Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fake Comunity Service

improvement: The fight with yourself

In Taoism there are only two possibilities evolve or die.
The most interesting thing is that evolution is not necessarily to do something.

Act to act often leads to disaster unclean, it is sometimes necessary to wait until the right moment and take action if necessary.
more unnerving moments are usually those that precede an action, the adrenaline rises and the tension is palpable. The Taoist philosophy

us teaches how to transform the voltage to be unnerving to be in preliminary 100% focused on the action later.

Many people who misinterpret the teachings of Taoism, think that the maxim
Sit on the banks of the river and wait, sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy
simply indicates a wait stripped for action, a 'interminable waiting that leads over time to see everything in ruins .... nothing more wrong ...

Let's analyze this sentence: The
sit along the banks of a river is very common action in the waiting times in the past, when the rivers and waterways were still above where it was swimming in short, the bank of a river was a beach.
A quiet place to reflect.

martial arts masters to fight the first focus, try to understand how to begin the battle, they study their strengths and weaknesses, try to focus on what are the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent, how to resist, and how to attack, and if so, what strategies to end the match.
simulated in their minds the battle a thousand times by using the Display through the breath try to focus energies, and finally through signs and images study appropriate strategies.
Finally, just before the meeting, prepare for the unexpected.

Back to the opening sentence which means "sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy? For
Eastern culture is the result of what matters most ... or the bodies were burned or were kept out of the current of the river ... and the fights were often lethal, even those with "bare hands "....
Summing then the phrase
Sit on the banks of the river and wait, sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy
It simply means: using the time to prepare properly before the comparison to defeat the enemy ...
But who the enemy is worse and more dangerous? According to the martial practices exist
those in Japan are called kata, movements, they are well coded and mixed together to simulate a fight with an opponent without the opponent. According to the martial discipline
the true master does not perform the kata just to show the positions or movements, but does a real fight against an imaginary opponent, and the best opponent to beat, that is where we learn more about themselves .

So I propose the following exercise:
What you want to improve? Maybe your backhand in tennis, maybe your dribbling a football? However
started to use the purpose in-picture view, your opponent is yourself, take advantage of the breathing to focus on action and try to use all your knowledge on how to do this or that reverse dribble perfectly.
How should your muscles?
What should go through your head?
And your breath? And if the
How do you ward off evil that it is upside down or dribbling? And the counter-
Repeat everything from the beginning until you are satisfied.

then? How are you?
now come into play and remember the year ... You're better?
If you then you have just discovered one of the exercises that professional athletes use to get to be the world's best in their field ....
course ... can not be the best at everything ...
The astronauts also used to improve performance in the absence of oxygen, divers, and more recently, special teams, firefighters, doctors, soldiers, chess, etc..
short ..... welcome in good company!


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