Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brownie Patches Placement

syncretism: the reconciliation of opposing ideas ...

Syncretism is a word from Greek roots that mean "coalition Cretan" indicating the different positions set aside for defense from external attack.

In anthropology

The interesting thing to note is the anthropological connotation of the term, namely the notion that all religions have a common fund from which are deducted from them the true values \u200b\u200bto which all human beings should be based : love, brotherhood, empathy towards the others, came from a common humanity under the same sky, etc..

These values \u200b\u200bwe find them in many practices of prayer and meditation from the Far East to the extreme west, from African peoples to the Inuit of the North Pole.

One of the things I've always been fascinated with the study of anthropology is the verification of the common things between different peoples very far apart.

Some think that these similarities are due to the fateful Atlantis, a great empire that ruled the entire globe, then finished in the bottom of the sea because of their actions.

The story that the textbooks, says instead that different cultures can find similar solutions.

In both cases the question does not change, that it is imprinting or similar solutions, the basic values \u200b\u200bthat inspired all religions, then all cultures are the best things of all humanity.

First phase of religions purge

But when religion is a hierarchy, whatever it is, tends to eliminate the uncontrollable, so all those ideas that lead to consider the equality between men (otherwise they would not hierarchy) , empathy for others (unless otherwise would be the elimination system), human nature as it were immersed in the environment (otherwise it would leverage on the punishment of the instincts), and so on, thereby departing from its basic fundamentals.

This has happened with the Jewish, Christian (whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant), the Muslim, and also in the East (Confucianesiamo, Buddhism, Iduismo, etc.)..

Second phase: proselytizing

After the purge is usually a tendency to proselytize religion (or evangelization which you want to say), trying to reintroduce these core values, often with the counter drops, trying to find similarities with cultures that would like to "affordable", sometimes in a rather forced.

In this stage religion examined customs discovers lost during the purge, rearrange the present moment and trying to "collision".

In this period comes as ideological movements and cultural parallels, often in direct conflict with the culture that generated them directly or indirectly, such as New-Age is the stage of indirect branch of Catholic culture in the moment of its evolution proselytizing, even discovering ancient practices, mixed together, often wrong, very rarely capendole.

fervent Christians often think that their religion is the most advanced in the world, not realizing that they are back a few centuries if not thousands of years compared to some Far Eastern religions such as modern Buddhism (Buddhism for modern non- I mean the Buddhism of the Hollywood starlets that often falls into the ridiculous).

This is not to say that one is better than the other or vice versa, just that one is younger than the other.

For example, the Buddhist Compassion is similar if not equal to the Christian social solidarity.

the first four civilizations that arose (Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Yellow River, Indus River), the only one to have kept his balance and historical continuity (although more or less precarious) is the Tao.

Third step: reorganization

But we continue with the evolution of religions ... Next to the stage of fragmentation and shredding, there is a subsequent reorganization of ideas, re-absorbing some or all of those lines have been previously created, through an action involving Social ... For example, Jewish culture has rooted social relations on religion, where the rabbis are not only similar to our priests, even scholars of Jewish culture, whether religious, social, and historical and cultural, and hyper-rooted both among the faithful in that territory, as well as real officials of the cult of the affairs of the people.

Fourth step: simplification

After the reorganization of the religions there are many experts to have its own guidelines, which take up the issues highlighted by the company, trying to give concrete answers to the faithful and to society, without hiding behind the specific axioms of his faith, at this stage coexistence of a multitude of confusion and "Guru," "Theologians", "professors of faith", etc..

All of these experts, real or assumed, are trying to give answers, often ending up in dead ends, sometimes managing to bend the teachings to the needs quotas, and others getting real doctrines ex-nine, get a heterogeneity within the same tenets.

An example of this stage is the actual Hindu religion, it has a unique form of doctrine is divided into many strands of thought as there are "gurus" who actually do not respond directly to the alleged owners of the doctrine only ... Furthermore, the Church hierarchy does not exist, precisely because of the stadium of evolution ....

Fifth stage: from religion to philosophy, the return to the origins

In this last phase of the divine concept loses its mythic connotations, returning with both hands in a desired type of philosophical, social, and " perspective of life.

Basically you get to the stage of pure aggettivante of syncretism, or there is a philosophy, it was a religion through the study of this ex-neo-religion-philosophy gives a perspective on life can be, at least see, the primary values \u200b\u200bof humanity, realizing that in fact all religions and their founders have gone from trying to gain a perspective of divine to solve practical problems and social issues.

So basically all religions are like little cameras which frame one or more faces of the same object, which should be useful for the solution of any social problem.

That still more simply, the "faithful" and "scholars / priests" are actually part of a mechanism of peer reviews to explore simultaneously the divine that the social, drawing on whatever knowledge may be useful to the welfare of both personal (physical, psychological, spiritual, etc..), and social.

An example is Taoism, which as I already explained it has evolved to completely lose its share religious, but his evolving philosophical part.

The problem at this stage consists of some elements who try to bring religion into this issue in purely theological context, often creating real new religions, and then sharing the stage of purification. Fortunately

in Taoism there is only a small minority in China, which half-heartedly trying to share with the animists, and Taoism they say "clean", in fact, their result is almost nil .... if not sometimes a little 'ridiculous ....... obviously in my opinion .... but I could be wrong ....

As you can see at the end of the syncretism that process is inevitable that, in alternating phases, every religion tends to turn in philosophy, to refocus on core values \u200b\u200bof humanity.


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