Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Toddler Handheld Tablet

I wish everybody to find a job, especially the many young people must begin to build their future The house, a mortgage, their children. I have a son 25 years recent graduate with an employment contract for one year. It is with premises like this that a young person can plan his future.
But I want to throw them food for thought: we are certain that the future, if not already present, the work will be to the employee?
we take it for granted because we and our parents were born and lived with this model. But let's not forget that this was the historical period with the least traumatic changes that the world exists. Some people continue saying, or hoping, that this is indeed a crisis and that everything will be as before. The facts that we have under our eyes tell another story. Not is a crisis but a revolution. Consumerism has had its day and was, we liked it or not, the spring that has allowed for years and years to give work to everybody. Works are also "useless", the so-called "tertiary useless" because the profit margins allow. Emerging economies are dictating new rules that shorten the chain of steps between production and the final customer, in fact, cutting 90% of the activity "unnecessary." What activities are "useless" or "tertiary useless" (definition of Corriere della Sera). Are all those jobs that companies have created not to leave people at home are no longer necessary to production phases. More than 50% of the "job description" of the linkedin members fall into this area. All activities within the services or internal-operations. Cost centers and profit centers. Companies today no longer have the operating margins to afford to maintain, let alone thicken these functions. Competition and crisis, which has reduced power consumption, now requires companies to "thin out" in a more or less visible. Search on google "Stealth Layoff" putting the name of some big science.
In Italy, years ago, some genius has created the short degree courses in subjects such as "Sciences of Communication". An incredible flop because today marketing is one of the first areas where companies lay off, oops I mean: encourage the outputs. Marketing has always been where to put the container resources made redundant and no longer needed. Today, this container is emptied because there is no longer the "wealth" to keep it.
All this preamble to say what? Do not stop looking for work as employees, but with the knowledge that the world is changing. What seemed set in stone until yesterday, tomorrow will be different. Be even fewer companies that will take. The work will again be one of the craftsman who sells his services. Do not think the craftsman as the carpenter or cobbler, but also the consultant pre-sales. Expert home automation. At the head of marketing for the sector. will be more and more companies who purchase these services outside only when you will need.
Investigate the opportunity to become self-employed. Someone writes that abroad is easier. Of course it always has been because the labor laws are more flexible than those we have in Italy. Read, our, driven by trade unions in order to protect employees, including those-nothing, thinking of no protection for the company. Fiat docet ... ..


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