Friday, August 14, 2009

Genital Herpes Catchy Phrase

no fire!

AMEGLIA, August 12, 2009

the attention of

President of the Municipal Council


E pc Presidents regional consultation municipal

their headquarters

SUBJECT: Interpellation / Question 3


On 02/08/2009 the writers councilors learned, through the press, the news regarding the decision unilaterally, the Municipal Administration to cancel the usual fireworks display , scheduled for summer 2009 timetable for the end of August, in order to provide a donation for the purchase of half of earthquake victims in civil protection to the City of Tione Abruzzi

The end certainly noble, and therefore more valuable that a donation on behalf of a municipality earthquakes is not put into question.


The summer shows (some much more expensive than a fireworks display, see BELLATIVU) was prepared long after the tragedy of Abruzzo;

The bathing season in progress is starting to end one of the worst in recent years the number of visits and revenues of operators in the area;

The appointment of the fires has always attracted people and filled bars and restaurants on both sides of lean;

The tourist vocation of our country needs continuous and constant initiatives that can serve as a stimulus to local employment;


Without making any comparison between the two events, of course, impossible for the severity of the earthquake Abruzzo , you want to remember that last January 20 the City of Ameglia has been the subject of a major flood for the flooding of the Magra and that our fellow citizens, to date, have not had a single euro of compensation.

also stressed that, as above, the process has led to the unilateral decision to abolish the Municipal Administration the fireworks show there is agreement;


In order

  • withdraw from serious mistake to eliminate the fireworks show from the summer program amegliese 2009;
  • undertake to raise funds for donation to flood victims and the City of Tione Amegliesi with other formulas (Ex: pick a share of the revenue from violations of the Highway Code or the income from the rental of mooring spaces assigned to the Municipal Services Society owned by the town itself).


To find out how much is the amount determined for the donation to the City of Tione degli Abruzzi, and what the body and / or legal person responsible to be the 'owner of this donation.


James Raul Giampedrone

Andrea De Ranieri

Emanuele Cadeddu

Andrea Moretti

Emilio Longhi


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