Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Star Tattoos For The Hip Me

stress such as cholesterol ... what is good and the bad .... Our company

In the previous post I talked about stress .... but cos' is stress?
In this post I groped to do some 'the picture.

Let's start with a metaphor: the stress is like a spring ....

Imagine a spring in position.
Well, now that spring has two properties that the expansion and compression, which can compress or extend ....

Imagine compressing it, but if you compress it too much it is compressed and deformed not return to the starting position ...

But imagine extending it, if you extend it too much of it will stretch and rest will be extended, losing its elasticity ....

external forces to which is subject to our spring / stress (in or extensions to compression) are called "stressors .

What few know is that the level of stress can be measured physically
  • blood pressure
  • heartbeat
  • Muscle tension
  • skin conductance (a measure of skin conductivity)
  • thoracic breathing Diaphragmatic breathing
  • cortisol levels
  • prolactin levels
  • addition to this there may be psychological tests

The funzionameneto of our spring-normal stress is defined as eustress (Good stress) and when it is too much compression or expansion is defined as distress (bad stress).

The most used representation for the stress is a Cartesian graph x-axis where you put your stress level and the ordinate the ability to adapt to the environment (the stressors)

If we walk into a state of distress in the defense mechanisms come into psychosomatic function (action coping) thereby creating a situation that would move quickly to increase levels of stress.

This would be useful at the moment in case of distress in the left side of the chart, but absolutely deleterious in the case of distress at the right of the graph .

The stress system may also be divided into the following phases:
  • alarm reaction: the body and / or the mind perceives a stressor
  • phase resistance : Automatically try to resist change
  • If you leave the bounds of 'eustress:
    • (distress:) You enter a phase of rapid energy depletion and maladjustment, can not come out otherwise

    • (eustress:) Adaptation
  • Back psycho-physical balance

Stress is often seen as something that is purely in the mental field, but studies Accredited now show that stress creates physical effects on the body physically

All these activities can cause or aggravate the long run the following ailments (and not all):
  • Hormonal problems:
    • Serotonin: physiological clock
    • Melatonin: Sleep
    • Dopamine: Rule sensitivity to pain / pleasure
    • Noradrenaline: energy, regulates glucose and insulin
    • Cortisol: Dealing with carbohydrates and resistance of hair
  • Cardiac: Tachycardia
    • Irregular heartbeat
    • center of the chest pain
    • Hypertension
    • Myocardial
  • Lung: Bronchial asthma
  • Hyperventilation Gastrointestinal: Irritable Bowel
    • : diarrhea, constipation, pain
    • Dyspepsia: a sense of fullness after a meal, acidity, belching, pain
    • Ulcer gastric / duodenal ulcer: increased gastric acid secretion in the appearance and / or duodenum
    • Crohn's disease
  • Endocrine Glands Endocrine
    • devices:
      • adrenal glands: they consume vitamin C quickly
      • pancreas : regulation of insulin
      • Thyroid: hypo or hyperthyroidism
    • There are some studies that suggest the onset of diabetes in case of prolonged distress
  • Uro-Genital:
    • Premature ejaculation Impotence
    • Loss of desire
    • generally low spraying blood circulation of the parties genital
  • Derma:
    • Hyperhidrosis: excessive sweating
    • Trichotillomania: The person tearing his hair
    • Itching
  • Mind:
    • headache
    • irritability difficulty concentrating
    • panic attacks
    • crying
    • depression anxiety attacks
    • sleep disorders
    • difficulty in expressing themselves
    • feeling of boredom in relation to any situation
    • change in voice
    • hyperactivity
    • confusion
  • General:
    • Lowering
    • immune diseases have
    • Easy
  • More .....

So you can keep stress levels under control, and have ways to get out of distress, at least on a psychological level, it becomes important if not vital.

studies on distress and different means of escape are now in continuous progress, but since the 70s have created entire lists.

report here on a non-exhaustive methods previously accredited at the level of science:
  • Avoid foods and substances such
    • Refined Carbohydrates
    • Coffee, Tea
    • Cigarettes
  • Avoid modifiers such as hormonal status:
    • drugs drugs drugs
    • alcohol tobacco
  • naturopathic remedies
    • Royal Jelly Ginseng
    • Radiola
    • Viatmina C: although in this case we must pay attention to the liver in overdose
  • Making sport
    • but not excessively otherwise produces excess cortisol with an increase in physical stress
  • Sex & pampering
    • separate genus:
      • For males, sex is a safety valve that reduces nervous tension, while in terms of pampering act with extreme indifference
      • For females but lost interest in sex, increasing a search of pampering that balance dysfunction Hormonal
  • Meditation
    • Relieving suffering mental
    • Hormone production to compensate
  • More .....

What's even more interesting is that there are factors of relieving the stress arising from external factors such as: interpersonal relationships
  • The Family The company
  • work
  • Friendships
  • etc..

These factors work both in the sense of relief that a deterioration in the level of stress, with obvious consequences ...

Another thing to note is that the smooth functioning of external factors such as family, work and friendships, work well if our stress is under control, bad if we are right in distress, with all that entails (quarrels , misunderstandings, etc.).

This explains because as they said the following details: "it always rains in the wet" !

A little 'bibliography on the Internet: E2 % 80% 99adattamento-to-stress / (medicine)


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