Saturday, October 6, 2007

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uncontrolled spread of small trees and weeds on the banks of the bank.

embankment of Piave in Ponte di Piave

October 2007

  • - a "good grass" has the ' important function of consolidate the banks of the bank master place in defense of the Piave River, favoring the leaching of water and Metoro, in case of floods, contributing to the life of the structure itself.
  • - interventions cut late or poorly spaced in time , encourage rot from excessive accumulations of grass and jeopardize the steady expansion and consolidation of the strains grassy favoring erosion side of the embankment.
  • - at the end of October, the grass has long since reached an overdevelopment, gave space to the variety and weeds in many points to the development of alien trees.
  • - in many parts of the bank in question is a good compromise view for those who transit, particularly at intersections such as the slope of the cemetery where the view appears to be completely blocked for some time.
  • - contracts of maintenance of public parks, for our City, have always been provided for two cuts of grass along the slopes of the bank master.
  • - always the first operation was performed cutting in the first days of June , because it was considered the best time to observe the life cycle of the grass and not less to get economies in procuring works.
  • - today, October 25, 2007, addressed to the floodplain waterfront has never been done mowing , only one intervention on the top edge of an embankment and turned on the shore outside the country, after several informal requests for assistance from nationals addressed to whom it may concern.
  • - is an area of \u200b\u200bparticular environmental value, the bank is a natural path taken regularly by runners and citizens to walk and stretch regularly used by hikers as a jogging path that connects the historic 'Austria to Venice.
  • - neglect has fostered proliferate and spread of invasive seeds such as sorghum, now matured, with significant agricultural and environmental damage to the environment for subsequent use of selective herbicides.
  • - the lack of regular cuts, promotes the practice of burning dried herbs by the riparian and transhumance along the riverside banks, causing further deterioration of the banks.
  • - the embankment is be, critical in case of flood, the fundamental and only bulwark to flooding that would be of interest not only to the town of Ponte di Piave. Therefore, deserves the highest attention to its maintenance by the competent bodies in order to mitigate the possible risk plumber.

It is therefore considered unjustifiable disengagement, to date showed, for a regular and careful maintenance of the building.

state of abandonment in which the embankment towards the top: the abundant natural vegetation to prevent the exposure time to those who face the intersection.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

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a special waste: THE MUD

BRIDGE bagpipes:
near the Botanical Gardens

A fact "unfortunate" that is repeated far too long.
uncontrolled and prolonged release of silt, with their subsequent settling along the rocky shores, causing the algae to proliferate, reducing the purity of the waters of PIAVE own in the months of low and clearly deforms the landscape river.