Thursday, July 17, 2008

Uverse Deleted My Shows

High oil prices ... there are alternatives, but none has the courage to apply them ... Microsoft Windows VISTA

These days there is much talk of the emergency oil, which is increasing more and more its price per barrel and now it is understood that many of these increases are only due to speculation ...
The news only talk at this emergency but not a lot of alternatives, but if one looks for, especially on the internet can find.

turning a bit about I came across some very interesting video ...
Celebrities who have studied and applied the theories of perpetual motion and magnetic motor built and inventions that could revolutionize the world transport.
Now ... technical specifications to understand how it works and how do we apply them I have not found yet but I will try in the coming days, so I understand a little bit, but it is stunning how these people who have built these engines, it 's have done and it works.

If any car manufacturer would have the courage to invest in these inventions may finally freed from dependence on oil as a fuel for locomotion do not say ... that has to build a new model for promoting this alternative, but if already in range of some model then makes an engine like that ....
if you think that happened on FIAT 500 Adding a version with this technology, the explosion would still more than what he is doing and I think otterebbe great results ... for two simple reasons:
  1. this obviously the car market was due to the expensive fuel and the crisis in all sectors that are generating
  2. One such proposal if done well could be the real alternative to dependence on oil.
I realize that the introduction of such technology would lead to a contortion lethal for the oil industry and the world balance, but if there moves with your feet you can get something right, because even going on at this rate will get worse, as the oil is not infinite and will be increasingly difficult and expensive to extract it.

So I turn to Marchionne, who has been a successful manager for the Fiat group, this might be an opportunity to revive the great group from the point of view of technological innovation that could bring great results.

But this is just my simple opinion ....


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