Saturday, July 18, 2009

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Ameglia Tell

Ameglia, July 18, 2009

act. Director of the monthly municipal

"Ameglia Informa"

Dr. Sandro Fascinelli

Subject: End of collaboration with "Ameglia inform"

During the City Council of 16 July has been approved, despite the comments and complaints of the opposition, a new regulation for the management the monthly "Ameglia Tell." This act of regulation of the monthly was imposed by authoritarian and one choice of the Left who prepared the control, without consulting the Commission Board, and without the contribution of the opposition. The resolution which approved 46% of amegliesi who reject this way of governing the country until a representative of "culture" (which does not even understand what it means) and denies representation to the elected councilors. In contrast, the Director will be appointed by the Mayor, along with a representative of the Executive Editor, one of the majority, a school and a "culture" of the left. Creating a 5 to 1 ratio you want to humiliate the opposition and formalize a climate of control and limitation of freedom of the press, I do not accept and deny any future political communication through this month. Also distrust the Mayor to appoint anyone in the editorial in our representation.

Sorry to leave without the amegliesi free information, but our work will continue on the internet and we promise the birth of one of our monthly information.

A warm greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri, a spokesman for PDL - Ameglia

Dr. James Giampedrone Raul, head PDL - Ameglia

With publication prayer .


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