Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Does A Dog Physically Bark For So Long

E 'st'ano foghi ... nothing!

Ameglia, August 8, 2009

release of PDL on the abolition of the traditional closing event of the summer season amegliese: the fireworks.

The last news we get on the sly by the local administration and the elimination of fireworks planned for August 23, a bolt from the blue. The news leaked by a bare statement to the press in which justifies the lack of fireworks by donating half the protection of civil Tione degli Abruzzi. Now, without detracting from the view that most valuable of the initiative, we would like the Administration explain to us why the City of Ameglia, which provides, among other things, a calendar of summer events (first and foremost "Bellativù") much more expensive fireworks, awaits the beginning of August to say that 'money fires must be in Abruzzo.

sorry to say but anything in this decision is not clear.

The tragedy of the earthquake in Italy is in fact occurred well before the common style of the summer program Amegliese.

Moreover, the current bathing season is starting to end one of the worst in recent years, few people and empty rooms, the appointment of the fires has always attracted people and filled restaurants and bars on both sides of Magra. Suppress the fires is an affront to those who make tourism in Bocca di Magra and Fiumaretta. In addition to justify it with a donation to the Abruzzi threatens to become a hypocritical excuse, even more so when you consider what happened in January 2009 to Ameglia. Without wishing to make any comparison between the two events, of course, impossible as was the severity of the earthquake in Abruzzo, we want to remember, however, that the City Administration on January 20 last year, the Slim is overflowing and that our fellow citizens, to date, have not yet seen a single euro of compensation. A close election the City has always deceived the flood victims by making them fill out a template for damages knowing full well that there would be a penny. Today the city is forgotten not only the flood (which also live in areas where the thieves are raging), but removes the fireworks to ruin the season for tour operators and amegliesi that of all the summer events is the ' only going to see.

If the Administration intends to make a donation to Tione is just and noble face, but finding the money elsewhere and not cutting on Tourism is the bread of our citizens.

Our appeal is for you to move back from the error and then the Administration to eliminate the fireworks amegliese from summer events raise the funds to finance earthquake with other formulas, perhaps taking them dall'incasso of new speed cameras installed on the SS432 or by onerous contracts berthing of yachts moored in the marina and city, above all, not forgetting, speaking of economic aid of flood victims amegliesi . We finally

City Administration to publicly communicate the amount that it will grant the Abruzzi, and on what account will be paid the money so that all citizens know what happened to the money allocated for the fireworks.

James Raul Giampedrone

Andrea De Ranieri

Emanuele Cadeddu



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