Monday, May 24, 2010

Kates Playground Beach Free

The end of the tertiary useless

I return after two events on Linkedin

My initial post.


In my opinion, but I hope I'm wrong, this is not a crisis but the end was announced, a model whose foundations were crumbling day by day. We'll not return to welfare as we knew it. It was not, and is more sustainable that 20% of the population gets 80% of assets. Developing countries are emerging and start to win their share of welfare costs by offering services more competitive than ours. For years, thanks to monopolies and profit margins, companies have transferred no longer necessary resources involved in the production to the tertiary-useless. The current decline in margins and the need to compete with emerging countries is in fact bringing companies to get rid of this "ballast". The service sector, which provided work to the predominant part of employees, has, with minor exceptions, the more reason to exist because, trivially, there are more margins in which to drown his costs.
now companies primarily require only that you: production workers (few) and sellers.
E 'in the eyes of all of us, simply scroll through the various forums on LinkedIn, the first to be affected by the crisis are those who worked in the service sector with titles that even the wildest imagination could create.
But do not condemn the companies that have created these positions, far from it. In this way they "recycled" are no longer needed production workers by providing them with a position and a salary. But you had to be blind not to realize that this could not last much longer. A "senior strategic advisor," just to name a title that says everything and nothing, whose main job was to go back and forth between one meeting and another, now wonder if the show should not leave at home.

Someone replied that there is a tertiary "useful." And I said:

Absolutely. Indeed, especially in the reality of SMEs do not have the figures of the innovators. Those who create new products and / or services. Glimpsed the modernization of existing products by leveraging on the know-how combining it with the "exploitation" of the strategic building blocks to combine the technological strength of a proven product with existing technology.
These are the figures that are missing in companies in Italy. That universities do not prepare. That entrepreneurs do not form because they already assume they do not know what "tactics" then imagine the "strategy". And also because I do not understand the ROI of these figures as they lack the same lead them to be overtaken by competitors.
Unfortunately can still see the "Chinese" only as suppliers of cheap labor. Grosso's
beam. Taiwan should be taught.


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