Saturday, October 30, 2010


A bit 'of my story .....

Although a highly technical and pragmatic training (IT, electronics and telecommunications), in my life I have always been interested in issues of "non-sensitive" as a philosophy, theology, and everything about the human being in his spirituality as well as in his behavior.

In my life I had the misfortune to meet the poor in spirit, self-styled "masters" more interested in client portfolios that disclosure a thought, a way of life and existence, good in words but in fact did the exact opposite of what they preached ....

On the other hand I also had the great fortune to have met even real masters, that by being humble in their approach and pragmatic in their behavior, I was taught that sobriety in dealing with issues of "non-sensitive" is very close to that thin and fascinating philosophy comes from deep within Japan, the Zen in the west and insulted so much that today, in a society in deep crisis of existence, seems to be the only thing that coveted call happiness.

Eventually I learned one thing: that those who call themselves teachers, clowns are often swollen with pride, incapable of any self-criticism, convinced that they have one or more truth to which all must submit unless they are convinced that those who criticize the their ideas is a 'loser', often accuse the mote in others, without realizing that they beam stuck in that place where the sun beats.

that deals with issues of "non-sensitive" science is often accused of shortsightedness, not realizing that in fact comes simply from science epistemology and theory of knowledge from which also all philosophies more or less "new- age "in this crazy West born, run or pass.

Science then is not the enemy of the concepts of "non-sensitive", in contrast, science seeks only to streamline and minimize the problems that you incur in the analysis encountering, understanding, and the reproducibility of those practices that until a few years ago were considered frivolous, such as acupuncture, a practice that is now being experienced as pain management in hospitals by technology and most advanced in the world (in Italy), and whose effects are only now beginning to be classified and analyzed by the method of medical science.

I deal with a lot of meditation and I talk about this practice as esoteric ..... consideration was ever farther from the truth!
Meditation is a practice already in ranked matches in both the psychiatric and psychological, its effects on the body and mind are now included in the scientific manuals, and even in some therapies is recommended to improve disease or even for cases where drugs here such as morphine and opiates in general are no longer effect, or may not be used.

While I have always dealt with the philosophies that have considered the meditation, the other I started from a little 'time to take care of the sciences (psychology, psychiatry, and education) who dedicated themselves to identify this practice and the scientific basis of the potential, even as well as improving its effectiveness.

At various meditation classes that I had to attend, I have often been faced with would-be masters, nor from a philosophical perspective, whether from a scientific perspective were minimally prepared .... not to mention their ability to teach this practice ...

Rare times I have finished the courses, as they tend to come to regard at least part of .... 's only one way I finished was to Usui Reiki, and to my knowledge on the practice of Taoist meditation, I learned more observation and disquisition with old Chinese wine offering in return, not by hired masters Western or Westernized.

If someone asked me if I am a Catholic, the answer is no, if you ask me if I am a Christian I believe that the answer is more important for what Jesus said and did, not who was the son ..... the "recommendations" I prefer not to believe .....
certainly believe in the existence of something higher, to give it a name in the disquisition may be useful, certainly not in the faith .....
the end, the matrix of philosophical Taoism is probably what comes closest to my view of that entity nominalized in the West by the name God

The funny thing is that I have recently read that the first Jesuits (ivicompreso Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610) arrived in China and Japan, wrote to the Pope describes as a people who had never known Jesus had arrived at the theological level very close to the West, and that the moral and ethical measures were so similar that identified in the name of the mythical Fu Xi (one of the founders of the Taoist philosophy) as Noah, or at least his son, identified in Taoism a religion tied hand in glove with the Abrahamic religion .... funny .... Today we know that is not true .... but it says a lot .......

back to meditation Many people ask me which school is the best ..... here I smile ..... meditation is like the kitchen .... each country has its own, each person has his own secret to making a good meal .... certainly does not exist in the East, Middle East, or schools of pure meditation, meditation in these places is like oil, there is functional but everywhere else, and is widely used in Eastern martial arts, in Middle East Sufi Islam in the line to reach Allah ..... The paradox is that even Christians have their meditation ... and is called "prayer ".........

said conclude by saying: you learn one way and then personalizzatevelo according to what you have learned ......