Thursday, December 16, 2010

Marshamellow Gun Walmart

Archetype: a subject of meditation

archetype The word was used in many fields, and is often abused by that branch of new age that is sensitive but not perceptible entities such as angels, ghosts, etc.. everything that is subject to our perception, but that is not detectable by our senses.

In fact, the word archetype has a precise meaning to get there but we try to put together the different perspectives and see if it may have something to do with meditation or a practice.

Let's etymology of the word archetype
- Arche means Original
- Type can mean image, model, brand, model, etc..

said that we see in the field of philosophy: a philosophy
In arhcetipo is a form first, primitive, original thought, and its form of its content, in practice, as first thought (or indivisible) it is a template if it is not derivable in whole or in part by other thoughts ... pure theoretical ... but it might be useful ...

In the field of communication sciences:
In literature and general media (newspapers, TV, internet, etc.). An archetype is a For example, type of character, such as the hero, the antihero, the bad, and so on.

In sociology
An archetype is a behavior that is classified in one or more categories, such as the rebel, the student model, the genius, the stupid, the diplomat, the shy, etc..

Let us see more precisely in psychology and psychoanalysis:
Carl G. Jung and the group of psychoanalysts who followed him, enters into the human psyche and having to define the innate ideas called them archetypes. The most interesting
connotation of an archetype of Jung and his group, is the fact of their connotation emotional.
In practice, a pattern is an idea with emotional connotations, probably in part derived from emotional events that also acquire symbolic connotation, except that it has a conscious part and an unconscious.

said let's sum up: What is an archetype?
An archetype is an idea that has tangible form in the mind (symbolic) with significant emotional content, which is connected to a certain type of behavior, and may be recognized by a group of people and is characterized by a name (nominalization)
An archetype
  • Name
  • Emotions can be represented according to the five senses (Visual, Auditory, olfactory, gustatory, kinaesthetic)
  • component has a conscious and unconscious behavior associated
  • A socio-anthropological recognition (recognized by a more or less limited number of persons)

Well ... centrate at this point what the archetypes with meditation?
We have seen that the subjects of meditation can also be cognitive ( maps post), meditation also allows you to go deeper, even bringing out emotions or feelings that were previously unconscious ( post breath) as well as meditate on sensitive can be used to expand its capacity ( view post )

In practice, the meditation is based on the archetypal aspects of helping us to understand and improve, thus improving our ability to interpret, as well as if the others.

We now come to years (as usual, I invite you first to read the instructions written on the side of the post):

Exercise 1: Meditations on archetypal childhood
Many archetypes are created in childhood, by parents, comics, TV, and the people around us at that time.
Imagine for example the cartoon you liked best, what was the character that you like?
What do you like him / her? Why?
What was his behavior?
What's he / she into you?
What emotions still feel towards this character? What exists today
affinity between your behavior and your own?
Why do you need that character? What has taught you? Need more? He still has something to teach? and you what?
difficult question: what 'is the reference behavior, which was ideal and emotional? and now?

Exercise 2: Meditation on the own destiny
The fate what if not an archetype?
How do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years? in 20 or 30 years? What
Sarano things constant and variable you and your character?
How will you feel at the time of your life? Why? What event?
difficult question: what are the recurrent archetypal symbols and so emotional in your life and who will be attending in the future? And what determines these symbols in your relationship with the environment?
Remember that the relationship with the environment determines the response of the environment itself ....

Exercise 3: doodles in freedom ....
When we bored and we have a piece of paper and a pen in front of seemingly meaningless doodles do often but it is our non-conscious is clear that ...
We try to do this exercise:
Take a sheet of paper and a pen, close your eyes, breathe deeply and begin to do little drawings that are supporting the pen, but we must strive not only to leave that the pen makes marks on paper.
When we are fed up with the pen marks support.
Now look what we did ....
What we elicit emotions? What ideas or thoughts come to mind? What is the feeling that you raise?
Write your answers on a sheet, the next day do the same analysis and compared the answers of the day before, what are the differences, what similarities?

Well with the archetypes end up here even though there would be written 200 books on the subject ... but I would not get bored.
I hope you enjoyed this post as the previous ones.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Best Mini Cooper Year.

interesting maps of the mind: meditation with pen and paper! The

Another post to debunk the myth of meditation practice as a "mystical" Meditation
it can also be implemented using pen and paper.
The first thing that we could induce the opposite is the association that taught us about writing and the concept of the prose and the Greek and Roman texts. In the East

type ideographic writing has always had a close relationship with meditation.
An ideogram fact represents a concept or idea, the sense of the idea is changed or transformed by other signs additional or subsequent characters, in this way writing becomes a map, the interpretation of which transforms it into meaning.

In Japan it is even in the extreme as the type of graphic is the same concept, this has created the concept of Japanese calligraphy also called shodo .

An effective way to meditate using pen and paper (without knowledge of Japanese or Chinese) is to meditate drawing diagrams.
psychology, computer science and other recent, they found a way to use writing to facilitate the conceptualization and then meditation: the creation of graphs .

There are also graphs specifically designed for immediate clarification and understanding concepts and expressions of personal and mental. Mental

Graphs: Flow-chart
  • mental maps Concept maps
The flow chart

The flow chart or flow charts are diagrams that help to represent algorithms. For
algorithms means sequences of actions and choices available to resolve problems.
As already explained in previous post , the ability to solve a problem is comparable if not equivalent to the capacity to manage stress is also significant. But
deepen the plot in question.

There are 5 basic blocks graphs:
  • Start: Start the process

  • End: End of the

  • Elaborate : Crash processing

  • I / O : Blocking of acquisition or explanation of information also known as Input / Output

  • If : Crash test yes / no, true / false

An example would be:

that simply describes the situation when the morning alarm sounds and you have to figure out if getting out of bed or not ....

year with the flow chart

An exercise where you can join the meditation and the flow chart could be among many the following:
  1. Take a nice piece of paper and a pen that writes well
  2. Relax and started to think about a time you found a solution to a problem
  3. Start writing on the paper block Write Start
  4. one after the other steps that have led to the solution of the problem using the blocks Process, I / O, IF
  5. When you feel that the entire settlement system has been described affix the block End

Now you have your first flow-chart, watch it, change anything? Describes exactly what you have done to resolve the situation?
If not, highlight in red the part that does not suit you, try to grab another piece of paper and start re-thinking, and relaxing, focusing carefully on the part that you think should be better represented.

this exercise could be represented in this manner with the flow-chart:

Mind maps
The mental maps are representations of knowledge designed by Tony Buzan since the '60s and '70s

Mind maps, if done right are self-explanatory
(download the map with save as, and analyze well)

year with mind maps:

  1. Focus on a topic related to themselves
  2. Describe it using a mental map in the map
  3. find the weak points and strong ones
  4. How to remedy the weaknesses and exploit those strong?
  5. Write it as part of the map

It is easier to improve it, or not?

Concept maps

in concept maps:

  • The map is developed from an initial concept, not rooted in it
  • The logic of connectionist realization is
  • The relationships between nodes are directed and must be explained by such verbs and connectives.
  • The relationship between two concepts is a proposition.
  • L 'with the map has a structure of meaning that is given to concepts, relations, propositions.
  • If the reports are not explained the map has no meaning.

year with concept maps
  1. Take the mind map you've previously built
  2. Try to consider all nodes as concepts
  3. find possible relationships between these concepts
  4. Eliminate those concepts that seem redundant and / or unnecessary
  5. Try to extend the concept map trying to explain specifically how to remedy the weaknesses and exploit those strong
you just thought in great depth on how to improve! It was
so hard? "I do not think ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Family Guy Online Ipod

display: the technique of children and genes

After the previous post on the breath I take this time to consider another useful tool that is the "view". This post
I have divided into parts trying to create a sufficiently complete details of this technique to begin to understand it.

A little 'history:
This ability seems to have been to past greats such as Leonardo, Michelangelo, and more recently Einstein and Von Neumann .
West until a few years ago was an innate capacity of a few, who either were burned at the stake (eg Giordano Bruno ) or became famous inventors or artists, but today is almost a mandatory feature for all those they have to do with any creation, by building a wall, designing the space shuttle.

In Eastern world, especially in China and Japan but also in the countries of South Asia, is a skill that was taught the martial arts, engineering, medicine, meditation, and even the war (eg Sun Tzu). In

South American World there were drugs and substances that induced altered states of consciousness, which combined with the visualization capabilities of the shamans, causing " shifts reality "..... that in a scientific manner " hallucinations " .... that in a shamanic " passage to other worlds or other levels of consciousness "....
Many of these substances are present today in psychotropic drugs and some illegal drugs ...

A bit 'of science:

psychiatry The studies to date with the display means of inspection brain To understand which brain areas are activated in the store, the inventiveness and creation.
doing so discovered that some people who suffer from some type of autism, by displaying exactly what surrounds them, they manage to have an extremely high IQ, such people are called "savant" or "wise fools" .

The psychology of the '60s and '70s first studied the effects of psychotropic substances used by South American shamans, then in the 80s and 90s you studied the display without using these substances reaching the same conclusions of Eastern philosophy: to achieve greater creativity is "sufficient" exercise, exercise, exercise
He begins to teach the astronauts to display within the sport and ultimately the politicians, and then disseminate technical "easy" for us poor mortals.

Let's start from the premise that the display is the ability to rebuild and / or build an image in my mind visually and / or a series of images (movies).
In practice this skill is how to exploit the brain like a television or a computer with a CAD system .
It is based on the ability of the brain to store visual data (images) and then reconstruct them in mind, then changing the characteristics (eg color, shape, etc.).
Like any ability, it is more or less innate, much used by children to imagine and dream, but then, if not coached, is forgotten.

Some drugs can alter this capacity, also states of depression, anxiety, chronic levels or not, may induce a state of incapacity in the view.
As I have gathered so far we do not recommend the practice to those under medication with psychotropic drugs (Psycholeptics, Psicoanalettici, Psicodislettici), or those suffering from epilepsy.
Today I met some medical specialists in epilepsy care, which had to take care of limiting the prescription of drugs, which have taught specific visualization techniques to their patients, obtaining interesting results, academia expect the corresponding checks and credits. What is

The display is very useful in creativity and in predicting the consequences of planned actions. By viewing
we have a system simulation using anything a computer up to date: our minds!
By view, you can understand and meditate on the concepts of action and reaction, he is reclassified within that complex system called the environment.
The display allows us to finally become aware of our body and its movement, improving our athletic performance and / or sports.
The display allows us to anticipate situations and be able to make choices prior to fornt repetitive problems lowering our stress levels .

exercises to train in view, you have to do a few years, maybe every day.

Exercise 1:
Look around, find a specific object (usually starts with a small and simple object), observe it, study it, then close your eyes and try to reconstruct the image of the object, there are details that you miss? Well!
Open your eyes and studied the object reconstructed yet, look for details that were lacking, study, then close your eyes and try to complete the image of the object.
If you are still not satisfied, repeat the process of study, analysis and mental reconstruction.
Eventually you will have your object in mind.
Exercise 2:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then you start thinking of places to observe different, then moving, and try to make it move in a fun, friendly or in any other way.
Exercise 3:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then start thinking about changing the color, size, number of sides, or other feature, we succeeded? if you are ok, if not, no problem, quite a breath and calmly try again
Exercise 4:
Rebuild a specific object in mind and real, then started to think about changing some features (color, shape) and observe it in different positions while moving through space

Final Comments: Did you succeed in
these exercises? What took you? There is easy?
Now a little 'time to try more complex objects, then tested with sets of objects, and then you will have regained the ability to imagine entire worlds, more or less complex objects, etc.. As well as you did as children.
Just as you exercise with the display image being displayed can be done with sounds, music, smells, tastes, physical sensations (touch, heat, etc.).. It is said that Beethoven
because of his deafness he could compose music in his mind .... This process is called "Auditory Display."
Because the senses are 5, 5 are the types of display:
Sense -> Display Type
View -> Display visual
hearing -> hearing
Touch Display ->
Olftatto tactile display -> display olfactory
Gusto -> For those who view gustatory
at the same time can make all the views and 5 for the same object is also called total display .
This view is a skill that can be very close to the many greats of the past as well as having almost unlimited creative abilities.

This is all for now,
Good exercise!