Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brownie Patches Placement

syncretism: the reconciliation of opposing ideas ...

Syncretism is a word from Greek roots that mean "coalition Cretan" indicating the different positions set aside for defense from external attack.

In anthropology

The interesting thing to note is the anthropological connotation of the term, namely the notion that all religions have a common fund from which are deducted from them the true values \u200b\u200bto which all human beings should be based : love, brotherhood, empathy towards the others, came from a common humanity under the same sky, etc..

These values \u200b\u200bwe find them in many practices of prayer and meditation from the Far East to the extreme west, from African peoples to the Inuit of the North Pole.

One of the things I've always been fascinated with the study of anthropology is the verification of the common things between different peoples very far apart.

Some think that these similarities are due to the fateful Atlantis, a great empire that ruled the entire globe, then finished in the bottom of the sea because of their actions.

The story that the textbooks, says instead that different cultures can find similar solutions.

In both cases the question does not change, that it is imprinting or similar solutions, the basic values \u200b\u200bthat inspired all religions, then all cultures are the best things of all humanity.

First phase of religions purge

But when religion is a hierarchy, whatever it is, tends to eliminate the uncontrollable, so all those ideas that lead to consider the equality between men (otherwise they would not hierarchy) , empathy for others (unless otherwise would be the elimination system), human nature as it were immersed in the environment (otherwise it would leverage on the punishment of the instincts), and so on, thereby departing from its basic fundamentals.

This has happened with the Jewish, Christian (whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant), the Muslim, and also in the East (Confucianesiamo, Buddhism, Iduismo, etc.)..

Second phase: proselytizing

After the purge is usually a tendency to proselytize religion (or evangelization which you want to say), trying to reintroduce these core values, often with the counter drops, trying to find similarities with cultures that would like to "affordable", sometimes in a rather forced.

In this stage religion examined customs discovers lost during the purge, rearrange the present moment and trying to "collision".

In this period comes as ideological movements and cultural parallels, often in direct conflict with the culture that generated them directly or indirectly, such as New-Age is the stage of indirect branch of Catholic culture in the moment of its evolution proselytizing, even discovering ancient practices, mixed together, often wrong, very rarely capendole.

fervent Christians often think that their religion is the most advanced in the world, not realizing that they are back a few centuries if not thousands of years compared to some Far Eastern religions such as modern Buddhism (Buddhism for modern non- I mean the Buddhism of the Hollywood starlets that often falls into the ridiculous).

This is not to say that one is better than the other or vice versa, just that one is younger than the other.

For example, the Buddhist Compassion is similar if not equal to the Christian social solidarity.

the first four civilizations that arose (Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Yellow River, Indus River), the only one to have kept his balance and historical continuity (although more or less precarious) is the Tao.

Third step: reorganization

But we continue with the evolution of religions ... Next to the stage of fragmentation and shredding, there is a subsequent reorganization of ideas, re-absorbing some or all of those lines have been previously created, through an action involving Social ... For example, Jewish culture has rooted social relations on religion, where the rabbis are not only similar to our priests, even scholars of Jewish culture, whether religious, social, and historical and cultural, and hyper-rooted both among the faithful in that territory, as well as real officials of the cult of the affairs of the people.

Fourth step: simplification

After the reorganization of the religions there are many experts to have its own guidelines, which take up the issues highlighted by the company, trying to give concrete answers to the faithful and to society, without hiding behind the specific axioms of his faith, at this stage coexistence of a multitude of confusion and "Guru," "Theologians", "professors of faith", etc..

All of these experts, real or assumed, are trying to give answers, often ending up in dead ends, sometimes managing to bend the teachings to the needs quotas, and others getting real doctrines ex-nine, get a heterogeneity within the same tenets.

An example of this stage is the actual Hindu religion, it has a unique form of doctrine is divided into many strands of thought as there are "gurus" who actually do not respond directly to the alleged owners of the doctrine only ... Furthermore, the Church hierarchy does not exist, precisely because of the stadium of evolution ....

Fifth stage: from religion to philosophy, the return to the origins

In this last phase of the divine concept loses its mythic connotations, returning with both hands in a desired type of philosophical, social, and " perspective of life.

Basically you get to the stage of pure aggettivante of syncretism, or there is a philosophy, it was a religion through the study of this ex-neo-religion-philosophy gives a perspective on life can be, at least see, the primary values \u200b\u200bof humanity, realizing that in fact all religions and their founders have gone from trying to gain a perspective of divine to solve practical problems and social issues.

So basically all religions are like little cameras which frame one or more faces of the same object, which should be useful for the solution of any social problem.

That still more simply, the "faithful" and "scholars / priests" are actually part of a mechanism of peer reviews to explore simultaneously the divine that the social, drawing on whatever knowledge may be useful to the welfare of both personal (physical, psychological, spiritual, etc..), and social.

An example is Taoism, which as I already explained it has evolved to completely lose its share religious, but his evolving philosophical part.

The problem at this stage consists of some elements who try to bring religion into this issue in purely theological context, often creating real new religions, and then sharing the stage of purification. Fortunately

in Taoism there is only a small minority in China, which half-heartedly trying to share with the animists, and Taoism they say "clean", in fact, their result is almost nil .... if not sometimes a little 'ridiculous ....... obviously in my opinion .... but I could be wrong ....

As you can see at the end of the syncretism that process is inevitable that, in alternating phases, every religion tends to turn in philosophy, to refocus on core values \u200b\u200bof humanity.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bulma And Goku Fusion

Master in meditation: If you meet a Buddha on the road, kill him!

If you meet a Buddha on the road, kill him! This is a nice
Koan that embraces the vision that we owe a debt of people who show us how the "enlightened real" keepers of truth to them to say " absolute."

In meditation you learn many times by one or more teachers, and we believe such.
The interesting thing is the cycle that is created between student and teacher ....

"Master" or "Teacher" I know a little 'elementary school ....
The teacher in the East, especially in Japan, it is termed Sensei ... Sensei in Japan but also sarcastic meaning of 'alleged megalomaniac leader ".... then the term with this double meaning is very Taoist!
The interesting thing is that if there is there is also a Sensei Senpai (senior student), and then a Saint (simply Mr / Ms, which would be the novice in the martial arts) ... in Japan there are many shades between these three words, but I will stop here for brevity.

But let's start with the first phase:

people, before embarking on any path of meditation practice on (martial arts, holistic practices, etc..), We inform, acquiring a enormous wealth of knowledge in bulk, often conflicting with each other, some even false or badly understood .... Although

all, the person looks around, a bit 'lost, dreaming of someone to help him settle a little' foggy.

If you're lucky, a bit 'of prudence, patience, and sometimes, you meet a Sensei , making it San in a particular discipline.

In this first step often begins to admire the talents of the Sensei, trying to obtain as much as possible, coming almost to be dazzled by the skill of the teacher ....

.... by the master are not small fish to fry ... The student

more "inspired" is often the one that has many concepts in bulk, a confusion at the highest levels, and be able to sort the ideas and snebbiarlo Myth is a big job to be worthy of the work in the coal mine .....

The Sensei, however, has allies: the Senpai, who are senior students, were masters in their turn, that following the instructions of Sensei alongside the student, and try to assist, especially in avoiding mistakes and various problems .. ..

The student sees itself Senpai with envy, would be in place and often does not understand how they are arrived at certain levels.

In this stage show at the San Sensei what to do and how
Emotions for the San Sensei: Affection, in some cases almost blind
of Emotions for the San Sensei: Concern! Much concern!

Second phase:

Once the student begins in the mind of snebbiarsi false assumptions, and false information, begins to feel satisfied with himself, sees the Senpai as a friend, and starts to see the flaws of the Sensei, especially when it is invoked even in abrupt type:
" You do this by a lot and you have not impaled Ancol well!
Like hell you that I pass them to the next level ! "
For Sensei sneaks the idea that if the student do not hold it in tension could lead to a number of mechanisms of self-assessment to be incorrect, so is the stage where the Sensei wants to prove to be one of those good and professional, creating even emotional barriers, and thereby showing the side of their emotions (Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, said that when it is too hard you lose your balance).

Even at this stage involved the Senpai, which this time take the Alliance defense, thanks to these valuable employees, a good sensei understands how to get back to a balanced criticism against the pupil, always under tension, but understood by the pupil which is on the right track.

at this stage: The San ago, Sensei considers
Emotions of the San Sensei: Affection, but also becomes critical
Emotions Sensei of the San: Affection, interest, seasoned with a little ' concern

Stage Three:

The student learns the art of Sensei disciplined manner and is based on the Senpai Senpai elucidation and uses as a litmus test of its advancement, the satisfaction of the discipline increases as well as admiration for Senpai, while in terms of the Sensei resentment creeps, sometimes almost a visceral discomfort ....
Senpai life gets easier, it becomes the balance between Sensei and San, and in the future can also learn how to teach.

For the Sensei is the most obscure ... remains to be prohibited if the next level or do the San remain in this state knows that if he chooses the wrong time, anticipating the shift his pupil will mount the head, and certainly will combine problems, but if it could delay the passage of tire the student, making him abandon the path ....

at this stage: The San Sensei and practice alongside the San
Emotions for Sensei: disaffection, sometimes real hatred
Emotions Sensei of the San: remains puzzled, knows that he must take the moment and that if wrong will be a disaster

Fourth phase:

The student has become a Senpai, the right or left arm Sensei, Sensei began to reassess, including a bit 'at a time the reasons for the behavior of his master, the art and discipline become something every day.

New Senpai then living in the art and discipline of the teacher, thanking the old Senpai that have since removed themselves becoming Sensei, he also knows that sooner or later will be a Sensei, but not in a hurry, in fact, almost regret the move to a later stage.

Sensei at this stage is at its peak of pride, has a new Senpai, sweat shirts twenty to teach the art and discipline, he knows he has done a good job, seeing his pupil who has reached a good is almost sad to know that the next step can only be abandoned as a new Sensei of that ally who has been busy.

Watch carefully as his student, giving advice on, a bit 'at a time, learning to teach.

at this stage: Senpai The exhibition, Sensei observes, the two talk on a par

Senpai Emotions of the Sensei: forgiveness and empathy for the teacher, great respect
Emotions of Sensei for Senpai: satisfaction and a bit 'sad

Fifth Stage:

Senpai At this point the roads begin to be tested and that their Sensei did not have time or way of travel, compared with the teacher as an elder brother, towards the younger students try to help as he can, even at times speaking clearly with their Sensei.

For the Sensei is the time of collection, compared with its Senpai, discuss with him how to develop teaching techniques, and the same discipline and art, teaches its Senpai how to exploit the qualities of Sensei, do not understand losing time.

at this stage: The Senpai evolves, evolves Sensei

Senpai Emotions of the Sensei:
Emotion Recognition and respect for the Sensei Senpai: respect, satisfaction and a bit 'sad

And finally ...

And finally the one who began as a student comes out as Sensei ...
Sensei And for every student that leaves, grows, increasing their skills, their art, the disclosure of their discipline ....
Both assume the risk of evolving, conscious that at times may be disappointed, bitter, or whatever.

But more ...

But it is not always a success story, there are students who misunderstand the words and acts of the teacher, teachers do not teach that, absent Senpai .... false prophets and false disciplines and arts ... but if something interesting but do not be discouraged to try, try, try .... sometimes try to change teacher .... or students ....

that's it for today, next week!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wrestling Shoes Online To Canada

Taoism: a perspective as old as human history

Top cities organized society and humanity were born between 6000 BC (8000 years ago) and 4000 BC (6000 years ago), all near major rivers like the Indus River (India), the river Yellow (China), Nile (Egypt), and the fertile crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia, now Iraq)

We study the first company in the West Egyptian and Mesopotamian, but when he mentions the company and born near the banks of the Indus civilization, much less to society that flourished along the Yellow River.

According to the archeology of a few years ago you gave as the oldest of the Indus, but according to some recent findings, it appears that the company appeared along the Yellow River was born the same time, several centuries older than those who did make a study school children.

The characteristics of the first companies along the Indo not are very different from the Mesopotamian: use of flooding for crops flourishing, matriarchal society, then "evolved" in patriarchal structures first military and economic realms of society cristalizzazzione more or less armed, successive wars and emigration, thus colonizing the surrounding territories .

born Cities along the Yellow River, in addition to these common features, it seems that differ in the almost immediate creation of points of trade and supply, a first coin made of turtle shells, used for divination and make calculations commodity, time, and all that could be used to trade more or less "primitive". This still
to understand is why, for example, the agrarian culture of China was founded in other places like in the Yangtze River, and then traded along the Yellow River .... but studies are still in progress ....

So in summary, while the other three situations are developed especially for agriculture, that of the Yellow River is also being developed for a business more or less tight.

We know that in nature was studied for two main reasons:
  • avert disasters (floods, droughts, floods, etc.).
  • your way to travel (from the stars and the surrounding landscape)

These two reasons derived from different needs such as:
  • Preserving the harvest
  • Trading
  • Kicking

Who traded was then subjected to all sorts of dangers such as:
  • loss of goods during the crossing fords
  • Raiders and several gangsters
  • Crossing of war zones

But who had traded the possibility of comparisons with other ideas, other companies and other ways of life.

Thus, at least initially, the Chinese company had the opportunity to develop diverse ideas and develop a tremendous sensitivity to nature, and developing a good knowledge Home of the stars and their movements.

careful observation of the environment and the direct comparison between the ideas first developed Taoism as a kind of attempt to explain and predict natural elements and, above all, human.

Its evolution over the centuries would be long to explain, considering that the "Taoist canon" now consists of more than five thousand (5000) writings, the first reorganization took place only in 400 AD, but some older texts were also lost during the turbulent history of China.

Today the term "Taoism" can mean several things: A theology
  • animist, often become crystallized and with strong elements of superstition
  • A type of medicine developed through a perspective where the various bodies are seen in their interactions
  • philosophy is complex, very close "to the survey about being as such," dear to Aristotle
  • A methodology for analyzing life events, which often goes well in tune with some modern scientific discoveries and social psychological

In practice, when we talk about Taoism today we are not talking about nothing, the word Taoism became then an adjective, which is indicative of a particular perspective from which to an examination by a method of millennia old.

The foundations
I will mention briefly some basic principles, then stating some "sentences" simplified so as to make them more or less intelligible to us Westerners.
The following principles are actually common to many theories and philosophies of East and beyond.
are however also the basis on which they grow most of Taoism in its methodological and philosophical concezzione.

cyclicity principle: Everything is cyclical
The existence itself is a cycle

All things are subject to universal cycle

man perceives only an infinitesimal segment of the Universal

Meditating on the cyclical or not cyclical nature of the universe leads to demonstrate its cyclicity

Principle of change: Everything is changing in what
Everything changes, even the change

Principle of change: The first substance does not change, only changes in what form
The form is the only thing that our senses acquire

The first substance is not detectable by our senses

If the substance too before making up an object, that object is no longer identifiable as such object starting

balance principle: Everything is in constant balance
The change in position of an object of disequilibrium, or tends to return to initial state, or is there something that balances its position.

As an exercise:
  • Try to meditate on one of the first four principles
  • Then on all four principles together
  • finally try to try to review all the dynamics that surround you in accordance with these principles, both the dynamics of human nature-
Last final note, remember that the Taoist method of analysis of human behavior, was taken over by Carl G. Jung, one of the fathers of psychology in its modern sense.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brittany Stone With Clothes On

Sterilization? YES!

In my humble "career" volunteer I spoke with people very different from each other. It is not easy to do for the chameleon to put them at ease and find out if it really will be good for future adopters.
with some of these I must say I failed in my purpose, so much to hear them confess their perverse ideas about their ideas on what was best for the sake of their pet.
Surely the most confused ideas about the issue of sterilization.
There were those who claimed that he had adopted the dog in a kennel and would never honored its commitment to sterilize it .. so much so that with the upcoming spring would make a nice litter to make him happy ... it was not clear whether he was referring to himself or the dog.
end that would have placed the puppies are not major problems ... "a neighbor, and relatives have taken the safe with them" -
Needless to say, while listening to speeches of this type per year, with the other hand call in Real-time core of eco guards zoophilic ready to burst into a house of ill happened yet on the phone with me ...
Joking or not, aside, I wonder why the majority of people suddenly become animal to extreme levels when it comes to sterilize your pet.
people who maybe would like to chain your dog, but if you tell it to sterilize (also free) the poor animal, indignantly refuses, also looks like a bitter and violent nature as if you were having to be terminated.
The feeling that I have is that nobody has an interest in wanting to spread the culture of sterilization, for convenience and because it surely does not matter to many of the animals or the overcrowding of the shelters is it not considered a problem.
So the only hope would be at least a little more than "head" by each of us.
to prevent births of dogs and cats pre-destined to a life of kennels.
become "grandparents" of puppies and kittens will be sweet for us, but probably less for the "grandchildren" of hair .. unless you can keep at least a dozen dogs and cats in the house and future generations.
Who really loves animals, knows that the kennels are full of these "soft grandchildren" grew up in a cage.
It is not true that the puppies are so much "- No, many do not go. They grow up in kennels. And we die.

I copy and paste this very useful and comprehensive statement on the sterilization
Those who are not yet convinced can make great ideas.

Sterilize, why?

To save the animals, for their own good. Yes, because they give birth to puppies, which are of our cat or stray from home is wrong for the health of animals, because there are always too many animals looking for adoption, because the stray cats are put to a bad end. Sterilize
is not against nature, or rather it would be if we lived in a paradise in which men and animals live in harmony in a perfect world, where births and deaths are marked by natural disasters and biological rhythms. But it is not, and therefore it is our responsibility to limit the damage and suffering of thousands of animals.
We would like ASL and municipalities to take charge of their responsibilities, but we will not hide behind the gaps, and sometimes the failures of others. Let's start us in the first person to do our part. Today there is a sufficient awareness of the need sterilization. And there will never be on this issue if you will just words. So while we do our part: our cat neuter and neuter those settlements that we know.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What To Do With Old Tower Pc

help animals? BUT WHY 'NOT AID THE CHILDREN? Small beads of platitudes against animals.

Raise your hand if, saying to take care of animals, has not heard sarcastically, at least once ...." there are bigger issues than the mistreatment of animals. "
elders, children, the drug .. HUNGER IN THE WORLD !!!!! the list of what you might do while you are shy in the shelter, to comb through the derelict of duty, it would seem infinite.
There will always be a disaster more large, a bigger problem, a comet that threatens the entire world, the Galaxy and the Universe. A METEORITE !!!!!
But this will happen, whether you are in kennels or you're in your kitchen to decorate a cake.
The inevitability of so many misfortunes, why should it stop me carry my bag of modest croquettes 4 dogs waiting for me?
But for what God's law if a person does something for someone else, must first be sifted with the usual pre-judicial pre-cooked?
Why should I feel guilty to stealing some time to noble causes ...?

If you see a person rescue hermit crabs .. I would not dream of shouting "hey!, While succor the hermit crabs of 1,000,000 children are starving. "SHAME!

Everyone does what he can, what he feels and what he does best is compatible to your lifestyle.
For those who enjoy subtly reminding anyone doing something as useless and his work ... to these people as harmful herbicides I dedicate this list of platitudes against animals in mind one important thing first:
Who helps the animals, helps to make the world better too, because animals representing small roots of the Good. What ever.


- help animals? BUT HOW? With all children who die of hunger? Taking care of animals
does not preclude the deal with other things. Generally, then that is dedicated to volunteering is the most active of all the people who are not making you some comments an emeritus C. ...!!!!! If they prove
instead of moving on many fronts, my hat! But in any case not all are equal, not all are gods, not all are so arrogant as to put you in the face what is best for the world.

The fact of not eating meat does not mean that from now on I will have to move around the city jumping from one vine to another covered by a fig leaf.
not eat meat can also be a healthy choice not only in animals.
The beginning of a more ethical life.
The important thing is to do something without excess, without necessarily having to prove something.

I really like this to show solidarity with other cultures only in the most disgusting things magically and retrograde. If
is why many tribes of cannibals .. cannibalism is part of their culture .. ashtray as we exalt cool "?
No one ever talks about what the old traditions of some ancient peoples has been lost .. temples, gentleness and respect. Of what is never discussed. For more
is normal to go to Shanghai and stay at our hotel in Rome, eat a carbonara enjoying a horizon made of concrete. Of what they were before some Eastern cities is never discussed.
Cut the legs to the dogs alive instead okay, skinned to send the furs in the West, is part of their market.
It 's a matter of respect for the culture of others of course ....

Generally, the tested products are also the most chemicals and therefore potentially more dangerous.
Natural Soaps and detergents, are generally safer than chemical also tested every wickedness.
It is not said that the reaction is the same animal had on men and all men without distinction.

*** If you want more info *****

- cook the food your pets? BUT DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN!
If you say to cook the food to your animals, someone will say that they are animals and not children.
that once the animals ate everything!
But certainly no one cared after eating a pound of bones and died.
Since we are fortunately in 2011 to eat well my dog \u200b\u200bas well as make him happy, make me happy, makes me save a lot of money .. if you vet also put on a point of view statement.

I have seen many dogs in gardens stratospheric, not moving an inch. The dog care relationship with the boss. IF u
ncane is often brought out for strolls will be happier than ill shit in the garden space to serve as an ornament in the desert green.
Do not be discouraged by the lack of the garden! IL is not your furry neighing, barking.

This I heard from a guy who defended Bigazzi and the recipe for cooking cats. He said that many animals are worse because Bigazzi keep cats indoors.
replied by inviting that person to visit my grown cats in an apartment.
picked up on the road with fungus, worms and tracheitis ... The white was losing an eye.
I feel really horrible person.
Who still eats cats, following the example of a well-known television personality, (rightly thrown out by the RAI) I would submit that we are not in 1910.
Probably these people still burn the worms from the earth, but the supermarket will find peanuts, pizza, toast many diverse food delicious.


I'd like to ask many farmers today, when they make the case to the characteristics of dogs that are coupled. Ask those who import puppies in eastern Italy, in On what criteria are selected couples.
Today I would pay € 10,000 a dog, so that only those who really wanted, who would doubt it could take a sample for spending only and exclusively a neutral figure. Instead I constantly
breed dogs suffering from any disease can and then promptly abandoned. Better a
meticciozzo from the kennel. We will be eternally grateful because they understand to be saved.
The character is already outlined, the info just ask to the operators of the kennel or rather, the volunteers who came.

And finally do not forget one thing:
anyone who does something good will ALWAYS be accused of not doing enough. Anyone will do much accused of not doing things on a regular basis.
Anyone doing very well so impeccable, you will always find someone to break the Maronites.

Why the good people in this world are rare and we know that all things rare and different and scary .. everything is different for that reason must be combated, destroyed, obstructed.
It 's the rule that ensures the normal flow bleating of mental disorder that now characterizes our lovely world.
So ... when you're all against, you are always sure they do the right thing. Smile and go on to head up!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pokemon Silver Legendary Dogs Techniques

Kennels, gossip, calendar and a guide to're never wrong!

On the calendar intended for dogs Avetrana you're saying everything and more and maybe even a little too much.
And I say "too much" not because it comes to animals - as far as I'm concerned he always speaks little - but because of the controversies that are emerging, amanita falloide useful as a salad.
On one side is shouting to the speculation, ethics, and here makes me smile, because I do not think they have been less scandalous autorizzatissimi and followed the special TV shows, models and models crafted, newspapers gossippari, and all what is gravitated around the death of the girl Sarah S. For
INTED, talking about speculation now is a little like condemning slavery and at the same time, called "my Filipino" their domestic worker. How to order
water pollution and pour gallons of mr. Muscle in the waste of their bathroom .... or wonder at the vortex of blue water with glitter the last useful for sanitizing toilets.
I have not finished, I'm taking taste.
How to close the window to avoid the smog of the city come to his room and greedily suck the last somersault and handsomely poisonous fumigant, deodorant for your environment.
.. So we understand each other.
The value is the same.
talk about ethics when ethics is clearly already dead at every step and breath it sounds phony.
Perhaps this timetable could bring something good for animals Avetrana, maybe not, but let us not dance in the ethic that will not come back from holiday for the next 100 years and I am also optimistic. For the undecided
not want to spend much time reading the many versions of this new animal gossip, my personal compile this handbook for more universal ideas clear.
course you are free to be or not to agree.

1) Beware of those who talk about ethics and transparency with a layer of makeup on her face
2) Beware of those who say they are animal and takes pictures with 10 purebred dogs in her purse.
3) Beware of those who pretends to be animals and publishes its own blog personal photos in plastic poses and / or inspired looks towards infinity.
4) Beware of those who say they use fb to adopt dogs and their links page has only against the boiling of lobsters - Publication date: 2 years ago. -
5) Beware of those who say they are animals, and on their FB page only has links farmville
6) Beware of those who are always present in your mail and never communicated to the physical manifestations.
7) Beware of those who compete with Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, but has only seen the film.
8) Beware of the TV
9) Do not trust the newspapers

and ultimately the most important thing.

10) Follow the facts.
No one can ever count right as your eyes.

Can you give me wrong?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Northface At Woodbury Commons

Self-criticism: "Where did I go wrong?"

After a break for the holidays back to talk about meditation going to touch a topic a bit 'critical self-criticism

Wikipedia defines self-criticism as:
Self-criticism is to examine and judge their behavior in order to improve it.
is the result of a rigorous personal reflection and group.

Self-criticism in the West was born in politics and especially in the Marxist scope.
Also in practice, and politics becomes the primary method of Maoism.
In this context, is used to solve the problems of party ideological and practical administration as well as to publicly humiliate dissidents and political opponents.

accezzione In another context and in another part of the Christian faith under the name "Examination of Conscience", obtaining a practice dedicated to the Catholic Church called "Confession of sins."

made clear historical and cultural, the abandon, devoting themselves to studies of psychological and social (psychosocial) on this practice, often unconscious, and sometimes very harmful.

In psychology studies how self-critical in cases of anxiety and depression, obtaining the identifier of the so-called "self-criticism depreciation"

devalued self-criticism is that mode of action against themselves capable of the depreciation of their skills, affection, emotion and instintualità, as well as its intelligence.
It's like tip on a number of wagons of junk, then dabble in it.
becomes clear that this type of self-criticism does not help, nor do we grow, we indeed diminish before our very eyes inducing a state of low self-esteem ....

defined the devalued self-criticism and understanding that there can be useful, psychology comes to our aid by defining "the self-critical re-evaluation".

This type of self-criticism is based on their self-esteem and the extent of it.
A person with good self-esteem has the power to analyze himself, to understand the mistakes and problems, and then find solutions and continue migliormanto methods, in practice it get in the game all the time, aware of possible failures, successes and possible .

In the Eastern world of Taoist philosophy and practice that exists is often called "the laugh at themselves "

Let's try a little 'exercise: Imagine
to see in the mirror, what is the funniest thing I find you?
If you do not find anything, look better ... but if you can not find it I suggest you put your feet on the ground ....
If you find all the ridiculous, look what you like instead of you ... if you do not find it look better ... if you still can not find it I suggest you try a little 'best, and find the points that you can improve your appearance quickly replenish your self esteem ... maybe ....

This exercise serves to remind you that we are human, funny, but not too serious, so to speak. ... .... we all

we live in a comedy, that is for us to recite it, according to a script that we have to invent at the moment, on a huge stage called reality ....
If you are feeling serious, smile ... you are funny!
If you cry, smile ... you are funny!
If you feel angry, smile ... are trigger-happy!
This principle is based Taoist self-criticism " laugh at himself."

Once you actually managed to smile to yourself, even if a second before you're angry, you cry, or worse still you felt serious, welcome to the club of the blessed Taoist ...

According to Taoism
fact even the saints and prophets can not always be serious, but ...

Taoist Self-criticism is in fact based on the similarity between animals and funny man ....
such as a monkey

Can you imitate a monkey? Do it!
How do you feel? Funny? Bravo!

What most of you were ape? Maybe you're hairy like a monkey, or managed well to make the sound of the monkey, or whatever ...
Now try to think to see from outside that imitate the monkey ... you are funny is not it? You're smiling ... Or am I wrong?

If you fail to try the monkey any other animal that you find funny ...

Good! Without the latter year now we go back to us: What
of your life is funny?
And what would you like better?
How would you do?
What's the first thing you do?
What would be the barriers?
how to overcome them?

Meditate on this, you can use:

And while you do remember ... smile ... you are funny as a Monkey King !!!!!

Waterproof Floor Mats

World hairy is a simple blog that exists to inform anyone who wants to learn more about animals.
I decided to create it for one simple reason: on the one hand, there is a small crowd of animal rights flaunting pictures of animal conflict, and the other a dense crowd of people who look to them as the poor possessed, without really paying attention to the object the complaint.
I am part of "madmen". Let me be clear.
But not publish the photos on my blog that all of us / you would never want to see ... well .. no I will not if there will be more than ever the need.
I just want to inform everyone not just the animals, already constantly informed on all the daily horrors perpetrated against the weakest always, or animals.
I would like to inform people like my neighbor, as the girl I saw today
take the bread, smiling.
People who have pets but have showy fur around the hood edges of their jackets to warm their lovely shoulders.
Proud of their last Christmas shopping, show off their large caps, so ugly and useless.
fashion that law a few years and I defy anyone who has bought a jacket with hood type A. Fogar Armaduk and on a mission to wear it again. Idem
xi cheerleader fur on the hats of adults and babies pink.
I would simply say that behind this burgeoning market cheerleader and edges, there are scannamenti atrocious.
so harsh that each of us shiver and would consider inhuman and uncivilized, the only method by which they are made.
I promised not to post photos and keep my promise.
not ask to be animal rights activists, need to become more 'CIVIL, because I know that at least 70% of people are moved by just looking at Nemo.
But you know, crying for a cartoon is plausible, while the marmots, mink, chinchillas ... animals .. true, "are breeding," "are made to be exploited," "do not feel pain" ..
None of this is true.
It 's only true that they have a beautiful fur.
And all that is beautiful in this world is short-lived.
Have you noticed?