Sunday, January 11, 2009

Genital Wart Freezing Times

The tattoo (from the Polynesian tatau) is both a decorative technique (painting more often) human body, the decoration is produced by this technique.
Traditionally the decoration is intended to last permanently, but in recent times have been invented techniques to make temporary tattoos. In its most common form, the technique is to consistently delaying healing the skin with harmful (more precisely, it is called scarification) or performing injections with the introduction of coloring matter in ferite.Il tattoo has been used in many cultures, both ancient and contemporary, accompanying the man for much of its existence, depending on the area in which it has rooted for example, could represent a sort of identity card of the individual, that such a rite of passage to adulthood. Therapeutic Tattoos have been found on Otzi mummy (ca. 3300 BC) found in the Italian Alps in 1991, another was found with tattoos is also rather complex man Pazyryk center in Asia with intricate tattoos representatives animali.Tra ancient civilizations in which developed the tattoo was Egypt as well as ancient Rome where it was prohibited Emperor Constantine after his conversion to Christianity (There'll incisions in the flesh for the dead, you will get them tattoos on him. I am the Lord, Leviticus 19:28). Other people who developed their own styles and meanings were those related to the sphere of Oceania, in which each particular area despite the similarities, it has clearly defined traits. Famous as Maori, and also between the peoples of Mount Hagen, Japanese, Chinese and even though the Inuit population had almost every characteristic symbols and their meanings. In the Euro zone after it was practically forbidden for religious reasons, was rediscovered at the time of sailing the ocean zone (James Cook).


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