Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pool Acid Stump Remover

Breath of life .....

We have seen in previous posts that the bad stress, distress call, it can produce serious physical ailments.
The first effect produces physiological distress is on the breath and breathing:
apnea, hyperventilation, breathing contract, etc.. produces the long run on the lungs, trachea and other organs of respiration, as well as oxygenation of the blood, no little problems that then turn into physiological disorders.

How to breathe properly even when we are under the influence of distress?

The question of how to breathe in a timely manner even in stressful situations, is a question that since its inception has been placed also Taoism.

Taoism is among other things, a philosophy that has set itself the goal of studying techniques to prolong life as much as possible, soon will address the topic on Taoism and I will post a number, but we now return to the breath ...

lungs, to simplify, we must think of them as a pump to the bicycle when the piston rises, the air is inhaled, goes down when the air is exhaled.

Now imagine that, in his haste, the piston can not do any running, the air inhaled and the exhaled can not be the entire capacity of the pump, we also realize that our pump called the "lungs" is calibrated in order to oxygenate the blood properly.

seems clear that this situation entails at least the lack of oxygenation of the blood, resulting in the fact that at least accelerated aging as well as the slowing of cell renewal.

In short, if you breathe too fast compared to our current needs, we risk growing old before, in addition to a hyperventilation, acceleration of possible necrosis, falls sick, and various other symptoms.

are involved in breathing than the lungs, other organs such as the diaphragm, trachea, nose, larynx and mouth ....

Now that we are taken by thousands even frenzy we have forgotten how to breathe, but some breathing practices from around the world from the world of Taoist meditation could help.

Before the exercises is imperative that you read the "WARNING" on the side.

The first exercise is called "observation of the breath":
Simply let us pause a moment and try to feel better as we breathe, we try to understand how the lungs fill, the diaphragm helps us to breathe, we take awareness of the operation our breath and let us ask ourselves the question of: what we breathe?
deep breath inhaling in order to absorb enough air to oxygenate our lungs?
exhale completely so as to expel the bad air?
What is the position of our body in order to increase naturally and without forcing the amount of air we put into our lungs, and right to expel the bad air?
tried to pull back his shoulders as change of breath?
How do we feel? By chance
feel different sensations and if so what?
meditate a moment on what we tried and try to feel the best you can ......
What do you think? Does it work? How do you feel? Give me your comments, will also be useful to me!

Now we start with a second year, this time with a little 'cautious, if you suffer from nose bleeds is better that you do not force too .... but do not worry, nothing exceptional, if you can blow your nose, you can also do this exercise (before you read everything and then you do):
three times Push the air out of his nose like when you blow your nose, these three little taps air from the nose should be short and quick, and you should feel the air coming out of the nose, because this exercise ask yourself the question, now I can feel your nose? I realized that the nose is important to breathe? Now inhale and exhale through the nose from the mouth .... and when you realize you inhale from the mouth remake this year ..... and return to breathe properly.
Physicians who take care of breath (lung specialists) say that is the correct way of breathing: breathe in through your nose and exhale from the mouth, the nose because this is a natural filter, while the mouth, there being filter is better exhale.

Now one last year, but before the explanation:
Another problem concerning the breath is the fact that our lungs when we are under stress, unable to fully expand because of stiffening of the diaphragm (the muscle that helps breathing).
This last exercise uses the functional capacity both lungs of the diaphragm, so if you have disease or breathing problems avoid this exercise: Part
initial First exhale bringing the diaphragm to push air out as possible, you may hear the belly to then you started the year well!
Step 1: Now that all the bad air is no longer breathe through your nose slowly and deeply and try to bring the air to the bottom of your lungs will feel your belly swell, then the lungs and continue until you hear your sated.
Step 2: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 3: Then inhale again until Our lungs do not always tell just slowly
Step 4: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 5: exhale through your mouth, bringing the diaphragm to push air out as much as possible more slowly
Step 6: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 7: and then exhale again as long as our lungs do not always tell just slowly
Step 8: We hold your breath for up to 3 seconds
Step 9: Repeat for the other two since "Step 1 "

The old Taoists held three pennies in his hand, and threw a coin at each breathing in a cup, keeping count of the breaths

finished the year as you feel? What emotions, feelings did you feel?
The first few times you may feel as if the lungs expand to infinity, the smoker's cough will be .... but do not worry if you have been realized and have followed the instructions on the side of the post always present no problem!

And now? How's your breath?

The images are from Wikipedia, beautiful is not it? Then us support!

Well, let me know how it went with these exercises if they try, ok?


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