Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brittany Stone With Clothes On

Sterilization? YES!

In my humble "career" volunteer I spoke with people very different from each other. It is not easy to do for the chameleon to put them at ease and find out if it really will be good for future adopters.
with some of these I must say I failed in my purpose, so much to hear them confess their perverse ideas about their ideas on what was best for the sake of their pet.
Surely the most confused ideas about the issue of sterilization.
There were those who claimed that he had adopted the dog in a kennel and would never honored its commitment to sterilize it .. so much so that with the upcoming spring would make a nice litter to make him happy ... it was not clear whether he was referring to himself or the dog.
end that would have placed the puppies are not major problems ... "a neighbor, and relatives have taken the safe with them" -
Needless to say, while listening to speeches of this type per year, with the other hand call in Real-time core of eco guards zoophilic ready to burst into a house of ill happened yet on the phone with me ...
Joking or not, aside, I wonder why the majority of people suddenly become animal to extreme levels when it comes to sterilize your pet.
people who maybe would like to chain your dog, but if you tell it to sterilize (also free) the poor animal, indignantly refuses, also looks like a bitter and violent nature as if you were having to be terminated.
The feeling that I have is that nobody has an interest in wanting to spread the culture of sterilization, for convenience and because it surely does not matter to many of the animals or the overcrowding of the shelters is it not considered a problem.
So the only hope would be at least a little more than "head" by each of us.
to prevent births of dogs and cats pre-destined to a life of kennels.
become "grandparents" of puppies and kittens will be sweet for us, but probably less for the "grandchildren" of hair .. unless you can keep at least a dozen dogs and cats in the house and future generations.
Who really loves animals, knows that the kennels are full of these "soft grandchildren" grew up in a cage.
It is not true that the puppies are so much "- No, many do not go. They grow up in kennels. And we die.

I copy and paste this very useful and comprehensive statement on the sterilization
Those who are not yet convinced can make great ideas.

Sterilize, why?

To save the animals, for their own good. Yes, because they give birth to puppies, which are of our cat or stray from home is wrong for the health of animals, because there are always too many animals looking for adoption, because the stray cats are put to a bad end. Sterilize
is not against nature, or rather it would be if we lived in a paradise in which men and animals live in harmony in a perfect world, where births and deaths are marked by natural disasters and biological rhythms. But it is not, and therefore it is our responsibility to limit the damage and suffering of thousands of animals.
We would like ASL and municipalities to take charge of their responsibilities, but we will not hide behind the gaps, and sometimes the failures of others. Let's start us in the first person to do our part. Today there is a sufficient awareness of the need sterilization. And there will never be on this issue if you will just words. So while we do our part: our cat neuter and neuter those settlements that we know.


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