Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bulma And Goku Fusion

Master in meditation: If you meet a Buddha on the road, kill him!

If you meet a Buddha on the road, kill him! This is a nice
Koan that embraces the vision that we owe a debt of people who show us how the "enlightened real" keepers of truth to them to say " absolute."

In meditation you learn many times by one or more teachers, and we believe such.
The interesting thing is the cycle that is created between student and teacher ....

"Master" or "Teacher" I know a little 'elementary school ....
The teacher in the East, especially in Japan, it is termed Sensei ... Sensei in Japan but also sarcastic meaning of 'alleged megalomaniac leader ".... then the term with this double meaning is very Taoist!
The interesting thing is that if there is there is also a Sensei Senpai (senior student), and then a Saint (simply Mr / Ms, which would be the novice in the martial arts) ... in Japan there are many shades between these three words, but I will stop here for brevity.

But let's start with the first phase:

people, before embarking on any path of meditation practice on (martial arts, holistic practices, etc..), We inform, acquiring a enormous wealth of knowledge in bulk, often conflicting with each other, some even false or badly understood .... Although

all, the person looks around, a bit 'lost, dreaming of someone to help him settle a little' foggy.

If you're lucky, a bit 'of prudence, patience, and sometimes, you meet a Sensei , making it San in a particular discipline.

In this first step often begins to admire the talents of the Sensei, trying to obtain as much as possible, coming almost to be dazzled by the skill of the teacher ....

.... by the master are not small fish to fry ... The student

more "inspired" is often the one that has many concepts in bulk, a confusion at the highest levels, and be able to sort the ideas and snebbiarlo Myth is a big job to be worthy of the work in the coal mine .....

The Sensei, however, has allies: the Senpai, who are senior students, were masters in their turn, that following the instructions of Sensei alongside the student, and try to assist, especially in avoiding mistakes and various problems .. ..

The student sees itself Senpai with envy, would be in place and often does not understand how they are arrived at certain levels.

In this stage show at the San Sensei what to do and how
Emotions for the San Sensei: Affection, in some cases almost blind
of Emotions for the San Sensei: Concern! Much concern!

Second phase:

Once the student begins in the mind of snebbiarsi false assumptions, and false information, begins to feel satisfied with himself, sees the Senpai as a friend, and starts to see the flaws of the Sensei, especially when it is invoked even in abrupt type:
" You do this by a lot and you have not impaled Ancol well!
Like hell you that I pass them to the next level ! "
For Sensei sneaks the idea that if the student do not hold it in tension could lead to a number of mechanisms of self-assessment to be incorrect, so is the stage where the Sensei wants to prove to be one of those good and professional, creating even emotional barriers, and thereby showing the side of their emotions (Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, said that when it is too hard you lose your balance).

Even at this stage involved the Senpai, which this time take the Alliance defense, thanks to these valuable employees, a good sensei understands how to get back to a balanced criticism against the pupil, always under tension, but understood by the pupil which is on the right track.

at this stage: The San ago, Sensei considers
Emotions of the San Sensei: Affection, but also becomes critical
Emotions Sensei of the San: Affection, interest, seasoned with a little ' concern

Stage Three:

The student learns the art of Sensei disciplined manner and is based on the Senpai Senpai elucidation and uses as a litmus test of its advancement, the satisfaction of the discipline increases as well as admiration for Senpai, while in terms of the Sensei resentment creeps, sometimes almost a visceral discomfort ....
Senpai life gets easier, it becomes the balance between Sensei and San, and in the future can also learn how to teach.

For the Sensei is the most obscure ... remains to be prohibited if the next level or do the San remain in this state knows that if he chooses the wrong time, anticipating the shift his pupil will mount the head, and certainly will combine problems, but if it could delay the passage of tire the student, making him abandon the path ....

at this stage: The San Sensei and practice alongside the San
Emotions for Sensei: disaffection, sometimes real hatred
Emotions Sensei of the San: remains puzzled, knows that he must take the moment and that if wrong will be a disaster

Fourth phase:

The student has become a Senpai, the right or left arm Sensei, Sensei began to reassess, including a bit 'at a time the reasons for the behavior of his master, the art and discipline become something every day.

New Senpai then living in the art and discipline of the teacher, thanking the old Senpai that have since removed themselves becoming Sensei, he also knows that sooner or later will be a Sensei, but not in a hurry, in fact, almost regret the move to a later stage.

Sensei at this stage is at its peak of pride, has a new Senpai, sweat shirts twenty to teach the art and discipline, he knows he has done a good job, seeing his pupil who has reached a good is almost sad to know that the next step can only be abandoned as a new Sensei of that ally who has been busy.

Watch carefully as his student, giving advice on, a bit 'at a time, learning to teach.

at this stage: Senpai The exhibition, Sensei observes, the two talk on a par

Senpai Emotions of the Sensei: forgiveness and empathy for the teacher, great respect
Emotions of Sensei for Senpai: satisfaction and a bit 'sad

Fifth Stage:

Senpai At this point the roads begin to be tested and that their Sensei did not have time or way of travel, compared with the teacher as an elder brother, towards the younger students try to help as he can, even at times speaking clearly with their Sensei.

For the Sensei is the time of collection, compared with its Senpai, discuss with him how to develop teaching techniques, and the same discipline and art, teaches its Senpai how to exploit the qualities of Sensei, do not understand losing time.

at this stage: The Senpai evolves, evolves Sensei

Senpai Emotions of the Sensei:
Emotion Recognition and respect for the Sensei Senpai: respect, satisfaction and a bit 'sad

And finally ...

And finally the one who began as a student comes out as Sensei ...
Sensei And for every student that leaves, grows, increasing their skills, their art, the disclosure of their discipline ....
Both assume the risk of evolving, conscious that at times may be disappointed, bitter, or whatever.

But more ...

But it is not always a success story, there are students who misunderstand the words and acts of the teacher, teachers do not teach that, absent Senpai .... false prophets and false disciplines and arts ... but if something interesting but do not be discouraged to try, try, try .... sometimes try to change teacher .... or students ....

that's it for today, next week!


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