Monday, June 7, 2010

Aftershave Aqua Velva

Italian excellence and the Chinese.

I disagree with the statement "the Chinese are good at producing low quality products, we excel denle Italian design, creativity, etc." "There will never overcome." I think it is comforting statement to which we cling for not wanting to see reality.
The Chinese are following the same process in Taiwan. Initially leverage on low labor costs and low quality products due to the lack of skills and tools technologically backward. A short-invest the profits in the acquisition of existing instruments and "import" of engineers and designers in the various areas where they intend to compete. At that point the gap is bridged and we will be out of action. Taiwan teaches.
Who cites Taiwan as the homeland of the products of poor quality photocopy? Are now manufacturing excellence. We Italians have the best footwear (Many designed in Italy but manufactured abroad). Do you think for a Chinese company is impossible to adopt a step techniques, equipment and a designer "Italian" to reach and surpass?


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