Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Is Life With Throat Cancer

The symbol of the Eternal Tao

The symbol of Tao is a topic often neglected, sometimes relegated to a mere symbol, and sometimes misunderstood.

We try to unravel a bit 'the meaning of this symbol.

The first thing to consider is the fact that there are two colors: white and black

Among them are two opposite but complementary colors, with pure white and pure black, mixed together you can get all the shades of gray thinkable.

This indicates that taking the two extremes of any perspective, and moderate among them, if you can not identify all possible positions, at least the main ones.

Note also that the white part has a black dot and the black has a white spot, this indicates that the pure white does not exist as pure black, meaning that the absolute extremes can not exist in reality, that there will be an extreme position or perspective of what we already seems extreme ...
In practice the limit in any one perspective is only an illusion.

Another consideration is the fact that the separation between the white part and the part Black is not clear but is similar to S, ie that details are mixed with each other and are not as extreme as it might seem ...
In practice when comparing two positions opposite to each other there are always limits that are in contact with each other or even have a good channel for finding things in common.

Another feature of this symbol is that it is inside a circle.
Without getting too metaphysical in the East and alchemy, just say the Chinese, as well as the ancient Greeks knew that the earth was a ball that spins around the sun, and that our solar system is heliocentric.
The fact that everything can be represented as a circle did think that the universal symbol can be a circle, or something like that.

In practice, our symbol is a circle because the entire universe could simply be represented by the circle.

Now pull the money: The symbol of Tao
calls for:
  • moderate stance as all positions are only nuances between the two extremes
  • Moderate adversity as two positions seem irreconcilable at times are more similar than you can imagine
  • include other locations as we could see the commonalities with our beliefs
  • abandon any intransigent position as this position often collapses on itself confronted with another reality. In practice
  • strip of tinsel mental limitations are often only imaginary.

Let a practical example:
What you absolutely certain? For example that there is a big conspiracy, or that there are angels, or aliens ....

Well, take this belief and try to write on a piece of paper in half because we believe in this column at the top or write my Yang, or truth or what you want to put in contrast to the second column, where you have to any statement, find the exact support to the theory otherwise.
On top of this column write Yin, falsehoods, or any others which will allow you to find the most appropriate phrases.

Ok, this is done with the eraser, or any other instrument invertitele delete the headers and now the truth is the opposite of your beliefs, then imagine having to fight with your I spent trying to support the new perspective .

There you manage it? You have been convincing enough?
Good, now bend and hide the part that you just argued that at the beginning and considered to be distorted, erased the header of the column and now, on every claim that you wrote convinced that at the beginning it was the truth, give it a rating from 1 to 10 according to still totally feel the real (10) or completely false (1) .....
What happened? There are a lot of 5:06? Then we could hear! If not, try again!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fake Comunity Service

improvement: The fight with yourself

In Taoism there are only two possibilities evolve or die.
The most interesting thing is that evolution is not necessarily to do something.

Act to act often leads to disaster unclean, it is sometimes necessary to wait until the right moment and take action if necessary.
more unnerving moments are usually those that precede an action, the adrenaline rises and the tension is palpable. The Taoist philosophy

us teaches how to transform the voltage to be unnerving to be in preliminary 100% focused on the action later.

Many people who misinterpret the teachings of Taoism, think that the maxim
Sit on the banks of the river and wait, sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy
simply indicates a wait stripped for action, a 'interminable waiting that leads over time to see everything in ruins .... nothing more wrong ...

Let's analyze this sentence: The
sit along the banks of a river is very common action in the waiting times in the past, when the rivers and waterways were still above where it was swimming in short, the bank of a river was a beach.
A quiet place to reflect.

martial arts masters to fight the first focus, try to understand how to begin the battle, they study their strengths and weaknesses, try to focus on what are the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent, how to resist, and how to attack, and if so, what strategies to end the match.
simulated in their minds the battle a thousand times by using the Display through the breath try to focus energies, and finally through signs and images study appropriate strategies.
Finally, just before the meeting, prepare for the unexpected.

Back to the opening sentence which means "sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy? For
Eastern culture is the result of what matters most ... or the bodies were burned or were kept out of the current of the river ... and the fights were often lethal, even those with "bare hands "....
Summing then the phrase
Sit on the banks of the river and wait, sooner or later you'll pass the corpse of your enemy
It simply means: using the time to prepare properly before the comparison to defeat the enemy ...
But who the enemy is worse and more dangerous? According to the martial practices exist
those in Japan are called kata, movements, they are well coded and mixed together to simulate a fight with an opponent without the opponent. According to the martial discipline
the true master does not perform the kata just to show the positions or movements, but does a real fight against an imaginary opponent, and the best opponent to beat, that is where we learn more about themselves .

So I propose the following exercise:
What you want to improve? Maybe your backhand in tennis, maybe your dribbling a football? However
started to use the purpose in-picture view, your opponent is yourself, take advantage of the breathing to focus on action and try to use all your knowledge on how to do this or that reverse dribble perfectly.
How should your muscles?
What should go through your head?
And your breath? And if the
How do you ward off evil that it is upside down or dribbling? And the counter-
Repeat everything from the beginning until you are satisfied.

then? How are you?
now come into play and remember the year ... You're better?
If you then you have just discovered one of the exercises that professional athletes use to get to be the world's best in their field ....
course ... can not be the best at everything ...
The astronauts also used to improve performance in the absence of oxygen, divers, and more recently, special teams, firefighters, doctors, soldiers, chess, etc..
short ..... welcome in good company!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Scanjet 7400c Registry Sleep

The second Welfare and Taoism

Taoism studying the origins of their surroundings to unravel the possible threats and prevent potential hazards.

Meanwhile time passed and society evolved and the environment was colonized and subjugated Taoism is dedicated to finding ways to prolong human life.

The result of this was a series of customs, precepts, and practices that we know today as codified in a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and practices such as Tai Chi and Chinese martial arts in general, also known as Kung-Fu. From China

these practices spread throughout the Far East in turn mixed with the traditional Indian medicine practices and Indian fighter.

Today in China it was common to get up before work and do some 'motion performing Tai Chi, from the streets of Beijing to the most remote countryside you can see young and old, men and women who in one way or in' perform other movements from simple to complex.

But is it really so strange? According

WHO the most serious public health concern the world is not AIDS or anything, but obesity.
People who until a few years ago had nothing to eat, which today seem to be the countries with highest number of obese.

sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, malnutrition, psychological reactions to past generations are creating a true global alarm.

enough to think that here in Italy for up to sixty (60 not more), there was still malnutrition and diseases related to them, now about 30% of children are obese, about 3 million people suffer from anorexia (other side of the coin, but it is always the same coin ...). So are all insane

sti ancient Chinese or have some reason too?

stress, junk food, food "or pumped contaminated" by herbicides, steroids and so on and so forth ... are producing diseases such as diabetes, stroke, young, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, fatigue of the internal organs ...

according to some statistics could kill more over-nutrition that wars ...

So we are destroying the Western opulent record of life that we have reached the end of the second world war .... and at the expense of the younger generation ....

Confucius would have said: He who does not provide
things away, close to you expose unhappiness. According to the Taoist practices
welfare that is achieved by preventing disease, to feel your body and mind, without exceeding the needs and working with ...

The exercise that I propose is simple and basic, but we in the West is perhaps the most difficult exercise:
Sit back and try to close your eyes,
try to feel your body, you are thirsty, hungry, or are right?
And how is your mind? Quiet or is there some thought that sometimes there again?
Your body is moving enough during the day? Or are you sitting too?
What is telling the body? For simplicity jot it down on a sheet of paper, preferably a diary
What do you say your mind? For simplicity, write it down on a sheet of paper, better than a diary
Try this two or three times a day and see the result after a week ...

not be surprised if you find that your body asks you less food, but quality, and more movement, but stress-free, and your mind will ask you a bit 'of peace .... is the result of all of us in the West ... and recently the Eastern westernized ....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Suspender Belt For Doctor

Chakra Tanden: Archetypes or real?

We have previously addressed the archetypes and their meanings in various disciplines.
We also tried to sum up, trying to give structure to this entity, regardless of scope (psychological, anthropological, sociological, etc.).
Carry comfort for the conclusion which we reached on what is an archetype:

An archetype is therefore:
  • Emotions can be represented according to the five senses (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, kinaesthetic)
  • component has a conscious and unconscious behavior associated
  • A socio-anthropological recognition (recognized by a more or less limited number of persons)

Maybe this list is not complete but there may help for the argument that I now want to address here.

Let's start by saying that the culture of the Yellow River and the Indus River also differ in the identification of areas of the body which according to the two schools of thought would regulate vital functions, both physical and psychological, as well as spiritual.

The culture of the Indus River Chakra calls these areas, while that of the Yellow River Tanden defines them.
In both cases these areas are similar to switches, energy, or take a certain kind of energy and switch to what is needed for the functioning of man in his physical, psychological and spiritual.

The following is a distinction between Chakra and Tanden:

Yellow River Indus River
Chakra Tanden
school of origin
energy used Prana Ki ( or Ji or who, depending on how you pronounce
number of points / areas on the body 7 3
representation valve prana which runs from 360 to 360 first to implement the switching valve Ki, has a displacement precise and is an area rather than a precise point
type switching direct : prana becomes directly into the body you need indirect : from energy to the organs which then do the processing resources within the organism

So Tanden Chakra and the end are very different things (in a future post I will speak of the difference between Ki and Prana), are located in different places, work in a different, their representation is different and different is the energy they use .... but one thing they have in common: that they are archetypes, that is, through the display can interact with them and depending on the level of practice to get really in our bodies and our psyche changes, more or less obvious ....

If this is true then there must be a scientific explanation, then try to find ... for this post tested on the Tanden.

Tanden as I mentioned above are three, located in body areas such as: The first

area called "visceral center" or Seika tanden or kikai tanden would be in the abdominal area below the navel (the sages say about four inches). This would be linked cone
Tanden physical forces and materials, with the meaning of life and death, and with things primordial.
For science there is the middle part and end dell'aparato digestive system, as well as the human center of gravity, recent studies have verified the presence of several nerve cells so that the newspapers and press agencies was written "found a second brain "...... in the stomach Journalists .....

The second area we consider is the Chudan tanden or "center median" located in the chest at heart level.
would be where the environment in its entirety (including reports) is "prepared" to become in later interactions with the outside.
For science there is in the same area as the heart, lungs and trachea, the heart emits a weak electrical signal, detectable electrocardiogram, and regulates in general the heat flow of blood through the body, the lungs instead of exploiting the air to find oxygen, while the trachea "part" of the lungs and "ends" in the vocal chords ... in short, lungs breathing, heart, heat, electricity, trachea air and sound .... if this is related to the environment ....

third and final area: Jodan tanden , this is located between the eyebrows in the center of the head (actually, the whole head, but for beginners they are told so) ... then finally the brain ....
For Taoism is the area of \u200b\u200bawareness, reasoning, and spirituality.
For science .... Well, the brain is the seat of our mind and everything that concerns ....

Tanden So in the end zones are also natural in the human body.

Tradition esssere should appear as double spirals rotating in short, something like the current representations of galaxies that is.


Tanden The exercise on visceral
Let sit in seiza position , a straight back and shoulders relaxed, hands, palms up, hands relaxed.
From here we begin to breathe deeply, starting from the diaphragm, slowly without straining, Chidi eyes visualize a galaxy that rotates on itself in the first Tanden, first small, then it grows gradually more and more, to cover our real galaxy. .. we are a bit 'so slowly and zoom out our display to get her back into our Tanden .... I opened my eyes and if we follow the tradition, we bring the forehead to the floor, as greeting, thanking the universe to be here .... if you really want to do with the traditionalist position is facing south ..... (Which exaggerated sti Japanese!)
How do we feel afterwards? What feeling do we have?
Has anything changed? If yes, what?
What are our perceptions? Increase?

Some say that this exercise is connected with all civilizations in our galaxy and of all time, others that you "recharge" of cosmic energy (such as batteries so to speak ..) I just feel better, more relaxed. .. also against the universe .... which is enough for me and moves me ......

Exercise on average Tanden:
Also in seiza, hands on heart, palms facing the body, close your eyes, breathing from the diaphragm, long, intense, quiet.
visualize our body, then we make it clear to see and imagine channel passing through the tanden ... how are these channels? gray? dirty? Imagine clean them by starting a stream gold (silver if you like more) from Tanden, we continue until all the channels will not be cleaned up.
We leave the meditation as the previous year.
How do you feel? What feelings?
Has anything changed? If yes, what?
you feel lighter? Or heavier?

Some say that this exercise also has a more intense perception of one's emotions and feelings free from "negative" ...

Exercise on Upper Tanden
Seiza Also, hands, palms upward, hands relaxed. Breath
always diaphragm.
display a column of light that illuminates the tanden, freeing the mind from pain and worries, negative thoughts and doubts vanish.
We leave the meditation as the previous year.
How do you feel? What feelings?
Has anything changed? If yes, what?
you feel more free from worries? or what?

Some speak of connections with this exercise with the universe, the acquisition of cosmic energy, lighting, increased intelligence .... need is a coffee that makes it well .... but if you feel the most free from the burden of life ... Well ... is already a great success!