Saturday, July 25, 2009

Real-time Labor Guide

A little 'history ...

Below the letter public, registered at the time, in response to the order of the Mayor to become incompatible with the vote New City Urban Planning. I should point out that I and my colleagues of the opposition now we have not yet seen the draft. This attitude tends to hide a weapon that has allowed this team to win back the elections and to finally have the Planning weaver than twenty years of government and business to Ameglia. This is not enough we take into account that those who PUC implemented this worked closely with the designers of Marinella SpA which also have the most benefit from it.

What autonomy and independence which? Boh!

Ameglia, March 14 '09

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc to town clerk, the municipal councilors

Subject: taking stock of vs prot. 3299.

take note of the note sent to me by the Mayor on yesterday to invite him to reflect on what he wrote from the point of view even before the political and institutional decisions that will take on. Mr. Mayor has no power to remove any Director from the discussion and approval of the City Urban Planning, much less by using the self-reporting of cases of incompatibility. According to the interpretation of law made by the mayor or those who have so badly advised, a Councillor is incompatible if his relatives up to the 4th Estate have property in the municipality. This assumption automatically excludes anyone who dresses in Ameglia. I remind the Mayor that the Court has no legal force in our system and therefore the statement is asking violates the principle delegates elected to a constitutional republic, which provides that each Director has the electoral mandate to exercise choices and functions on behalf of those who elected him. Prevent the basis of judicial interpretation, the discussion and approval of the PUC to the City Council is an unconstitutional act serious. Even more serious if you think that this plan has been drawn up following the instructions of the Mayor, present and former, Planning and the Councillor who held this position for 15 years, for which we infer has not occurred any condition of incompatibility all this time! I think that disconcerting think that a single director may have a position of incompatibility approval of the PUC (during the deliberation), and grants to establish the administration's entire plan can then be put to a possible regional commissioner for the experienced and intelligent as it could never understand any interest that led to realization.

I strongly ask that the City Council will meet in Ameglia Assembly for approval by the PUC and that the incompatibility of the Directors and to decide the validity of any vote is an administrative court and not the Mayor.


Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

City Council

Monday, July 20, 2009

What Percent Of Ballerinas Go On To A Ballet

An explosive article on the situation of ACAM

THE JOURNAL 20/07/2009 - SCANDAL TO SPICE sent me the Democratic Party: a company takes 21 relatives

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Where To Buy Xanax In Cancun

Ameglia Tell

Ameglia, July 18, 2009

act. Director of the monthly municipal

"Ameglia Informa"

Dr. Sandro Fascinelli

Subject: End of collaboration with "Ameglia inform"

During the City Council of 16 July has been approved, despite the comments and complaints of the opposition, a new regulation for the management the monthly "Ameglia Tell." This act of regulation of the monthly was imposed by authoritarian and one choice of the Left who prepared the control, without consulting the Commission Board, and without the contribution of the opposition. The resolution which approved 46% of amegliesi who reject this way of governing the country until a representative of "culture" (which does not even understand what it means) and denies representation to the elected councilors. In contrast, the Director will be appointed by the Mayor, along with a representative of the Executive Editor, one of the majority, a school and a "culture" of the left. Creating a 5 to 1 ratio you want to humiliate the opposition and formalize a climate of control and limitation of freedom of the press, I do not accept and deny any future political communication through this month. Also distrust the Mayor to appoint anyone in the editorial in our representation.

Sorry to leave without the amegliesi free information, but our work will continue on the internet and we promise the birth of one of our monthly information.

A warm greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri, a spokesman for PDL - Ameglia

Dr. James Giampedrone Raul, head PDL - Ameglia

With publication prayer .

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Images Of The Effects Of Smoking

Situation beaches

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, July 13, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc

Councillor for Environment

Subject: the urgent.

With the advance of the summer season we are going to get to the days when our lives the most territory of the influx of people concentrated in some areas, beaches, cliffs and walks. Much of the tourist attractions Ameglia is supported by private hospitals in which they are applying strict rules to protect bathers' (in the case of beaches) and services (in the case of garaging). But we must note the total lack of care for people who choose to spend a few hours on the cliffs of Fiumaretta and Bocca di Magra and especially to swimmers of Punta Corvo and Punta Bianca.

We urge the Mayor such measures to protect tourists visiting these places, the most famous face from the press, have been implemented and how it plans to ensure safety at sea who has decided to go to "swim" in Punta Corvo or among the rocks of Punta Bianca.

We also ask that, given the danger of the cliffs Fiumaretta and Bocca di Magra, is likewise forbidden to bathe, is also prohibited to prevent access to the City to be responsible for any accidents.

We Alderman Environment Strategy which is developing together with the active collaboration of the Park of Monte Marcello to secure and controlled the use of the beaches that have access through the woodland paths.

We propose, in addition to any steps already taken by the Administration, set up assistance to bathers on the beach Punta Corvo, with a boat motor and appropriate staff in case of emergency to ensure a timely rescue in that stretch of coast.

I welcome the opportunity to put a friendly greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Which Is Better Celeteque Or Neutrogena


How To Recover Brain From Marijuana

The Levees, every man for himself

I Want My Bathroom In A Spa

.. The most beautiful village full of rumenta

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on Herbicide banks of the river ... Welcome

Masquerade Ball Wedding

What Stores Return Without Reciept

Sunday, July 12, 2009, ride in the park.

Welcome to Park ...

A business card is not bad at River Park, a sign attached to a table that indicates you're in the park and you'll have to have special precautions, the City will intimate the ban on swimming because the waters of the river is polluted and dangerous. The marsh is behind rather what remains of tanks used for drying the mud of the river used to form the first part of the banks ...

But here's how the levees are maintained old, are the main way of salvation and rescue in case of flood, impractical

cleaning and maintenance of roadsides is carefully hand made only where it passes the greatest number of people, and especially to get to Bocca di Magra, natural stage of summer events.

But beware, these photos are of the crossing with Via Via Persio Pisanello.

cleaning is not carried out with the usual accuracy everywhere, in places where it is inconvenient to go with the trimmer, weed control is preferred!

And the park allows you to use the herbicide, I think the gallon, on the banks of the canals and river ?!?!?!?!?!

But the park is not only rivers but also hill ...

Just past the village of Ameglia you enter the hilly part of the park and this is what you see ... an eco-exhibition celebrates the circus carnival (which organizes the administration when he feels like it). This is the famous "Omo ar Bozo" that today has found an ideal location on land donated to the City and this is the example of land care and stewardship. In Rio de Janeiro have sambodromo, Ameglia ... the BOZODROMO.

The only alert is of concern because the visitor is in the hunting area, but the stage is not the access of prohibited people can easily get into a danger zone, where the structure of ferrotubi rusty takes on the rough plank left there for over a year and a half, a waste of money and a wound environment, yet another.

leaving the bozodromo and continuing the walk but you get the most beautiful villages in Italy.

And the worst view! All it needed was a Sunday in July to fill rumenta, but I mean, knowing that there are many tourists and two restaurants, the City can not make a withdrawal of the garbage on Sunday? Or maybe it is good to remove only the bins that annoy the day before elections?

down from Montemarcello we can not go in Via Santa Croce, where he made the history of our country, here Dante Alighieri found hospitality in the monks on the run by her stepmother Florence, now you find shelter in open spaces between briars couples in search of intimacy and the swimmers who do not want to pay for parking ... Bocca di Magra.

See you next Sunday outing.

Friday, July 10, 2009

How To Remove Purple Pvc Primer From Vinyl Floor

Question submitted on July 9 '09

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, July 8, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc

Councillor Budget,

Dr. Alessandro Ardizzone

Subject: Questions for written answer.

the occasion of the inauguration speech and the opening of the new mandate at the last City Council, Mr. Mayor hinted at a substantial financial contribution from the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, addressed to the restoration the roof of the ancient Castrum Ameglia. Since I committed myself to be in misunderstanding, I would like to know who actually will pay the contribution if MPS or other related company and would like to have a copy of the request for the contribution that the City of Ameglia conducted at the institution which has pledged funding.

I also ask to have a detailed report of contributions over the last five years from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Marinella by the Company and the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, in what capacity these contributions have been paid and to whom and how have been applied for.

I welcome the opportunity to put a friendly greeting.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vsi Controller Unlock Procedure

Article XIX Century

A link to the site
where you can read the article published on July 6, 2009 Secolo XIX about
Ameglia of parking Downtown.

Friday, July 3, 2009

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Question to the Mayor of the July 3, 2009

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, July 3, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

E pc

President of the Municipal Council

Subject: A question on the possibility of communal society "Ameglia Travel Services Ltd" to operate outside the municipal area.

In recent days I have personally found that some workers of the communal society "Ameglia Travel Services Ltd" were doing jobs cutting grass and cleaning the roadsides outside the territory of the Municipality of Ameglia in particular it was the cleaning of a section of SS 432 in the vicinity of Cemetery Romito Magra in the City of Arcola. This activity would seem contrary to the new company statute passed by the previous City Council that following the provisions of the Act prohibits the company to carry out any kind outside the territory of the Municipality of Ameglia and, again in the statute, it was confirmed that the sole buyer of the company were to be the municipality itself.

Accordingly wonder why the Mayor explain on what basis is based the legality of such activities took place outside town in recent days and if the stubborn continuation of such conduct sanctioned also by the Guarantor of the market and competition is not likely to expose the Company to unnecessary risk of fines and penalties if it had acted in opposition to the statutes and provisions of law.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri