Saturday, November 21, 2009

Commercial Orange Juice Machines

Dredging of the River

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, November 21, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor, and PC

Ass Budget

Subject: A question about the disappearance of the contribution to the earthquake victims.

view of the newspaper article set forth below, and never denied by Mr. Mayor:

Il Secolo XIX - 08/02/2009 - page. 28

The municipal administration Ameglia concertto with the combination of Bocca di Magra, the circle Fiumaretta boatmen, the association Porto San Maurizio, Living Fiumaretta, Ameglia Civil Protection Team, the Red Cross and fire brigade Fiumaretta Ameglia decided to abandon the traditional manifestation of fireworks, every year at the end of August, greeted the return home of tourists who had stayed in the village. Proceeds from the festivities to be held on both sides of the river, in Bocca di Magra and Fiumaretta, together with the contribution that the City of Ameglia usually intended to finance the fireworks will be used to buy half of civil protection as a gift to the City of Tione degli Abruzzi, a country hard hit by the fatal earthquake of April last year in which they have operasto from the first hours following the earthquake volunteers break. The local civil protection teams carried out the first operations in the country of Tione immediately after the tragedy, establishing with the residents and the administration of a collaboration place and even more a strong feeling of friendship. The mayor, Umberto Galazzo, expressed satisfaction with the Celtic, the City Council unanimously agreed that it was activated to achieve the goal.

seems clear that the Administration was the justification for using a questionable commendable initiative but also the abandonment of the fireworks, now we discover that it is not. The Mayor told the press: " money used for the fires were a thing (there is a resolution of the junta), the funds collected for Tione, have nothing to do with the number" . The People of Freedom from the beginning had reported a serious incident as the waiver of the fireworks. Now we discover that the mayor lied on the target figure. Accordingly

Mayor wonder about the reason that prevented the City of Ameglia promise to make the donation to earthquake victims this summer and wonder if the Alderman for the Budget friendly summer event is not actually served to mask the dramatic shortcomings of the municipal budget because the question is what to August in reality there were no money to pay for the event.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri

Using Two Hvl-f58am Flashes

Group Board "People of Freedom"

Ameglia, November 21, 2009

act. Mr. Mayor

Subject: A question on study of the new municipal organization and hiring plans.

In recent days, the Mayor held a meeting to inform the municipal employees of the opportunity to make new hires, as well as some changes to duty of employees from one office to another. As it appeared in recent years and especially in the years preceding the council a clear failure of management personnel, to which are added competitions for the new employment which is highly reminiscent of the competitions Italian universities who do we have a total distrust of the Administration of the work in this area.

That said, wonder why the Mayor of the City Council Meeting also explain what are its intentions with regard to personnel management, and figures such as technical and / or administrative action will be willing to take if there was a possibility.

Dr. Andrea De Ranieri