Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ladies Housecoats Zippered

The reasons for the crisis and an idea. Facebook

the current crisis.

I have the impression that you see the speck and do not see the beam. All
true what they say, but are, in my humble opinion, the adverse consequences of an earthquake, announced that it has overwhelmed all that we took for granted. The engine of consumerism, which for so many years has created wealth and jobs has stopped. As it was right that you stop sooner or later. It was an engine now worn-out, ease of access to credit, so that today we condemn, allowed him to grind a few more years on the road. But his fate was sealed. The world thrives on continuous movements that overwhelm these mechanisms. The fall of the borders, easy access to technology, the emergence of new economic powers. All of which could not but affect the system: consumption-production-consumption, which was based on the Western world.
Most of us work and some less, still working in the tertiary services. But the price can no longer fight those margins that enabled it to pay these costs. Today, the chain must be designed on the Dell model or Zara. From production to consumption, without intermediate figures. Without the marketing manager, business development manager, senior strategic consultant, meeting the self-celebrating around the European capitals.

Everyone says the government must create the conditions for new jobs. But how? With the magic wand? All work on the opportunities of Web 2.0? On social networking sites?

My idea is: differentiation. But not as Alexander says: leveraging the features of the made in Italy. Why are all copied. The Chinese, as did Taiwan, the first re-invest profits in new machinery and nell'assoldare our design experts. The day after their products are in our stores. Same quality, lower price.

serves to differentiate the offering of "small" things. Today there is no store that sells the same shoes, the same sweater, the same brand of pasta. There is not even taste to travel the world for shopping. The offering is global and homogeneous.
We must give space to the artisans. Each store its product. Who sells those yellow and green sweater. The cheese made by small artisan pasta makers. etc.. Close to shopping centers that are like herbicides. But do not destroy the weeds. They destroy the local economy. They close the shops and places to create committed, until the boxes are not all automatic, from 800 € / month.
They sell the exact same products from Mexico to Alaska in the territory

must recreate the conditions in which all those who come from the companies that rightly cut the tertiary useless for the reasons I have stated before (which are objective reasons and mathematically calculated from the third grade with Conticini ) can start their business. Their shop.


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