Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Mini Cooper Year.

interesting maps of the mind: meditation with pen and paper! The

Another post to debunk the myth of meditation practice as a "mystical" Meditation
it can also be implemented using pen and paper.
The first thing that we could induce the opposite is the association that taught us about writing and the concept of the prose and the Greek and Roman texts. In the East

type ideographic writing has always had a close relationship with meditation.
An ideogram fact represents a concept or idea, the sense of the idea is changed or transformed by other signs additional or subsequent characters, in this way writing becomes a map, the interpretation of which transforms it into meaning.

In Japan it is even in the extreme as the type of graphic is the same concept, this has created the concept of Japanese calligraphy also called shodo .

An effective way to meditate using pen and paper (without knowledge of Japanese or Chinese) is to meditate drawing diagrams.
psychology, computer science and other recent, they found a way to use writing to facilitate the conceptualization and then meditation: the creation of graphs .

There are also graphs specifically designed for immediate clarification and understanding concepts and expressions of personal and mental. Mental

Graphs: Flow-chart
  • mental maps Concept maps
The flow chart

The flow chart or flow charts are diagrams that help to represent algorithms. For
algorithms means sequences of actions and choices available to resolve problems.
As already explained in previous post , the ability to solve a problem is comparable if not equivalent to the capacity to manage stress is also significant. But
deepen the plot in question.

There are 5 basic blocks graphs:
  • Start: Start the process

  • End: End of the

  • Elaborate : Crash processing

  • I / O : Blocking of acquisition or explanation of information also known as Input / Output

  • If : Crash test yes / no, true / false

An example would be:

that simply describes the situation when the morning alarm sounds and you have to figure out if getting out of bed or not ....

year with the flow chart

An exercise where you can join the meditation and the flow chart could be among many the following:
  1. Take a nice piece of paper and a pen that writes well
  2. Relax and started to think about a time you found a solution to a problem
  3. Start writing on the paper block Write Start
  4. one after the other steps that have led to the solution of the problem using the blocks Process, I / O, IF
  5. When you feel that the entire settlement system has been described affix the block End

Now you have your first flow-chart, watch it, change anything? Describes exactly what you have done to resolve the situation?
If not, highlight in red the part that does not suit you, try to grab another piece of paper and start re-thinking, and relaxing, focusing carefully on the part that you think should be better represented.

this exercise could be represented in this manner with the flow-chart:

Mind maps
The mental maps are representations of knowledge designed by Tony Buzan since the '60s and '70s

Mind maps, if done right are self-explanatory
(download the map with save as, and analyze well)

year with mind maps:

  1. Focus on a topic related to themselves
  2. Describe it using a mental map in the map
  3. find the weak points and strong ones
  4. How to remedy the weaknesses and exploit those strong?
  5. Write it as part of the map

It is easier to improve it, or not?

Concept maps

in concept maps:

  • The map is developed from an initial concept, not rooted in it
  • The logic of connectionist realization is
  • The relationships between nodes are directed and must be explained by such verbs and connectives.
  • The relationship between two concepts is a proposition.
  • L 'with the map has a structure of meaning that is given to concepts, relations, propositions.
  • If the reports are not explained the map has no meaning.

year with concept maps
  1. Take the mind map you've previously built
  2. Try to consider all nodes as concepts
  3. find possible relationships between these concepts
  4. Eliminate those concepts that seem redundant and / or unnecessary
  5. Try to extend the concept map trying to explain specifically how to remedy the weaknesses and exploit those strong
you just thought in great depth on how to improve! It was
so hard? "I do not think ...


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