Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Clogged Bathroom Sink Black Gook

Ameglia, 25/08/2009

Political Press: Dredging stretch of the Magra

As mentioned

Board opposition groups in the City of Ameglia, we return once again on the subject of dredging. From 2000 (the date of the first flood "recent" of the river) to date have not yet carried out a comprehensive and systematic dredging of the river from the mouth to the line of navigability as repeatedly requested by the opposition and another also supported by the majority (see interview with Pisani in the press before the last elections), but unfortunately this issue has always been treated by our stakeholders as a matter of contention election. Today we face the nth dredging authorized by a provisional measure referred to the Master has given notice in the press in recent days. This action we deem harmful, late and evil, harmful because it goes to muddy the waters of the river, creating a situation of doubt to the bathing beaches at the mouth of the river late because the channels that goes into creating in the river are the only functional transit of sailboats and now when the work will be completed also the season "sailing" is over, because evil does not increase the potential scope of the riverbed (the material is only moved) but instead creates two unnatural channels along the banks forming the a center off of artificial islands as was demonstrated during the flood of January impede the natural flow water. We do not understand then because the measure provides for the suspension of dredging at the same time the levies on the analysis of water: it is perhaps not the bathroom during the dredging?

The broad stream in 2000 and this year have resulted in thousands of tons of river sand, mud and gravel that the natural flow of the river tends to settle and not to bring into the sea, except with the work of years. We believe that common sense will serve merely as a uniform lower dredging the bed of the river from the mouth to the line of navigability, confirming the fact that in the years following the dredging of the wild 60s and 70s is no longer the river burst its banks for at least 30 years . Now we believe it is time to do works as aimed at solving problems and not mere palliatives such as dredging in progress.

We are also concerned at the absence of studies on the hydro-dynamic flow of the river and on changes in the course of dredging. We want to present to the public that even now the responsibility of the next disasters will fall on these unfinished works and morally dangerous. A failure to dredging in the deep stretch of river downstream from the bridge of Colombier and the accumulation of material in the center of the water in front, obstructs the flow of direct and natural means. In addition to this we must add the forthcoming closure of the bank near the bridge that will channel the mass of water that flooded the first floor of Ameglia under the spans of the same. How can dispose of such a flow of water to the limited width of the bridge if Colombiera front is a sharp rise of the seabed?

Coordination PDL Ameglia

Andrea De Ranieri

Friday, August 14, 2009

Genital Herpes Catchy Phrase

no fire!

AMEGLIA, August 12, 2009

the attention of

President of the Municipal Council


E pc Presidents regional consultation municipal

their headquarters

SUBJECT: Interpellation / Question 3


On 02/08/2009 the writers councilors learned, through the press, the news regarding the decision unilaterally, the Municipal Administration to cancel the usual fireworks display , scheduled for summer 2009 timetable for the end of August, in order to provide a donation for the purchase of half of earthquake victims in civil protection to the City of Tione Abruzzi

The end certainly noble, and therefore more valuable that a donation on behalf of a municipality earthquakes is not put into question.


The summer shows (some much more expensive than a fireworks display, see BELLATIVU) was prepared long after the tragedy of Abruzzo;

The bathing season in progress is starting to end one of the worst in recent years the number of visits and revenues of operators in the area;

The appointment of the fires has always attracted people and filled bars and restaurants on both sides of lean;

The tourist vocation of our country needs continuous and constant initiatives that can serve as a stimulus to local employment;


Without making any comparison between the two events, of course, impossible for the severity of the earthquake Abruzzo , you want to remember that last January 20 the City of Ameglia has been the subject of a major flood for the flooding of the Magra and that our fellow citizens, to date, have not had a single euro of compensation.

also stressed that, as above, the process has led to the unilateral decision to abolish the Municipal Administration the fireworks show there is agreement;


In order

  • withdraw from serious mistake to eliminate the fireworks show from the summer program amegliese 2009;
  • undertake to raise funds for donation to flood victims and the City of Tione Amegliesi with other formulas (Ex: pick a share of the revenue from violations of the Highway Code or the income from the rental of mooring spaces assigned to the Municipal Services Society owned by the town itself).


To find out how much is the amount determined for the donation to the City of Tione degli Abruzzi, and what the body and / or legal person responsible to be the 'owner of this donation.


James Raul Giampedrone

Andrea De Ranieri

Emanuele Cadeddu

Andrea Moretti

Emilio Longhi

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Does A Dog Physically Bark For So Long

E 'st'ano foghi ... nothing!

Ameglia, August 8, 2009

release of PDL on the abolition of the traditional closing event of the summer season amegliese: the fireworks.

The last news we get on the sly by the local administration and the elimination of fireworks planned for August 23, a bolt from the blue. The news leaked by a bare statement to the press in which justifies the lack of fireworks by donating half the protection of civil Tione degli Abruzzi. Now, without detracting from the view that most valuable of the initiative, we would like the Administration explain to us why the City of Ameglia, which provides, among other things, a calendar of summer events (first and foremost "BellativĂ¹") much more expensive fireworks, awaits the beginning of August to say that 'money fires must be in Abruzzo.

sorry to say but anything in this decision is not clear.

The tragedy of the earthquake in Italy is in fact occurred well before the common style of the summer program Amegliese.

Moreover, the current bathing season is starting to end one of the worst in recent years, few people and empty rooms, the appointment of the fires has always attracted people and filled restaurants and bars on both sides of Magra. Suppress the fires is an affront to those who make tourism in Bocca di Magra and Fiumaretta. In addition to justify it with a donation to the Abruzzi threatens to become a hypocritical excuse, even more so when you consider what happened in January 2009 to Ameglia. Without wishing to make any comparison between the two events, of course, impossible as was the severity of the earthquake in Abruzzo, we want to remember, however, that the City Administration on January 20 last year, the Slim is overflowing and that our fellow citizens, to date, have not yet seen a single euro of compensation. A close election the City has always deceived the flood victims by making them fill out a template for damages knowing full well that there would be a penny. Today the city is forgotten not only the flood (which also live in areas where the thieves are raging), but removes the fireworks to ruin the season for tour operators and amegliesi that of all the summer events is the ' only going to see.

If the Administration intends to make a donation to Tione is just and noble face, but finding the money elsewhere and not cutting on Tourism is the bread of our citizens.

Our appeal is for you to move back from the error and then the Administration to eliminate the fireworks amegliese from summer events raise the funds to finance earthquake with other formulas, perhaps taking them dall'incasso of new speed cameras installed on the SS432 or by onerous contracts berthing of yachts moored in the marina and city, above all, not forgetting, speaking of economic aid of flood victims amegliesi . We finally

City Administration to publicly communicate the amount that it will grant the Abruzzi, and on what account will be paid the money so that all citizens know what happened to the money allocated for the fireworks.

James Raul Giampedrone

Andrea De Ranieri

Emanuele Cadeddu


Monday, August 3, 2009

How Do I Get Discovered?

Ronde? The Mayor does not want ...

Ameglia, August 3, 2009


The PDL Ameglia is appalled by the attacks that have originated from the ranks of the extreme left and communist nostalgia. Faced with an objective problem that you tried to resolve the premises and democratic government, the Communists accuse us of wanting to foment some kind of hatred. We would like to specify that no patrol has been organized so far in the City of Ameglia and that until the mouth of Mrs. Deputy Mayor for Administration Strenta ostinerĂ  is to deny the problem, the patrols can not be organized. In fact, groups of citizens from various political backgrounds (of course closer to the center) are organizing the watches of the night away from any incitement to murder. It seems more dangerous messages that young Communists launched their website, which it called upon the mayor to prohibit such voluntary initiatives, calling for the mobilization of the comrades in the fight against anti-fascism. We are in 2009 and the danger to the safety and serenity of our families and our homes are not more people died sixty years ago, but since these characters are Italian (it seems), or aliens keep whole neighborhoods awake in a quiet and peaceful country, where even in the years of lead, there have been episodes of conflict between communists and fascists like these supporters of our new mayor you wish. The PDL Ameglia says the frightened citizens and public actions will continue in the coming days for solving this new emergency and to inform the public about what are the limits that the law allows and what action to take in an emergency (things that would should promote the local administration, too busy in the evenings gala). The PDL is also supporting the police in their daily work of prevention and safety and may do it openly and without hypocrisy, because our fellow party members do not throw stones when they see a uniform, but leave the pavement ...

Finally we also ask to Refoundation Communist Ameglia to avoid aligning the line dictated by the Deputy Mayor which tends to downplay and not addressing the problem, the shame of Ameglia, I am not sure that the patrols because there will never be authorized by the Mayor, the shame of having to undergo an emergency is Ameglia after another without being able to act. To which we added the anti-democratic attempts of those who would also block the ability of citizens to turn down the street at night, putting a curfew and ensure that this would be a nice limitation of freedom.

Andrea De Ranieri

Spokesman PDL - Ameglia