Monday, August 3, 2009

How Do I Get Discovered?

Ronde? The Mayor does not want ...

Ameglia, August 3, 2009


The PDL Ameglia is appalled by the attacks that have originated from the ranks of the extreme left and communist nostalgia. Faced with an objective problem that you tried to resolve the premises and democratic government, the Communists accuse us of wanting to foment some kind of hatred. We would like to specify that no patrol has been organized so far in the City of Ameglia and that until the mouth of Mrs. Deputy Mayor for Administration Strenta ostinerĂ  is to deny the problem, the patrols can not be organized. In fact, groups of citizens from various political backgrounds (of course closer to the center) are organizing the watches of the night away from any incitement to murder. It seems more dangerous messages that young Communists launched their website, which it called upon the mayor to prohibit such voluntary initiatives, calling for the mobilization of the comrades in the fight against anti-fascism. We are in 2009 and the danger to the safety and serenity of our families and our homes are not more people died sixty years ago, but since these characters are Italian (it seems), or aliens keep whole neighborhoods awake in a quiet and peaceful country, where even in the years of lead, there have been episodes of conflict between communists and fascists like these supporters of our new mayor you wish. The PDL Ameglia says the frightened citizens and public actions will continue in the coming days for solving this new emergency and to inform the public about what are the limits that the law allows and what action to take in an emergency (things that would should promote the local administration, too busy in the evenings gala). The PDL is also supporting the police in their daily work of prevention and safety and may do it openly and without hypocrisy, because our fellow party members do not throw stones when they see a uniform, but leave the pavement ...

Finally we also ask to Refoundation Communist Ameglia to avoid aligning the line dictated by the Deputy Mayor which tends to downplay and not addressing the problem, the shame of Ameglia, I am not sure that the patrols because there will never be authorized by the Mayor, the shame of having to undergo an emergency is Ameglia after another without being able to act. To which we added the anti-democratic attempts of those who would also block the ability of citizens to turn down the street at night, putting a curfew and ensure that this would be a nice limitation of freedom.

Andrea De Ranieri

Spokesman PDL - Ameglia


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