Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Taoism: a perspective as old as human history

Top cities organized society and humanity were born between 6000 BC (8000 years ago) and 4000 BC (6000 years ago), all near major rivers like the Indus River (India), the river Yellow (China), Nile (Egypt), and the fertile crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia, now Iraq)

We study the first company in the West Egyptian and Mesopotamian, but when he mentions the company and born near the banks of the Indus civilization, much less to society that flourished along the Yellow River.

According to the archeology of a few years ago you gave as the oldest of the Indus, but according to some recent findings, it appears that the company appeared along the Yellow River was born the same time, several centuries older than those who did make a study school children.

The characteristics of the first companies along the Indo not are very different from the Mesopotamian: use of flooding for crops flourishing, matriarchal society, then "evolved" in patriarchal structures first military and economic realms of society cristalizzazzione more or less armed, successive wars and emigration, thus colonizing the surrounding territories .

born Cities along the Yellow River, in addition to these common features, it seems that differ in the almost immediate creation of points of trade and supply, a first coin made of turtle shells, used for divination and make calculations commodity, time, and all that could be used to trade more or less "primitive". This still
to understand is why, for example, the agrarian culture of China was founded in other places like in the Yangtze River, and then traded along the Yellow River .... but studies are still in progress ....

So in summary, while the other three situations are developed especially for agriculture, that of the Yellow River is also being developed for a business more or less tight.

We know that in nature was studied for two main reasons:
  • avert disasters (floods, droughts, floods, etc.).
  • your way to travel (from the stars and the surrounding landscape)

These two reasons derived from different needs such as:
  • Preserving the harvest
  • Trading
  • Kicking

Who traded was then subjected to all sorts of dangers such as:
  • loss of goods during the crossing fords
  • Raiders and several gangsters
  • Crossing of war zones

But who had traded the possibility of comparisons with other ideas, other companies and other ways of life.

Thus, at least initially, the Chinese company had the opportunity to develop diverse ideas and develop a tremendous sensitivity to nature, and developing a good knowledge Home of the stars and their movements.

careful observation of the environment and the direct comparison between the ideas first developed Taoism as a kind of attempt to explain and predict natural elements and, above all, human.

Its evolution over the centuries would be long to explain, considering that the "Taoist canon" now consists of more than five thousand (5000) writings, the first reorganization took place only in 400 AD, but some older texts were also lost during the turbulent history of China.

Today the term "Taoism" can mean several things: A theology
  • animist, often become crystallized and with strong elements of superstition
  • A type of medicine developed through a perspective where the various bodies are seen in their interactions
  • philosophy is complex, very close "to the survey about being as such," dear to Aristotle
  • A methodology for analyzing life events, which often goes well in tune with some modern scientific discoveries and social psychological

In practice, when we talk about Taoism today we are not talking about nothing, the word Taoism became then an adjective, which is indicative of a particular perspective from which to an examination by a method of millennia old.

The foundations
I will mention briefly some basic principles, then stating some "sentences" simplified so as to make them more or less intelligible to us Westerners.
The following principles are actually common to many theories and philosophies of East and beyond.
are however also the basis on which they grow most of Taoism in its methodological and philosophical concezzione.

cyclicity principle: Everything is cyclical
The existence itself is a cycle

All things are subject to universal cycle

man perceives only an infinitesimal segment of the Universal

Meditating on the cyclical or not cyclical nature of the universe leads to demonstrate its cyclicity

Principle of change: Everything is changing in what
Everything changes, even the change

Principle of change: The first substance does not change, only changes in what form
The form is the only thing that our senses acquire

The first substance is not detectable by our senses

If the substance too before making up an object, that object is no longer identifiable as such object starting

balance principle: Everything is in constant balance
The change in position of an object of disequilibrium, or tends to return to initial state, or is there something that balances its position.

As an exercise:
  • Try to meditate on one of the first four principles
  • Then on all four principles together
  • finally try to try to review all the dynamics that surround you in accordance with these principles, both the dynamics of human nature-
Last final note, remember that the Taoist method of analysis of human behavior, was taken over by Carl G. Jung, one of the fathers of psychology in its modern sense.


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