Saturday, November 21, 2009

Commercial Orange Juice Machines

Dredging of the River

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, November 21, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor, and PC

Ass Budget

Subject: A question about the disappearance of the contribution to the earthquake victims.

view of the newspaper article set forth below, and never denied by Mr. Mayor:

Il Secolo XIX - 08/02/2009 - page. 28

The municipal administration Ameglia concertto with the combination of Bocca di Magra, the circle Fiumaretta boatmen, the association Porto San Maurizio, Living Fiumaretta, Ameglia Civil Protection Team, the Red Cross and fire brigade Fiumaretta Ameglia decided to abandon the traditional manifestation of fireworks, every year at the end of August, greeted the return home of tourists who had stayed in the village. Proceeds from the festivities to be held on both sides of the river, in Bocca di Magra and Fiumaretta, together with the contribution that the City of Ameglia usually intended to finance the fireworks will be used to buy half of civil protection as a gift to the City of Tione degli Abruzzi, a country hard hit by the fatal earthquake of April last year in which they have operasto from the first hours following the earthquake volunteers break. The local civil protection teams carried out the first operations in the country of Tione immediately after the tragedy, establishing with the residents and the administration of a collaboration place and even more a strong feeling of friendship. The mayor, Umberto Galazzo, expressed satisfaction with the Celtic, the City Council unanimously agreed that it was activated to achieve the goal.

seems clear that the Administration was the justification for using a questionable commendable initiative but also the abandonment of the fireworks, now we discover that it is not. The Mayor told the press: " money used for the fires were a thing (there is a resolution of the junta), the funds collected for Tione, have nothing to do with the number" . The People of Freedom from the beginning had reported a serious incident as the waiver of the fireworks. Now we discover that the mayor lied on the target figure. Accordingly

Mayor wonder about the reason that prevented the City of Ameglia promise to make the donation to earthquake victims this summer and wonder if the Alderman for the Budget friendly summer event is not actually served to mask the dramatic shortcomings of the municipal budget because the question is what to August in reality there were no money to pay for the event.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Using Two Hvl-f58am Flashes

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, November 21, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

Subject: A question on study of the new municipal organization and hiring plans.

In recent days, the Mayor held a meeting to inform the municipal employees of the opportunity to make new hires, as well as some changes to duty of employees from one office to another. As it appeared in recent years and especially in the years preceding the council a clear failure of management personnel, to which are added competitions for the new employment which is highly reminiscent of the competitions Italian universities who do we have a total distrust of the Administration of the work in this area.

That said, wonder why the Mayor of the City Council Meeting also explain what are its intentions with regard to personnel management, and figures such as technical and / or administrative action will be willing to take if there was a possibility.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Clogged Bathroom Sink Black Gook

Ameglia, 25/08/2009

Political Press: Dredging stretch of the Magra

As mentioned

Board opposition groups in the City of Ameglia, we return once again on the subject of dredging. From 2000 (the date of the first flood "recent" of the river) to date have not yet carried out a comprehensive and systematic dredging of the river from the mouth to the line of navigability as repeatedly requested by the opposition and another also supported by the majority (see interview with Pisani in the press before the last elections), but unfortunately this issue has always been treated by our stakeholders as a matter of contention election. Today we face the nth dredging authorized by a provisional measure referred to the Master has given notice in the press in recent days. This action we deem harmful, late and evil, harmful because it goes to muddy the waters of the river, creating a situation of doubt to the bathing beaches at the mouth of the river late because the channels that goes into creating in the river are the only functional transit of sailboats and now when the work will be completed also the season "sailing" is over, because evil does not increase the potential scope of the riverbed (the material is only moved) but instead creates two unnatural channels along the banks forming the a center off of artificial islands as was demonstrated during the flood of January impede the natural flow water. We do not understand then because the measure provides for the suspension of dredging at the same time the levies on the analysis of water: it is perhaps not the bathroom during the dredging?

The broad stream in 2000 and this year have resulted in thousands of tons of river sand, mud and gravel that the natural flow of the river tends to settle and not to bring into the sea, except with the work of years. We believe that common sense will serve merely as a uniform lower dredging the bed of the river from the mouth to the line of navigability, confirming the fact that in the years following the dredging of the wild 60s and 70s is no longer the river burst its banks for at least 30 years . Now we believe it is time to do works as aimed at solving problems and not mere palliatives such as dredging in progress.

We are also concerned at the absence of studies on the hydro-dynamic flow of the river and on changes in the course of dredging. We want to present to the public that even now the responsibility of the next disasters will fall on these unfinished works and morally dangerous. A failure to dredging in the deep stretch of river downstream from the bridge of Colombier and the accumulation of material in the center of the water in front, obstructs the flow of direct and natural means. In addition to this we must add the forthcoming closure of the bank near the bridge that will channel the mass of water that flooded the first floor of Ameglia under the spans of the same. How can dispose of such a flow of water to the limited width of the bridge if Colombiera front is a sharp rise of the seabed?

Coordination PDL Ameglia

Andrea De Ranieri

Friday, August 14, 2009

Genital Herpes Catchy Phrase

no fire!

AMEGLIA, August 12, 2009

the attention of

President of the Municipal Council


E pc Presidents regional consultation municipal

their headquarters

SUBJECT: Interpellation / Question 3


On 02/08/2009 the writers councilors learned, through the press, the news regarding the decision unilaterally, the Municipal Administration to cancel the usual fireworks display , scheduled for summer 2009 timetable for the end of August, in order to provide a donation for the purchase of half of earthquake victims in civil protection to the City of Tione Abruzzi

The end certainly noble, and therefore more valuable that a donation on behalf of a municipality earthquakes is not put into question.


The summer shows (some much more expensive than a fireworks display, see BELLATIVU) was prepared long after the tragedy of Abruzzo;

The bathing season in progress is starting to end one of the worst in recent years the number of visits and revenues of operators in the area;

The appointment of the fires has always attracted people and filled bars and restaurants on both sides of lean;

The tourist vocation of our country needs continuous and constant initiatives that can serve as a stimulus to local employment;


Without making any comparison between the two events, of course, impossible for the severity of the earthquake Abruzzo , you want to remember that last January 20 the City of Ameglia has been the subject of a major flood for the flooding of the Magra and that our fellow citizens, to date, have not had a single euro of compensation.

also stressed that, as above, the process has led to the unilateral decision to abolish the Municipal Administration the fireworks show there is agreement;


In order

  • withdraw from serious mistake to eliminate the fireworks show from the summer program amegliese 2009;
  • undertake to raise funds for donation to flood victims and the City of Tione Amegliesi with other formulas (Ex: pick a share of the revenue from violations of the Highway Code or the income from the rental of mooring spaces assigned to the Municipal Services Society owned by the town itself).


To find out how much is the amount determined for the donation to the City of Tione degli Abruzzi, and what the body and / or legal person responsible to be the 'owner of this donation.


James Raul Giampedrone

Andrea De Ranieri

Emanuele Cadeddu

Andrea Moretti

Emilio Longhi

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Does A Dog Physically Bark For So Long

E 'st'ano foghi ... nothing!

Ameglia, August 8, 2009

release of PDL on the abolition of the traditional closing event of the summer season amegliese: the fireworks.

The last news we get on the sly by the local administration and the elimination of fireworks planned for August 23, a bolt from the blue. The news leaked by a bare statement to the press in which justifies the lack of fireworks by donating half the protection of civil Tione degli Abruzzi. Now, without detracting from the view that most valuable of the initiative, we would like the Administration explain to us why the City of Ameglia, which provides, among other things, a calendar of summer events (first and foremost "Bellativù") much more expensive fireworks, awaits the beginning of August to say that 'money fires must be in Abruzzo.

sorry to say but anything in this decision is not clear.

The tragedy of the earthquake in Italy is in fact occurred well before the common style of the summer program Amegliese.

Moreover, the current bathing season is starting to end one of the worst in recent years, few people and empty rooms, the appointment of the fires has always attracted people and filled restaurants and bars on both sides of Magra. Suppress the fires is an affront to those who make tourism in Bocca di Magra and Fiumaretta. In addition to justify it with a donation to the Abruzzi threatens to become a hypocritical excuse, even more so when you consider what happened in January 2009 to Ameglia. Without wishing to make any comparison between the two events, of course, impossible as was the severity of the earthquake in Abruzzo, we want to remember, however, that the City Administration on January 20 last year, the Slim is overflowing and that our fellow citizens, to date, have not yet seen a single euro of compensation. A close election the City has always deceived the flood victims by making them fill out a template for damages knowing full well that there would be a penny. Today the city is forgotten not only the flood (which also live in areas where the thieves are raging), but removes the fireworks to ruin the season for tour operators and amegliesi that of all the summer events is the ' only going to see.

If the Administration intends to make a donation to Tione is just and noble face, but finding the money elsewhere and not cutting on Tourism is the bread of our citizens.

Our appeal is for you to move back from the error and then the Administration to eliminate the fireworks amegliese from summer events raise the funds to finance earthquake with other formulas, perhaps taking them dall'incasso of new speed cameras installed on the SS432 or by onerous contracts berthing of yachts moored in the marina and city, above all, not forgetting, speaking of economic aid of flood victims amegliesi . We finally

City Administration to publicly communicate the amount that it will grant the Abruzzi, and on what account will be paid the money so that all citizens know what happened to the money allocated for the fireworks.

James Raul Giampedrone

Andrea De Ranieri

Emanuele Cadeddu


Monday, August 3, 2009

How Do I Get Discovered?

Ronde? The Mayor does not want ...

Ameglia, August 3, 2009


The PDL Ameglia is appalled by the attacks that have originated from the ranks of the extreme left and communist nostalgia. Faced with an objective problem that you tried to resolve the premises and democratic government, the Communists accuse us of wanting to foment some kind of hatred. We would like to specify that no patrol has been organized so far in the City of Ameglia and that until the mouth of Mrs. Deputy Mayor for Administration Strenta ostinerà is to deny the problem, the patrols can not be organized. In fact, groups of citizens from various political backgrounds (of course closer to the center) are organizing the watches of the night away from any incitement to murder. It seems more dangerous messages that young Communists launched their website, which it called upon the mayor to prohibit such voluntary initiatives, calling for the mobilization of the comrades in the fight against anti-fascism. We are in 2009 and the danger to the safety and serenity of our families and our homes are not more people died sixty years ago, but since these characters are Italian (it seems), or aliens keep whole neighborhoods awake in a quiet and peaceful country, where even in the years of lead, there have been episodes of conflict between communists and fascists like these supporters of our new mayor you wish. The PDL Ameglia says the frightened citizens and public actions will continue in the coming days for solving this new emergency and to inform the public about what are the limits that the law allows and what action to take in an emergency (things that would should promote the local administration, too busy in the evenings gala). The PDL is also supporting the police in their daily work of prevention and safety and may do it openly and without hypocrisy, because our fellow party members do not throw stones when they see a uniform, but leave the pavement ...

Finally we also ask to Refoundation Communist Ameglia to avoid aligning the line dictated by the Deputy Mayor which tends to downplay and not addressing the problem, the shame of Ameglia, I am not sure that the patrols because there will never be authorized by the Mayor, the shame of having to undergo an emergency is Ameglia after another without being able to act. To which we added the anti-democratic attempts of those who would also block the ability of citizens to turn down the street at night, putting a curfew and ensure that this would be a nice limitation of freedom.

Andrea De Ranieri

Spokesman PDL - Ameglia

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Real-time Labor Guide

A little 'history ...

Below the letter public, registered at the time, in response to the order of the Mayor to become incompatible with the vote New City Urban Planning. I should point out that I and my colleagues of the opposition now we have not yet seen the draft. This attitude tends to hide a weapon that has allowed this team to win back the elections and to finally have the Planning weaver than twenty years of government and business to Ameglia. This is not enough we take into account that those who PUC implemented this worked closely with the designers of Marinella SpA which also have the most benefit from it.

What autonomy and independence which? Boh!

Ameglia, March 14 '09

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc to town clerk, the municipal councilors

Subject: taking stock of vs prot. 3299.

take note of the note sent to me by the Mayor on yesterday to invite him to reflect on what he wrote from the point of view even before the political and institutional decisions that will take on. Mr. Mayor has no power to remove any Director from the discussion and approval of the City Urban Planning, much less by using the self-reporting of cases of incompatibility. According to the interpretation of law made by the mayor or those who have so badly advised, a Councillor is incompatible if his relatives up to the 4th Estate have property in the municipality. This assumption automatically excludes anyone who dresses in Ameglia. I remind the Mayor that the Court has no legal force in our system and therefore the statement is asking violates the principle delegates elected to a constitutional republic, which provides that each Director has the electoral mandate to exercise choices and functions on behalf of those who elected him. Prevent the basis of judicial interpretation, the discussion and approval of the PUC to the City Council is an unconstitutional act serious. Even more serious if you think that this plan has been drawn up following the instructions of the Mayor, present and former, Planning and the Councillor who held this position for 15 years, for which we infer has not occurred any condition of incompatibility all this time! I think that disconcerting think that a single director may have a position of incompatibility approval of the PUC (during the deliberation), and grants to establish the administration's entire plan can then be put to a possible regional commissioner for the experienced and intelligent as it could never understand any interest that led to realization.

I strongly ask that the City Council will meet in Ameglia Assembly for approval by the PUC and that the incompatibility of the Directors and to decide the validity of any vote is an administrative court and not the Mayor.


Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

City Council

Monday, July 20, 2009

What Percent Of Ballerinas Go On To A Ballet

An explosive article on the situation of ACAM

THE JOURNAL 20/07/2009 - SCANDAL TO SPICE sent me the Democratic Party: a company takes 21 relatives

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where To Buy Xanax In Cancun

Ameglia Tell

Ameglia, July 18, 2009

act. Director of the monthly municipal

"Ameglia Informa"

Dr. Sandro Fascinelli

Subject: End of collaboration with "Ameglia inform"

During the City Council of 16 July has been approved, despite the comments and complaints of the opposition, a new regulation for the management the monthly "Ameglia Tell." This act of regulation of the monthly was imposed by authoritarian and one choice of the Left who prepared the control, without consulting the Commission Board, and without the contribution of the opposition. The resolution which approved 46% of amegliesi who reject this way of governing the country until a representative of "culture" (which does not even understand what it means) and denies representation to the elected councilors. In contrast, the Director will be appointed by the Mayor, along with a representative of the Executive Editor, one of the majority, a school and a "culture" of the left. Creating a 5 to 1 ratio you want to humiliate the opposition and formalize a climate of control and limitation of freedom of the press, I do not accept and deny any future political communication through this month. Also distrust the Mayor to appoint anyone in the editorial in our representation.

Sorry to leave without the amegliesi free information, but our work will continue on the internet and we promise the birth of one of our monthly information.

A warm greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri, a spokesman for PDL - Ameglia

Dr. James Giampedrone Raul, head PDL - Ameglia

With publication prayer .

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Images Of The Effects Of Smoking

Situation beaches

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, July 13, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc

Councillor for Environment

Subject: the urgent.

With the advance of the summer season we are going to get to the days when our lives the most territory of the influx of people concentrated in some areas, beaches, cliffs and walks. Much of the tourist attractions Ameglia is supported by private hospitals in which they are applying strict rules to protect bathers' (in the case of beaches) and services (in the case of garaging). But we must note the total lack of care for people who choose to spend a few hours on the cliffs of Fiumaretta and Bocca di Magra and especially to swimmers of Punta Corvo and Punta Bianca.

We urge the Mayor such measures to protect tourists visiting these places, the most famous face from the press, have been implemented and how it plans to ensure safety at sea who has decided to go to "swim" in Punta Corvo or among the rocks of Punta Bianca.

We also ask that, given the danger of the cliffs Fiumaretta and Bocca di Magra, is likewise forbidden to bathe, is also prohibited to prevent access to the City to be responsible for any accidents.

We Alderman Environment Strategy which is developing together with the active collaboration of the Park of Monte Marcello to secure and controlled the use of the beaches that have access through the woodland paths.

We propose, in addition to any steps already taken by the Administration, set up assistance to bathers on the beach Punta Corvo, with a boat motor and appropriate staff in case of emergency to ensure a timely rescue in that stretch of coast.

I welcome the opportunity to put a friendly greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Which Is Better Celeteque Or Neutrogena


How To Recover Brain From Marijuana

The Levees, every man for himself

I Want My Bathroom In A Spa

.. The most beautiful village full of rumenta

Leather Engraved Disneyland Bracelet

on Herbicide banks of the river ... Welcome

Masquerade Ball Wedding

What Stores Return Without Reciept

Sunday, July 12, 2009, ride in the park.

Welcome to Park ...

A business card is not bad at River Park, a sign attached to a table that indicates you're in the park and you'll have to have special precautions, the City will intimate the ban on swimming because the waters of the river is polluted and dangerous. The marsh is behind rather what remains of tanks used for drying the mud of the river used to form the first part of the banks ...

But here's how the levees are maintained old, are the main way of salvation and rescue in case of flood, impractical

cleaning and maintenance of roadsides is carefully hand made only where it passes the greatest number of people, and especially to get to Bocca di Magra, natural stage of summer events.

But beware, these photos are of the crossing with Via Via Persio Pisanello.

cleaning is not carried out with the usual accuracy everywhere, in places where it is inconvenient to go with the trimmer, weed control is preferred!

And the park allows you to use the herbicide, I think the gallon, on the banks of the canals and river ?!?!?!?!?!

But the park is not only rivers but also hill ...

Just past the village of Ameglia you enter the hilly part of the park and this is what you see ... an eco-exhibition celebrates the circus carnival (which organizes the administration when he feels like it). This is the famous "Omo ar Bozo" that today has found an ideal location on land donated to the City and this is the example of land care and stewardship. In Rio de Janeiro have sambodromo, Ameglia ... the BOZODROMO.

The only alert is of concern because the visitor is in the hunting area, but the stage is not the access of prohibited people can easily get into a danger zone, where the structure of ferrotubi rusty takes on the rough plank left there for over a year and a half, a waste of money and a wound environment, yet another.

leaving the bozodromo and continuing the walk but you get the most beautiful villages in Italy.

And the worst view! All it needed was a Sunday in July to fill rumenta, but I mean, knowing that there are many tourists and two restaurants, the City can not make a withdrawal of the garbage on Sunday? Or maybe it is good to remove only the bins that annoy the day before elections?

down from Montemarcello we can not go in Via Santa Croce, where he made the history of our country, here Dante Alighieri found hospitality in the monks on the run by her stepmother Florence, now you find shelter in open spaces between briars couples in search of intimacy and the swimmers who do not want to pay for parking ... Bocca di Magra.

See you next Sunday outing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

How To Remove Purple Pvc Primer From Vinyl Floor

Question submitted on July 9 '09

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, July 8, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc

Councillor Budget,

Dr. Alessandro Ardizzone

Subject: Questions for written answer.

the occasion of the inauguration speech and the opening of the new mandate at the last City Council, Mr. Mayor hinted at a substantial financial contribution from the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, addressed to the restoration the roof of the ancient Castrum Ameglia. Since I committed myself to be in misunderstanding, I would like to know who actually will pay the contribution if MPS or other related company and would like to have a copy of the request for the contribution that the City of Ameglia conducted at the institution which has pledged funding.

I also ask to have a detailed report of contributions over the last five years from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Marinella by the Company and the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, in what capacity these contributions have been paid and to whom and how have been applied for.

I welcome the opportunity to put a friendly greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vsi Controller Unlock Procedure

Article XIX Century

A link to the site
where you can read the article published on July 6, 2009 Secolo XIX about
Ameglia of parking Downtown.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Best Brazilian Wax In Madison

Question to the Mayor of the July 3, 2009

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, July 3, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc

President of the Municipal Council

Subject: A question on the possibility of communal society "Ameglia Travel Services Ltd" to operate outside the municipal area.

In recent days I have personally found that some workers of the communal society "Ameglia Travel Services Ltd" were doing jobs cutting grass and cleaning the roadsides outside the territory of the Municipality of Ameglia in particular it was the cleaning of a section of SS 432 in the vicinity of Cemetery Romito Magra in the City of Arcola. This activity would seem contrary to the new company statute passed by the previous City Council that following the provisions of the Act prohibits the company to carry out any kind outside the territory of the Municipality of Ameglia and, again in the statute, it was confirmed that the sole buyer of the company were to be the municipality itself.

Accordingly wonder why the Mayor explain on what basis is based the legality of such activities took place outside town in recent days and if the stubborn continuation of such conduct sanctioned also by the Guarantor of the market and competition is not likely to expose the Company to unnecessary risk of fines and penalties if it had acted in opposition to the statutes and provisions of law.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Friday, June 26, 2009

How Long Gingerbread Dough Good In Fridge

intervention of the De Ranieri in City Council of June 24, 2009

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, June 24, 2009

Intervention political opening of the new mandate Board.

The administration of a common belief is primarily the act to coordinate a community following their development, addressing the desires, passions, hopes and stimuli. Administer the City of Ameglia should mean then to find the right balance between the Community and the area where he lives, directing all efforts to improve the lives of average citizens. This is not to produce works for their own sake but to give concrete answers to people's requests. And this is what we ask the new administration and that is what we have promised our citizens in the election campaign and that is what we do in the limits and in the spaces that we will be granted. We have been accused by some of the phenomena you want to touch the "belly of the people" or to populism, in fact we have done, and we do politics. We do not build artificially lists policies to weaken the enemy or we are going to exploit the statements City Council to vote to distort the meaning. We do not offend the political opponent, much less the threat but we have suffered insults, threats and intimidation. For example, the position has been exploited by one of our candidate to make a sort of ogre willing to eat the Company of the City. We pursue a different way of managing the City, we believe that the Administration should create conditions to encourage private initiative and the natural development of business activities, business and in this sense we will strive to ensure that the City continues to be The largest company in our area but it may arise more freely. We also believe that companies that already operate in our communities should be protected and enabled to work well, but on the other hand, if we oppose the Administration would weave its work with the business activity of private enterprises. These elections were seen in a red-hot climate of controversy and fears and not least we have taken the threats of an official "Ameglia Tourist Services" during a council meeting request from the group long before the opening of the campaign and " granted "only a few days before the vote. Unfortunately, misinformation and propaganda have scared even the workers of the company whose job it will continue to manage the way that there has been in the past, it will be every day in danger. The election result that saw the city split in half and only thanks to a climate of suspicion and artificially creating a list of vaguely right, the outgoing administration has been able to maintain, a re-elected mayor with 50% of the vote. Now that's a political fact.

It is remarkable then see how the outcome of these elections has been zeroing possible dissent within the majority, in fact as well as five years ago, the Communist Party of the PRC, despite its reservoir of votes, not has representation and the former Socialist councilor (now also independent from the PD) for sure an individual policy with a strong personality who had had a disagreement with the majority before the vote was heavily penalized and excluded from the election. A political landscape that finally sees the only first-line pivot around which everything is supported by the center-Ameglia, Francis Pisani. We hope that the return to the scene directly to Pisani could contribute, among other things, to mitigate the relationship with the administration and the opposition that feared retaliation from the re-election Galazzo remain suspended from doing good that has always characterized the ' former mayor. Certainly, however, a regrettable incident has already occurred with the suspension of the purchase by the City of newspapers at the newsstand Ameglia high, a collaboration that went on for years. I hope it's just a coincidence that the shrine is of my aunt, openly sided with the center. Certainly this news was brought by a municipal employee who had embarrassed all'edicolante communicate the decision of the first elected mayor.

beginning of this new council office and in the light of what I've read the program of Democratic Choice, I must admit I'm intrigued by how one can bind a municipality to the choices and needs of some people that work for private economic . The reference is to the Monte dei Paschi, now changed hands at some cooperatives, the Cantieri San Lorenzo, all'Intermarine, but then a whole host of so-called "higher-level entities" listed in the most points. We talk about the Administration projects that actually change from appropriations and programs of different agencies such as Provincial Park and the Region. If there are any hitches, the fault will be higher-level institutions (see the embankments), if all goes well on the will of the Administration. But what worries me is thinking about how you can tie to the project realization Marinella problem solving serious and compelling as the safety of river Fiumaretta or community needs such as building sports facilities and subsidized housing. To see carried out a project so big we have to think Ameglia as part of the Italian economy if not the world and the world is going through a severe economic crisis, financial and credit, banks will not lend money for fear of running out. This poses serious doubts on the possibility that those who have the money to invest here. But that independence can still have Marinella Project by the City of Ameglia who accepted contributions over the years for everything from board room to the fireworks, from summer festivals to cabaret Bellativù? It is unlikely then that major real estate groups that have a global view of the economy are interested in a project so big, much more likely to be produced in batches and that some pieces are not even facts and all this will be penalized again in the Community the territory and the City, because that that would be accomplished as a public work will remain on paper. The greatest danger today would rather underestimate the crisis and give the start to the project and planting the yard in half due to lack of funds. At that point, as it could manage a small town with few resources Ameglia such as environmental destruction?

If we talk about the environment in mind is the river with its problems and the great resource of sailing, but we think that even those who served as President of the Consortium of operators of the river water can not now have a clear conflict of interest with everything he worked until yesterday?

Democratic Choice program had as objective the construction the new bridge with the help of Colombiera dell'Intermarine and San Lorenzo. Certainly Cantieri San Lorenzo will have something else to think in a situation where they are. In recent years the Cantieri San Lorenzo has been an important reality of Ameglia but a reality that much to ask Ameglia, the increase of the sheds, the Navy Travelift. I believe these requests are to find a partner and least self-neutral, as I think that the current directors are? The San Lorenzo in the electoral campaign was allowed to give half to the city fire and now rumors of a serious crisis of the yard are becoming more insistent. How can we think that the most important figure in the Administration current, which is leading the Navy Travelift company close to San Lorenzo and practically part of the same site, the municipality may require a critical and independent? Even more so, how will the community Ameglia to support the consequences of a prolonged crisis Cantieri San Lorenzo and the consequent blocking of existing projects and emergency social workers?

About social emergencies we can not quote the Company "Ameglia Tourist Services" which is actually hanging by a thread with regard to entrust again for many services. The recruitment policy has led to unbridled after the application of the Bersani Decree to an effective excess availability work and so many workers who previously had full time to part time today. Although in reality the contract had already been part-time but full-time workers. In this situation, a stop by the authorities to entrust the services the company would send people home and community Ameglia manage an emergency in this case is not foreseen. But the instructions from the Supervisor of the market, the European regulations and finally the Bersani Decree for many years indicate what was the objective the legislature wanted to achieve in this area and the City of Ameglia has complied with these legal cases only quest 'year, a serious delay in our view affect safety of workers, because in time they tried an adjustment, the Company has carried on as if no such change should be done.

Today we open a new mandate but we must not forget how the council ended the previous year. In the area Cesarini was entrusted with the PUC to a Regional Commissioner, in fact deprived the functions of the municipal councilors and having concealed a document so as to have given vital weapon in the campaign for those who knew him. The old administration ended with the self-deposing of the City Council in the hope that there is more new space for dialogue and political debate. In 2004, the group with which I was elected had the first gathering words of openness and dialogue, we tried to open a debate on key issues, important and urgent, which among other things remained the same: the River Project and Marinella. Despite our willingness in the past five years we have often found closure and injury. The next five years will be full of uncertainties and risks that could expose the City strong to handle the same problems that previous administration has gone to look for, we will from time to time as the challenge of solving these emergencies being personally involved. But today we can say what is the common feeling of the road that we represent the other half of Ameglia, half incattivita and offense that not only has chosen us as an alternative but that nevertheless had the courage to no longer want to see the City and administered in this way are the many witness amegliesi who are ashamed when they see us and greet us with downcast eyes were almost to have done it given the vote in Pisani. Oh well we take all this and consider it a strength, we will be vigilant and uncompromising on everything because in these five years is at stake the future of a community.

Andrea De Ranieri

How To Moisten A Blunt After Dry


in this blog you will find the activities Group of Councillors from the list "Free Ameglia" who serve in the People's Party of Freedom.
We decided to open a "virtual" policy of the City of Ameglia because we are tired of having to collide every day against the wall of rubber in the local press and propaganda created by the Left. Unfortunately, our ideas and our views have no place in the local press, the daily La Nazione and Il Secolo XIX "are covered on the policy positions of the center and we completely obscure, despite the press releases and letters we send out almost daily .
Our ideas, our hopes, our desire for freedom will be on the this blog.
Ameglia has always been proud, proud, today is a servant and humbled, we will return FREE!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hiv Rapid Test At 22 Weeks

Tattoo, tattoos, Maori, Polynesian

ChiavesArt is a study of professionals working as a tattoo artist since 1995.

ChiavesArt running Maori tattoos, Polynesian tattoos, tribal tattoos, tattoos, letters, stars, written Japanese.

If you plan to do a tattoo, choose an experienced professional.
Chiaves Art tattoo run in Florence and Milan.

us for a free consultation and to receive our proposals and our unique designs, original and modern.

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Hygiene Care to follow

To do a tattoo you must follow some basic hygiene rules that are

- The environment should be thoroughly disinfected with antibacterial cleansers such as bleach and Amuchina.

- Possibly bagging the spray of green soap and clipcord link from food to coffee. The body should be cleaned with the same products listed above if not packed too.

- The tubes and caps in stainless steel must be cleaned by the color (very useful ultrasonic cleaner and a special detergent) and sterilized in an autoclave or hot air. This is to prevent the transmission of fungal infection or blood transmissible diseases such as hepatitis B, C or HIV botulism.

- There are now commercially disposable Teflon tubes to use if you are not in possession of sterilizers, ultrasonic and autoclave.

- It 's essential that Needlebars (bars with needles) are disposable as the fraction of the cost and the extreme difficulty of total sterilization.

- Insulate the bed from working with special paper and disposable latex gloves and use member and strong. To protect the forearms, the suggestion is to wrap them in plastic wrap. The same applied to the tattoo just done.

- The vaseline used for the tattoo should be used with logical accuracy. Example immediately pulling out of the jar to be used to avoid coming into contact with bodily fluids present on the gloves or the paddles on which the person is intervening. Today there are also bags with the necessary quantity.

- The wooden spatulas used to coat the surface to be tattooed body with Vaseline to be disposable.

- Being in possession of special containers for sharps and biohazardous infectious sharp health store where needlebars once used. This will reduce risks for those who will remove the trash once lay waste. Also these boxes are supplied by leading companies involved in professional tattoo supplies.

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- The care of the tattoo starts since the tattoo artist finishes the work.

- The more we take care of the tattoo how many more chances we have that the work of tattoo artist to be optimal.

- Keep the tattoo covered with transparent film needed the right. It makes it more necessary to cover it in case of contact with clothing or acrylic semiacrilici, but as much as the tattoo remains free to breathe better.

- Obviously do not touch it with dirty hands and sprinkle as much as possible of moisturizer. Better to avoid the risk of Vaseline that take away part of the work.

- Any cream that is granted while the tattoo is properly hydrated. You should not completely dry and esfogliare.

- Wash what you want instead with mild soap, but avoid diving into water or long stays wet.

- Avoid as much as possible during prolonged exposure to sunlight that might inflame the skin and especially the colored pigments from fading.

- Even if you have tattoos that much better to be sprinkled with sunscreen for the least damaging.

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Tattoo Tattoo Design Tattoo

- The steps for the implementation of the tattoo are as follows:

- Choice of design, its size and its location on the body.

- Implementation of the stencils on tracing paper to transfer the desired pattern on the skin through the use of pencil ectografica (indelible pencil) or pen drawing technique normally not exceeding 0.3. Some tattoo artists use stencils for the deodorant stick that is very effective, but for reasons of hygiene and practicality should obtain appropriate products (stencil Tat) sold by many companies to professional tattoo supplyes.

- E 'shaved if necessary and advisable to disinfect the part before applying the stencil tat, and when you print the cast wait a few minutes to allow time for it to dry well and onto the skin. The practitioner must also be sure to print the drawing in the best position to avoid nasty surprises that may occur in the finished work. The wrong location could be wrong with the tattoo when changing position of the person and why you need the right eye and experience.

- From here comes the advice and more to rely on the work of professionals who have the right knowledge and experience in the field.

- After that you pass to the realization that, depending on the type of design will start with:

- The application of vaseline better if soothing, antirritante and added vitamins.
Apply with disposable wooden spatula and pull out now especially needed Vaseline to work, so as to avoid having riattingere additional product from the jar with your hands or a spatula coming into contact with blood and color.

- For typing dell'outline (boundary line) it is necessary to use a properly calibrated machine to flatten the dry tip and special needlebar liner (stick needles converging boundary. RLB), which can typically vary from a minimum needles of three to over 10 depending on the design you want, and usually at a current of not more than 8 / 9 V.

- the beating should be at the right speed in drawing the lines and keep the right level of depth of penetration otherwise the skin color, skin healed, or will tend to leave if they fail to hand pressure or migrate (spread unevenly under the skin immediately or over time) as well as serum and blood to release more than necessary may lead to the formation of crust with consequent loss of gloss of the tattoo.

- using a spray bottle filled with water and green soap to clean the excess color at work. The green soap green soap is a special detergent and antibacterial antirritante. Use it carefully during construction of the tattoo being careful not to remove the cast on the skin.

For the nuances you have to calibrate the machine with the beat or use a special softer and substantially lower the voltage on the feeder. We use ferrules and needlebars with needles or flat shader (needles are Flat Rack F, Shader are arranged in a circular RSB) of various quantities of needles as needed.

- For color fills the backgrounds that need it is always recommended by the machine, or set with a soft beat, but the voltage must be typically used for the outline. In addition, you must use special tips and needlebars Magnum needles (needles placed in double rack M).

- Once you have completed the cleaning work well with the green soap dry and sprinkle with the tattoo Vaseline. Cover the tattoo with plastic wrap.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Genital Wart Freezing Times

The tattoo (from the Polynesian tatau) is both a decorative technique (painting more often) human body, the decoration is produced by this technique.
Traditionally the decoration is intended to last permanently, but in recent times have been invented techniques to make temporary tattoos. In its most common form, the technique is to consistently delaying healing the skin with harmful (more precisely, it is called scarification) or performing injections with the introduction of coloring matter in ferite.Il tattoo has been used in many cultures, both ancient and contemporary, accompanying the man for much of its existence, depending on the area in which it has rooted for example, could represent a sort of identity card of the individual, that such a rite of passage to adulthood. Therapeutic Tattoos have been found on Otzi mummy (ca. 3300 BC) found in the Italian Alps in 1991, another was found with tattoos is also rather complex man Pazyryk center in Asia with intricate tattoos representatives animali.Tra ancient civilizations in which developed the tattoo was Egypt as well as ancient Rome where it was prohibited Emperor Constantine after his conversion to Christianity (There'll incisions in the flesh for the dead, you will get them tattoos on him. I am the Lord, Leviticus 19:28). Other people who developed their own styles and meanings were those related to the sphere of Oceania, in which each particular area despite the similarities, it has clearly defined traits. Famous as Maori, and also between the peoples of Mount Hagen, Japanese, Chinese and even though the Inuit population had almost every characteristic symbols and their meanings. In the Euro zone after it was practically forbidden for religious reasons, was rediscovered at the time of sailing the ocean zone (James Cook).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

37 Weeks Pregnant Yellow Mucus Discharge

Overview on Main types of tattoo

Old school tattoos old school "are characterized by sharp lines and square, by the massive use of black and color flat and nuances. The subjects of tattoos "old school" are those of the European tradition and American roses, daggers , sacred hearts, pin up and symbols as maritime mermaids, anchors and ships.

New skool

Tattoos "new skool" refer to the "old school "but seemed to features, and more great lines and colors are super bright special case of the Black Panthers . For years one of the classic American tradition, were for a time considered a symbol of machismo and machismo and therefore boycotted by the world of tattooing. Recently in conjunction with the birth of the "new skool" there was a rehabilitation and re-interpretations is easy to see that.


Tribal is the name given to that category of tattoos has emerged since the early nineties and is based on the traditional tattoos of the natives of various islands of the Pacific (Samoa , Marquesas Islands, Hawaii ) of Dayak of Borneo , the Maori of New Zealand and Native Americans.
The style is characterized by tribal designs abstract, lines formed by the silhouette is quite marked, usually completely filled with black. Often the drawings are done in a way that emphasizes the natural lines of the body and muscles. It is also very widespread use of lines and intricate geometric designs that are repeated reinterpretation of flora and fauna or natural elements, especially fire , air and water .


In Japanese tattoos are called irezumi (ireru enter sumi black ink) or horimono (mono Horu inscribe something) to clarify the traditional Japanese technique is called "TEBORI. The most classic traditional Japanese tattoo designs are: the
the cherry blossoms of , symbol of transcendence and evanescence of human life
Fudomyo -O, Japanese version of the Buddhist deity Acalanatha, furious version of the Buddha
Kara-Jishi, the mythical beast
koi carp, a symbol of perseverance and courage


Inspired by the work of Hans Ruedi Giger this type of tattoos had his moment of glory in eighties and early nineties .
tattoos biomechanical creatures are usually composed of human limbs or organs inextricably fused parts Mechanical .