Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scanjet 7400c Registry Sleep

The second Welfare and Taoism

Taoism studying the origins of their surroundings to unravel the possible threats and prevent potential hazards.

Meanwhile time passed and society evolved and the environment was colonized and subjugated Taoism is dedicated to finding ways to prolong human life.

The result of this was a series of customs, precepts, and practices that we know today as codified in a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and practices such as Tai Chi and Chinese martial arts in general, also known as Kung-Fu. From China

these practices spread throughout the Far East in turn mixed with the traditional Indian medicine practices and Indian fighter.

Today in China it was common to get up before work and do some 'motion performing Tai Chi, from the streets of Beijing to the most remote countryside you can see young and old, men and women who in one way or in' perform other movements from simple to complex.

But is it really so strange? According

WHO the most serious public health concern the world is not AIDS or anything, but obesity.
People who until a few years ago had nothing to eat, which today seem to be the countries with highest number of obese.

sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, malnutrition, psychological reactions to past generations are creating a true global alarm.

enough to think that here in Italy for up to sixty (60 not more), there was still malnutrition and diseases related to them, now about 30% of children are obese, about 3 million people suffer from anorexia (other side of the coin, but it is always the same coin ...). So are all insane

sti ancient Chinese or have some reason too?

stress, junk food, food "or pumped contaminated" by herbicides, steroids and so on and so forth ... are producing diseases such as diabetes, stroke, young, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, fatigue of the internal organs ...

according to some statistics could kill more over-nutrition that wars ...

So we are destroying the Western opulent record of life that we have reached the end of the second world war .... and at the expense of the younger generation ....

Confucius would have said: He who does not provide
things away, close to you expose unhappiness. According to the Taoist practices
welfare that is achieved by preventing disease, to feel your body and mind, without exceeding the needs and working with ...

The exercise that I propose is simple and basic, but we in the West is perhaps the most difficult exercise:
Sit back and try to close your eyes,
try to feel your body, you are thirsty, hungry, or are right?
And how is your mind? Quiet or is there some thought that sometimes there again?
Your body is moving enough during the day? Or are you sitting too?
What is telling the body? For simplicity jot it down on a sheet of paper, preferably a diary
What do you say your mind? For simplicity, write it down on a sheet of paper, better than a diary
Try this two or three times a day and see the result after a week ...

not be surprised if you find that your body asks you less food, but quality, and more movement, but stress-free, and your mind will ask you a bit 'of peace .... is the result of all of us in the West ... and recently the Eastern westernized ....


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