Friday, June 26, 2009

How Long Gingerbread Dough Good In Fridge

intervention of the De Ranieri in City Council of June 24, 2009

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, June 24, 2009

Intervention political opening of the new mandate Board.

The administration of a common belief is primarily the act to coordinate a community following their development, addressing the desires, passions, hopes and stimuli. Administer the City of Ameglia should mean then to find the right balance between the Community and the area where he lives, directing all efforts to improve the lives of average citizens. This is not to produce works for their own sake but to give concrete answers to people's requests. And this is what we ask the new administration and that is what we have promised our citizens in the election campaign and that is what we do in the limits and in the spaces that we will be granted. We have been accused by some of the phenomena you want to touch the "belly of the people" or to populism, in fact we have done, and we do politics. We do not build artificially lists policies to weaken the enemy or we are going to exploit the statements City Council to vote to distort the meaning. We do not offend the political opponent, much less the threat but we have suffered insults, threats and intimidation. For example, the position has been exploited by one of our candidate to make a sort of ogre willing to eat the Company of the City. We pursue a different way of managing the City, we believe that the Administration should create conditions to encourage private initiative and the natural development of business activities, business and in this sense we will strive to ensure that the City continues to be The largest company in our area but it may arise more freely. We also believe that companies that already operate in our communities should be protected and enabled to work well, but on the other hand, if we oppose the Administration would weave its work with the business activity of private enterprises. These elections were seen in a red-hot climate of controversy and fears and not least we have taken the threats of an official "Ameglia Tourist Services" during a council meeting request from the group long before the opening of the campaign and " granted "only a few days before the vote. Unfortunately, misinformation and propaganda have scared even the workers of the company whose job it will continue to manage the way that there has been in the past, it will be every day in danger. The election result that saw the city split in half and only thanks to a climate of suspicion and artificially creating a list of vaguely right, the outgoing administration has been able to maintain, a re-elected mayor with 50% of the vote. Now that's a political fact.

It is remarkable then see how the outcome of these elections has been zeroing possible dissent within the majority, in fact as well as five years ago, the Communist Party of the PRC, despite its reservoir of votes, not has representation and the former Socialist councilor (now also independent from the PD) for sure an individual policy with a strong personality who had had a disagreement with the majority before the vote was heavily penalized and excluded from the election. A political landscape that finally sees the only first-line pivot around which everything is supported by the center-Ameglia, Francis Pisani. We hope that the return to the scene directly to Pisani could contribute, among other things, to mitigate the relationship with the administration and the opposition that feared retaliation from the re-election Galazzo remain suspended from doing good that has always characterized the ' former mayor. Certainly, however, a regrettable incident has already occurred with the suspension of the purchase by the City of newspapers at the newsstand Ameglia high, a collaboration that went on for years. I hope it's just a coincidence that the shrine is of my aunt, openly sided with the center. Certainly this news was brought by a municipal employee who had embarrassed all'edicolante communicate the decision of the first elected mayor.

beginning of this new council office and in the light of what I've read the program of Democratic Choice, I must admit I'm intrigued by how one can bind a municipality to the choices and needs of some people that work for private economic . The reference is to the Monte dei Paschi, now changed hands at some cooperatives, the Cantieri San Lorenzo, all'Intermarine, but then a whole host of so-called "higher-level entities" listed in the most points. We talk about the Administration projects that actually change from appropriations and programs of different agencies such as Provincial Park and the Region. If there are any hitches, the fault will be higher-level institutions (see the embankments), if all goes well on the will of the Administration. But what worries me is thinking about how you can tie to the project realization Marinella problem solving serious and compelling as the safety of river Fiumaretta or community needs such as building sports facilities and subsidized housing. To see carried out a project so big we have to think Ameglia as part of the Italian economy if not the world and the world is going through a severe economic crisis, financial and credit, banks will not lend money for fear of running out. This poses serious doubts on the possibility that those who have the money to invest here. But that independence can still have Marinella Project by the City of Ameglia who accepted contributions over the years for everything from board room to the fireworks, from summer festivals to cabaret Bellativù? It is unlikely then that major real estate groups that have a global view of the economy are interested in a project so big, much more likely to be produced in batches and that some pieces are not even facts and all this will be penalized again in the Community the territory and the City, because that that would be accomplished as a public work will remain on paper. The greatest danger today would rather underestimate the crisis and give the start to the project and planting the yard in half due to lack of funds. At that point, as it could manage a small town with few resources Ameglia such as environmental destruction?

If we talk about the environment in mind is the river with its problems and the great resource of sailing, but we think that even those who served as President of the Consortium of operators of the river water can not now have a clear conflict of interest with everything he worked until yesterday?

Democratic Choice program had as objective the construction the new bridge with the help of Colombiera dell'Intermarine and San Lorenzo. Certainly Cantieri San Lorenzo will have something else to think in a situation where they are. In recent years the Cantieri San Lorenzo has been an important reality of Ameglia but a reality that much to ask Ameglia, the increase of the sheds, the Navy Travelift. I believe these requests are to find a partner and least self-neutral, as I think that the current directors are? The San Lorenzo in the electoral campaign was allowed to give half to the city fire and now rumors of a serious crisis of the yard are becoming more insistent. How can we think that the most important figure in the Administration current, which is leading the Navy Travelift company close to San Lorenzo and practically part of the same site, the municipality may require a critical and independent? Even more so, how will the community Ameglia to support the consequences of a prolonged crisis Cantieri San Lorenzo and the consequent blocking of existing projects and emergency social workers?

About social emergencies we can not quote the Company "Ameglia Tourist Services" which is actually hanging by a thread with regard to entrust again for many services. The recruitment policy has led to unbridled after the application of the Bersani Decree to an effective excess availability work and so many workers who previously had full time to part time today. Although in reality the contract had already been part-time but full-time workers. In this situation, a stop by the authorities to entrust the services the company would send people home and community Ameglia manage an emergency in this case is not foreseen. But the instructions from the Supervisor of the market, the European regulations and finally the Bersani Decree for many years indicate what was the objective the legislature wanted to achieve in this area and the City of Ameglia has complied with these legal cases only quest 'year, a serious delay in our view affect safety of workers, because in time they tried an adjustment, the Company has carried on as if no such change should be done.

Today we open a new mandate but we must not forget how the council ended the previous year. In the area Cesarini was entrusted with the PUC to a Regional Commissioner, in fact deprived the functions of the municipal councilors and having concealed a document so as to have given vital weapon in the campaign for those who knew him. The old administration ended with the self-deposing of the City Council in the hope that there is more new space for dialogue and political debate. In 2004, the group with which I was elected had the first gathering words of openness and dialogue, we tried to open a debate on key issues, important and urgent, which among other things remained the same: the River Project and Marinella. Despite our willingness in the past five years we have often found closure and injury. The next five years will be full of uncertainties and risks that could expose the City strong to handle the same problems that previous administration has gone to look for, we will from time to time as the challenge of solving these emergencies being personally involved. But today we can say what is the common feeling of the road that we represent the other half of Ameglia, half incattivita and offense that not only has chosen us as an alternative but that nevertheless had the courage to no longer want to see the City and administered in this way are the many witness amegliesi who are ashamed when they see us and greet us with downcast eyes were almost to have done it given the vote in Pisani. Oh well we take all this and consider it a strength, we will be vigilant and uncompromising on everything because in these five years is at stake the future of a community.

Andrea De Ranieri


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