Thursday, December 2, 2010

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display: the technique of children and genes

After the previous post on the breath I take this time to consider another useful tool that is the "view". This post
I have divided into parts trying to create a sufficiently complete details of this technique to begin to understand it.

A little 'history:
This ability seems to have been to past greats such as Leonardo, Michelangelo, and more recently Einstein and Von Neumann .
West until a few years ago was an innate capacity of a few, who either were burned at the stake (eg Giordano Bruno ) or became famous inventors or artists, but today is almost a mandatory feature for all those they have to do with any creation, by building a wall, designing the space shuttle.

In Eastern world, especially in China and Japan but also in the countries of South Asia, is a skill that was taught the martial arts, engineering, medicine, meditation, and even the war (eg Sun Tzu). In

South American World there were drugs and substances that induced altered states of consciousness, which combined with the visualization capabilities of the shamans, causing " shifts reality "..... that in a scientific manner " hallucinations " .... that in a shamanic " passage to other worlds or other levels of consciousness "....
Many of these substances are present today in psychotropic drugs and some illegal drugs ...

A bit 'of science:

psychiatry The studies to date with the display means of inspection brain To understand which brain areas are activated in the store, the inventiveness and creation.
doing so discovered that some people who suffer from some type of autism, by displaying exactly what surrounds them, they manage to have an extremely high IQ, such people are called "savant" or "wise fools" .

The psychology of the '60s and '70s first studied the effects of psychotropic substances used by South American shamans, then in the 80s and 90s you studied the display without using these substances reaching the same conclusions of Eastern philosophy: to achieve greater creativity is "sufficient" exercise, exercise, exercise
He begins to teach the astronauts to display within the sport and ultimately the politicians, and then disseminate technical "easy" for us poor mortals.

Let's start from the premise that the display is the ability to rebuild and / or build an image in my mind visually and / or a series of images (movies).
In practice this skill is how to exploit the brain like a television or a computer with a CAD system .
It is based on the ability of the brain to store visual data (images) and then reconstruct them in mind, then changing the characteristics (eg color, shape, etc.).
Like any ability, it is more or less innate, much used by children to imagine and dream, but then, if not coached, is forgotten.

Some drugs can alter this capacity, also states of depression, anxiety, chronic levels or not, may induce a state of incapacity in the view.
As I have gathered so far we do not recommend the practice to those under medication with psychotropic drugs (Psycholeptics, Psicoanalettici, Psicodislettici), or those suffering from epilepsy.
Today I met some medical specialists in epilepsy care, which had to take care of limiting the prescription of drugs, which have taught specific visualization techniques to their patients, obtaining interesting results, academia expect the corresponding checks and credits. What is

The display is very useful in creativity and in predicting the consequences of planned actions. By viewing
we have a system simulation using anything a computer up to date: our minds!
By view, you can understand and meditate on the concepts of action and reaction, he is reclassified within that complex system called the environment.
The display allows us to finally become aware of our body and its movement, improving our athletic performance and / or sports.
The display allows us to anticipate situations and be able to make choices prior to fornt repetitive problems lowering our stress levels .

exercises to train in view, you have to do a few years, maybe every day.

Exercise 1:
Look around, find a specific object (usually starts with a small and simple object), observe it, study it, then close your eyes and try to reconstruct the image of the object, there are details that you miss? Well!
Open your eyes and studied the object reconstructed yet, look for details that were lacking, study, then close your eyes and try to complete the image of the object.
If you are still not satisfied, repeat the process of study, analysis and mental reconstruction.
Eventually you will have your object in mind.
Exercise 2:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then you start thinking of places to observe different, then moving, and try to make it move in a fun, friendly or in any other way.
Exercise 3:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then start thinking about changing the color, size, number of sides, or other feature, we succeeded? if you are ok, if not, no problem, quite a breath and calmly try again
Exercise 4:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then started to think about changing some features (color, shape) and observe it in different positions while moving through space

Final Comments: Did you succeed in
these exercises? What took you? There is easy?
Now a little 'time to try more complex objects, then tested with sets of objects, and then you will have regained the ability to imagine entire worlds, more or less complex objects, etc.. As well as you did as children.
Just as you exercise with the display image being displayed can be done with sounds, music, smells, tastes, physical sensations (touch, heat, etc.).. It is said that Beethoven
because of his deafness he could compose music in his mind .... This process is called "Auditory Display."
Because the senses are 5, 5 are the types of display:
Sense -> Display Type
View -> Display visual
hearing -> hearing
Touch Display ->
Olftatto tactile display -> display olfactory
Gusto -> For those who view gustatory
at the same time can make all the views and 5 for the same object is also called total display .
This view is a skill that can be very close to the many greats of the past as well as having almost unlimited creative abilities.

This is all for now,
Good exercise!


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