
The fear of dying before they have done everything we think is right to do (which is often a big dance that we tell ourselves in the mirror!)

And who created this fear of dying? The
know that there is death ... the knowledge that sooner or later all grow old and die .... the fear of getting old ....... So

our society is a society of old people who have a fear of growing old curse, and this runs like mad lemmings in the coffin .... a direct way to the cemetery ....

I try to summarize thus far:
Our company is frantic and unsuccessful because they held and maintained by men and women who are afraid of growing old, and push on all of (reasons for creating a hurry) to succeed to get themselves more or less realistic results, often not feasible, the illusions unnecessary and often damaging to self and others ....
how nice ..... I feel more relieved now ...... mmmm .... you ..... right!

how to fight this "modus vivendi"?

Knowing say no ....... no to what? No
to those who would put us in those we elect to not make decisions for their leaders, who urges us not to purchase, emergency, alarm, no to anyone who wants to pouring out their supreme truth, no to everybody who tells the lie that to work you must have experience, be young, beautiful / o, graduate, daughter or wife, husband .... etc..
say no .... difficult but not impossible .....

Accept accept .... what?
What is high or low, young or old, healthy or sick, graduates or graduates, with or without experience ... in short, accept themselves for the way they ...... in practice to have self-esteem ....
(This from what I could see it is easier for men than for women)

calm down .... in what way?
haste slowly, looking forward, where you put your feet, think about what you do .... in short, count to 30 and make three deep breaths ......

and if others do not go well? ..... my answer is: BE A FUCK! (It's also become fashionable with Grillo &!)

.... and then? And then knowing smile also malicious criticism that we are done .... and improve constantly, slowly, steadily , but for now I'll stop on this ...... I'll talk later .....

Saturday, October 30, 2010


A bit 'of my story .....

Although a highly technical and pragmatic training (IT, electronics and telecommunications), in my life I have always been interested in issues of "non-sensitive" as a philosophy, theology, and everything about the human being in his spirituality as well as in his behavior.

In my life I had the misfortune to meet the poor in spirit, self-styled "masters" more interested in client portfolios that disclosure a thought, a way of life and existence, good in words but in fact did the exact opposite of what they preached ....

On the other hand I also had the great fortune to have met even real masters, that by being humble in their approach and pragmatic in their behavior, I was taught that sobriety in dealing with issues of "non-sensitive" is very close to that thin and fascinating philosophy comes from deep within Japan, the Zen in the west and insulted so much that today, in a society in deep crisis of existence, seems to be the only thing that coveted call happiness.

Eventually I learned one thing: that those who call themselves teachers, clowns are often swollen with pride, incapable of any self-criticism, convinced that they have one or more truth to which all must submit unless they are convinced that those who criticize the their ideas is a 'loser', often accuse the mote in others, without realizing that they beam stuck in that place where the sun beats.

that deals with issues of "non-sensitive" science is often accused of shortsightedness, not realizing that in fact comes simply from science epistemology and theory of knowledge from which also all philosophies more or less "new- age "in this crazy West born, run or pass.

Science then is not the enemy of the concepts of "non-sensitive", in contrast, science seeks only to streamline and minimize the problems that you incur in the analysis encountering, understanding, and the reproducibility of those practices that until a few years ago were considered frivolous, such as acupuncture, a practice that is now being experienced as pain management in hospitals by technology and most advanced in the world (in Italy), and whose effects are only now beginning to be classified and analyzed by the method of medical science.

I deal with a lot of meditation and I talk about this practice as esoteric ..... consideration was ever farther from the truth!
Meditation is a practice already in ranked matches in both the psychiatric and psychological, its effects on the body and mind are now included in the scientific manuals, and even in some therapies is recommended to improve disease or even for cases where drugs here such as morphine and opiates in general are no longer effect, or may not be used.

While I have always dealt with the philosophies that have considered the meditation, the other I started from a little 'time to take care of the sciences (psychology, psychiatry, and education) who dedicated themselves to identify this practice and the scientific basis of the potential, even as well as improving its effectiveness.

At various meditation classes that I had to attend, I have often been faced with would-be masters, nor from a philosophical perspective, whether from a scientific perspective were minimally prepared .... not to mention their ability to teach this practice ...

Rare times I have finished the courses, as they tend to come to regard at least part of .... 's only one way I finished was to Usui Reiki, and to my knowledge on the practice of Taoist meditation, I learned more observation and disquisition with old Chinese wine offering in return, not by hired masters Western or Westernized.

If someone asked me if I am a Catholic, the answer is no, if you ask me if I am a Christian I believe that the answer is more important for what Jesus said and did, not who was the son ..... the "recommendations" I prefer not to believe .....
certainly believe in the existence of something higher, to give it a name in the disquisition may be useful, certainly not in the faith .....
the end, the matrix of philosophical Taoism is probably what comes closest to my view of that entity nominalized in the West by the name God

The funny thing is that I have recently read that the first Jesuits (ivicompreso Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610) arrived in China and Japan, wrote to the Pope describes as a people who had never known Jesus had arrived at the theological level very close to the West, and that the moral and ethical measures were so similar that identified in the name of the mythical Fu Xi (one of the founders of the Taoist philosophy) as Noah, or at least his son, identified in Taoism a religion tied hand in glove with the Abrahamic religion .... funny .... Today we know that is not true .... but it says a lot .......

back to meditation Many people ask me which school is the best ..... here I smile ..... meditation is like the kitchen .... each country has its own, each person has his own secret to making a good meal .... certainly does not exist in the East, Middle East, or schools of pure meditation, meditation in these places is like oil, there is functional but everywhere else, and is widely used in Eastern martial arts, in Middle East Sufi Islam in the line to reach Allah ..... The paradox is that even Christians have their meditation ... and is called "prayer ".........

said conclude by saying: you learn one way and then personalizzatevelo according to what you have learned ......

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Toddler Handheld Tablet

I wish everybody to find a job, especially the many young people must begin to build their future The house, a mortgage, their children. I have a son 25 years recent graduate with an employment contract for one year. It is with premises like this that a young person can plan his future.
But I want to throw them food for thought: we are certain that the future, if not already present, the work will be to the employee?
we take it for granted because we and our parents were born and lived with this model. But let's not forget that this was the historical period with the least traumatic changes that the world exists. Some people continue saying, or hoping, that this is indeed a crisis and that everything will be as before. The facts that we have under our eyes tell another story. Not is a crisis but a revolution. Consumerism has had its day and was, we liked it or not, the spring that has allowed for years and years to give work to everybody. Works are also "useless", the so-called "tertiary useless" because the profit margins allow. Emerging economies are dictating new rules that shorten the chain of steps between production and the final customer, in fact, cutting 90% of the activity "unnecessary." What activities are "useless" or "tertiary useless" (definition of Corriere della Sera). Are all those jobs that companies have created not to leave people at home are no longer necessary to production phases. More than 50% of the "job description" of the linkedin members fall into this area. All activities within the services or internal-operations. Cost centers and profit centers. Companies today no longer have the operating margins to afford to maintain, let alone thicken these functions. Competition and crisis, which has reduced power consumption, now requires companies to "thin out" in a more or less visible. Search on google "Stealth Layoff" putting the name of some big science.
In Italy, years ago, some genius has created the short degree courses in subjects such as "Sciences of Communication". An incredible flop because today marketing is one of the first areas where companies lay off, oops I mean: encourage the outputs. Marketing has always been where to put the container resources made redundant and no longer needed. Today, this container is emptied because there is no longer the "wealth" to keep it.
All this preamble to say what? Do not stop looking for work as employees, but with the knowledge that the world is changing. What seemed set in stone until yesterday, tomorrow will be different. Be even fewer companies that will take. The work will again be one of the craftsman who sells his services. Do not think the craftsman as the carpenter or cobbler, but also the consultant pre-sales. Expert home automation. At the head of marketing for the sector. will be more and more companies who purchase these services outside only when you will need.
Investigate the opportunity to become self-employed. Someone writes that abroad is easier. Of course it always has been because the labor laws are more flexible than those we have in Italy. Read, our, driven by trade unions in order to protect employees, including those-nothing, thinking of no protection for the company. Fiat docet ... ..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ladies Housecoats Zippered

The reasons for the crisis and an idea. Facebook

the current crisis.

I have the impression that you see the speck and do not see the beam. All
true what they say, but are, in my humble opinion, the adverse consequences of an earthquake, announced that it has overwhelmed all that we took for granted. The engine of consumerism, which for so many years has created wealth and jobs has stopped. As it was right that you stop sooner or later. It was an engine now worn-out, ease of access to credit, so that today we condemn, allowed him to grind a few more years on the road. But his fate was sealed. The world thrives on continuous movements that overwhelm these mechanisms. The fall of the borders, easy access to technology, the emergence of new economic powers. All of which could not but affect the system: consumption-production-consumption, which was based on the Western world.
Most of us work and some less, still working in the tertiary services. But the price can no longer fight those margins that enabled it to pay these costs. Today, the chain must be designed on the Dell model or Zara. From production to consumption, without intermediate figures. Without the marketing manager, business development manager, senior strategic consultant, meeting the self-celebrating around the European capitals.

Everyone says the government must create the conditions for new jobs. But how? With the magic wand? All work on the opportunities of Web 2.0? On social networking sites?

My idea is: differentiation. But not as Alexander says: leveraging the features of the made in Italy. Why are all copied. The Chinese, as did Taiwan, the first re-invest profits in new machinery and nell'assoldare our design experts. The day after their products are in our stores. Same quality, lower price.

serves to differentiate the offering of "small" things. Today there is no store that sells the same shoes, the same sweater, the same brand of pasta. There is not even taste to travel the world for shopping. The offering is global and homogeneous.
We must give space to the artisans. Each store its product. Who sells those yellow and green sweater. The cheese made by small artisan pasta makers. etc.. Close to shopping centers that are like herbicides. But do not destroy the weeds. They destroy the local economy. They close the shops and places to create committed, until the boxes are not all automatic, from 800 € / month.
They sell the exact same products from Mexico to Alaska in the territory

must recreate the conditions in which all those who come from the companies that rightly cut the tertiary useless for the reasons I have stated before (which are objective reasons and mathematically calculated from the third grade with Conticini ) can start their business. Their shop.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ode To Myself Poem Generator

a world to eavesdrop

goers Facebook behave like the old women of the villages in the 50's. All / and eavesdropping, and peer behind the peepholes, now virtual, and anyone who comes to "talk".
Whenever I meet someone tells me "you know I read your post on FB. But why not read if I participate? Why this fear published its ideas or opinions? So why sign up on facebook? Just to spy on those who have no problem to expose himself? We are in 2010 on certain things but we are still in 1910 ......

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How Much To Recarpet A House


Today is my birthday. What changed the world. Once we receive the good wishes from friends, relatives, former colleagues. Today, 90% are generated automatically Greetings from websites in which you are registered. The site of the gym that I attended years ago, the site of the forum of PC geeks, or whatever. Already
should be meditating on what has changed social attitudes when the wishes are sent with a message, maybe wrote on a social network, not voice. Whether this message comes automatically because I recorded my birth date on a site, we got to the bottom. These certainly do not sin automation of fantasy. The congratulatory message is often colored, with beautiful background images, with lots of exclamation marks to emphasize the happiness that this "software" in the test let me know that he "is" and remember me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Aftershave Aqua Velva

Italian excellence and the Chinese.

I disagree with the statement "the Chinese are good at producing low quality products, we excel denle Italian design, creativity, etc." "There will never overcome." I think it is comforting statement to which we cling for not wanting to see reality.
The Chinese are following the same process in Taiwan. Initially leverage on low labor costs and low quality products due to the lack of skills and tools technologically backward. A short-invest the profits in the acquisition of existing instruments and "import" of engineers and designers in the various areas where they intend to compete. At that point the gap is bridged and we will be out of action. Taiwan teaches.
Who cites Taiwan as the homeland of the products of poor quality photocopy? Are now manufacturing excellence. We Italians have the best footwear (Many designed in Italy but manufactured abroad). Do you think for a Chinese company is impossible to adopt a step techniques, equipment and a designer "Italian" to reach and surpass?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Velveeta Cheese Commercial 2010

Some data taken by the Economist article "Clouded a feature that is the return to work on his own in a perspective of" services "like of the "cloud" computer literacy.
freelancers in the U.S. rose from 28,000 in 2008 to 247,000 del'Aprile 2010.
The reasons for this migration are different. First and foremost the crisis that is leading many companies to streamline staff. The technology allows more and more remote work. With the fall of the model of rampant yuppies many people are rediscovering the value of leisure time for your hobbies, friends, family, sports, etc.. The ability to open the market for its services to each company beyond its physical location. The creation of agencies such as which act as intermediaries between the supply of freelancers and market demands.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kates Playground Beach Free

The end of the tertiary useless

I return after two events on Linkedin

My initial post.


In my opinion, but I hope I'm wrong, this is not a crisis but the end was announced, a model whose foundations were crumbling day by day. We'll not return to welfare as we knew it. It was not, and is more sustainable that 20% of the population gets 80% of assets. Developing countries are emerging and start to win their share of welfare costs by offering services more competitive than ours. For years, thanks to monopolies and profit margins, companies have transferred no longer necessary resources involved in the production to the tertiary-useless. The current decline in margins and the need to compete with emerging countries is in fact bringing companies to get rid of this "ballast". The service sector, which provided work to the predominant part of employees, has, with minor exceptions, the more reason to exist because, trivially, there are more margins in which to drown his costs.
now companies primarily require only that you: production workers (few) and sellers.
E 'in the eyes of all of us, simply scroll through the various forums on LinkedIn, the first to be affected by the crisis are those who worked in the service sector with titles that even the wildest imagination could create.
But do not condemn the companies that have created these positions, far from it. In this way they "recycled" are no longer needed production workers by providing them with a position and a salary. But you had to be blind not to realize that this could not last much longer. A "senior strategic advisor," just to name a title that says everything and nothing, whose main job was to go back and forth between one meeting and another, now wonder if the show should not leave at home.

Someone replied that there is a tertiary "useful." And I said:

Absolutely. Indeed, especially in the reality of SMEs do not have the figures of the innovators. Those who create new products and / or services. Glimpsed the modernization of existing products by leveraging on the know-how combining it with the "exploitation" of the strategic building blocks to combine the technological strength of a proven product with existing technology.
These are the figures that are missing in companies in Italy. That universities do not prepare. That entrepreneurs do not form because they already assume they do not know what "tactics" then imagine the "strategy". And also because I do not understand the ROI of these figures as they lack the same lead them to be overtaken by competitors.
Unfortunately can still see the "Chinese" only as suppliers of cheap labor. Grosso's
beam. Taiwan should be taught.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Love Making By The Stream

Book "because we can not be Christians"

Piergiorgio Odifreddi

interview to listen at all, especially the last part on how much it cost the Vatican.