Saturday, July 25, 2009

Real-time Labor Guide

A little 'history ...

Below the letter public, registered at the time, in response to the order of the Mayor to become incompatible with the vote New City Urban Planning. I should point out that I and my colleagues of the opposition now we have not yet seen the draft. This attitude tends to hide a weapon that has allowed this team to win back the elections and to finally have the Planning weaver than twenty years of government and business to Ameglia. This is not enough we take into account that those who PUC implemented this worked closely with the designers of Marinella SpA which also have the most benefit from it.

What autonomy and independence which? Boh!

Ameglia, March 14 '09

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc to town clerk, the municipal councilors

Subject: taking stock of vs prot. 3299.

take note of the note sent to me by the Mayor on yesterday to invite him to reflect on what he wrote from the point of view even before the political and institutional decisions that will take on. Mr. Mayor has no power to remove any Director from the discussion and approval of the City Urban Planning, much less by using the self-reporting of cases of incompatibility. According to the interpretation of law made by the mayor or those who have so badly advised, a Councillor is incompatible if his relatives up to the 4th Estate have property in the municipality. This assumption automatically excludes anyone who dresses in Ameglia. I remind the Mayor that the Court has no legal force in our system and therefore the statement is asking violates the principle delegates elected to a constitutional republic, which provides that each Director has the electoral mandate to exercise choices and functions on behalf of those who elected him. Prevent the basis of judicial interpretation, the discussion and approval of the PUC to the City Council is an unconstitutional act serious. Even more serious if you think that this plan has been drawn up following the instructions of the Mayor, present and former, Planning and the Councillor who held this position for 15 years, for which we infer has not occurred any condition of incompatibility all this time! I think that disconcerting think that a single director may have a position of incompatibility approval of the PUC (during the deliberation), and grants to establish the administration's entire plan can then be put to a possible regional commissioner for the experienced and intelligent as it could never understand any interest that led to realization.

I strongly ask that the City Council will meet in Ameglia Assembly for approval by the PUC and that the incompatibility of the Directors and to decide the validity of any vote is an administrative court and not the Mayor.


Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

City Council


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